ITT post the moment a franchise was ruined

ITT post the moment a franchise was ruined


My sister has nice big tits like Camilia not to mention she's a lesbian,

One time when she was sick she spit a lot in a gatorade and filled up a lot of it, so I drank some of it and licked up the snotty booger parts.

Later on I would warm up the gatorade bottle full of her spit on the kettle ontop of the woodstove, because my mom would always leave a kettle of water on the woodstove for humidity.

When it was a bit warm I would fuck the shit out of it. God damn I never orgasmed like that again.

Shit was so cash.




when Shozo Kaga left


I'll kill you for slandering my sisterwife.

Also, Awakening was the death rattle for "classic" FE games instead of waifubaito.

Post moar

Is it normal to stare at your sisters big ass irl?

My sister is older than me and used to play basketball and other sports sometimes, so she was stronger than me for awhile until I ended up growing up and getting, stronger and bigger.

But I remember when she used to sit on my face when I was younger or fart in my face I still jerk off to those memories.

She was always an alpha bitch as well and was always over protective of me and made me do what she said and bought me video game consoles all the time. Pretty sure that's why I'm submissive to her and her girlfriend and do buy/whatever they say.

>people unironically fell for the obvious waifubait character

Ironic weebs are more populous than real weebs now.

But that's not Roy.


Camilla is best waif.

Why is she so beautiful?

t. wotlk babby

I envy your life, user


The beginning of the Taka era.

rip in ass, nier

Fates is otome emblem.

Nail in the coffin

>sex appeal is bad

t. Cata babby


Awakening at least had some semblance of direction, even if it was a complete mess of a game. Fates is cheap pandering for people that don't even like FE, pure and simple.

>Defending Awakening
Its shit as well just like all of nu-emblem.