First game is dark

>first game is dark
>second game is more lighthearted
>it's better

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>best manga of all time gets the worst adaptation
I still cry

Not just one bad adaptation either. Berserk really just can't win seemingly.

I'll defend the 97 version. Aged animation and abrupt cliffhanger ending and all.

this, it nailed the atmosphere, with that Hirasawa OST

and the OP song actually grows on you

The original animation was fine, the retuned animation was bishonen bullshit and the 3D, holy shit the 3D...

New chapter wheeeeeeeeeeennnnnnnnnnnnn?!

i find berserk so easy to adapt, yet everyone failed to do so even in games

Best atmosphere out of any adaptation. The movies are ok but it doesn't feel like Berserk half the time.

>the adaptations are supposed to be a metaphorical 4th wall breaking experience for fans to suffer as much as Guts and the direction the series is going with moeshit and constant hiatus is supposed to be Miura siding with his ambitions and sacrificing his loyal fans like Griff to be make the experience of Guts = readers more powerful along with Miura being a Chirst like figure while being God of Berserk and raping it's Holy Spirit like Griff does to Casca to make the abomination of Demon Child that is nu-Berserk

it's the best adaptation of berserk without a doubt

You know, I really can't think of many sequels that were actually more lighthearted than their predecessor, let alone many that actually improved because of it.

FFIX I guess, stepping away from a bit of the stoic angst of some of the previous games but still telling a bittersweet story through a cast of charming and colorful characters.

Berserk 2016 is what got me into Berserk. I'm caught up on the manga now.
I know it's not the best, but it'll always have a special place in my heart.

When I was 16 I calculated with a friend that it would probably won't be over before we were 30... I'm almost 26 now, and no sign of an ending...

It's because they always treat the characters as the start of the show, but the scenery has always been the high point of the show. That's why in any adaptation the segments with scenery shots and little dialogue are the best.

It said "Winter", so either December or early next year.


>JRPG medieval fantasy game
>It's just rehashed berserk setting

Or February 28th.

That's early next year, user.

Berserk is trash, dont see the appeal.


read more Manga

What is Shadow Hearts?

Name 3 games that did this

Nier 1 told an emotional story with a bit more dry humor and lighter moments than the storytelling of its predecessor Drakengard.

But I guess saying that it's more lighthearted than Drakengard 1 isn't saying much.

what ruins it is the fucking cgi and the sound effects that are shit, the standard anime scenes show how good it would've been if it hasn't fucking cgi


what ruins it is the fucking cgi and the sound effects that are shit, the standard anime scenes show how good it would've been if it hasn't fucking cgi

this honestly, it's never been good.

For me, the appeal of Berserk is its characters. You get to watch them evolve and change throughout the years.
The art is also the best in the manga industry, without a doubt. The lore and mythos is deep enough for the fans to theorize about and enjoy, while simple enough for newcomers to digest.

I suppose it's not for everyone, though.

It makes too much sense to be fiction

I still miss him

I have a lot of complaints about the new series, but I'd be lying if I said that seeing Guts's cliff-side fight with Serpico finally animated after all these years wasn't a guilty pleasure.

lol kill yourself with your shit taste

Vagabond has superior art.

The Citadel DLC being substituted as ME3's real epilogue.

I think the sound effects are great. They're meaty and cruchy, but that's just me. I remember the director of the new anime saying he owned the entire manga. It's sad, honestly; the music, sound design, voice actors, heart, accuracy to the manga (after the first episode) and everything about it is great... except for the animation. If it would've had a good budget, it could've been one of the best anime of all time.

The art in the series is the whole reason I love it. The character development is just something I'm along for the ride on, but I love the art. Especially the scenes that are so detailed they look like woodcuts.

My only issue with the old adaption is that skips a lot of things plus they used too many still images for action sequences. Other than that it did well with things like the atmosphere, sound design, voice acting (both original and dub) and of course a nice soundtrack.

I still miss him.

I want another ensemble cast like FFIX's so damn bad.

it is good, one of the greatest mangas actually, the problem is that after the golden age everything becomes very standard and normal, with the crew adventure type of thing, it would've been better if it was just guts and puck, i'm not saying i don't like the others characters, i really like them and potato girl has a place in my heart, but the manga doesn't feel the same

he was a nice motherfucker

Vagabond art is gorgeous, but it's a different style than Bersrek. It's more realistic; Berserk is drawn to look like those classical medieval etchings. That's why it uses cross-hatching, and there's generally less usage of total "black" in Berserk art. Shadows are drawn with lines hatched over eachother instead of darker shades of color.

Vagabond's is very detailed and gorgeous, but Berserk art just feels more grounded and "alive" to me.

I agree about post golden-age stuff, I thought Farnese and Serpico were actually pretty good characters at first when they were still fucked up people, before Farnese became "muh Casca, also I know magic now" and Serpico faded almost entirely into the background

Isidro is god-awful though and consistently brings the whole thing down

My only complaint is the comic relief half of the group. Outside of the elves being med-kits, Puck, Isidro, the other elf, and Manifico haven't done anything relevant in over a decade, and don't have much of a fleshed out relationship with anyone anymore outside of eating up pages of screentime to make another joke.

This, Miura's pictorals are like wood etchings from Dore or Albrecht.

Is this loss

I guess Lisa the Painful improved in technically being a more lighthearted game than Lisa the First.


whoa, it is. Nature is funny like that.

>best manga of all time

Have you read the newer chapters? The anime emulates the amount of effort put into the current manga just fine.