Which one was better?
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Battlefield 2
Bad company 2
4 post patches>3 post patches>3 launch>dog shit>4 launch
BF4 lauch is the only reason I don't buy EA games anymore. They fixed BF4 eventually but it was way too late.
3 had better maps, 3.1 had better everything else
4.campaign and MP both. though 3 comes close on MP side, 3's campaign was shit. 4's was formulaic and the gameplay was bland, but at least had a high density of breathtaking action movie style moments that made it worth playing.
They ported all the good maps to BF4 in a map pack so thats not even a point anymore. BF4 vanilla Maps are straight ass cheeks though holy shit.
I at least liked the fact that BF4 didn't have the stupid filter on it nearly as bad and had some actual colour to the world.
>which godawful game was better
Who gives a shit?
3 had a better campaign
3 because the planes were broken and I'd go 100-0 every other match
I wasn't talking about Metro, and they didn't even port the whole map.
Seriously some of the later XBOX HUGE CONQEST maps would have been good if the jets weren't gods in BF3.
>They fixed BF4 eventually but it was way too late.
this. by the end the game was really polished but was already dead in australia
Caspian Border and Firestorm nigga.
but those maps aren't that great for the only game mode worth playing, rush
BF3/BC2 are straight up better games for rush. BF4 maps were designed for 48/64 player conquest and it shows.
post patch BF4 is honestly really good
yeah, especially BF2's urban maps
Too bad the game is barely alive on PC and consoles since EA was too late to save it before they launched BF1. Never buying a DICE game at launch again after BF4.
>the game is barely alive on PC
it peaks at around 15,000 players daily, whenever I do play it's mainly on Operation Metro and there's always servers for that.
I had way more fun with BF3. Think the unlock system was based on points rather than kills like in BF4 which made conquest way more appealing.
there's still several dozen or so east coast servers up. unfortunately they're almost all conquest 64
bf3 is the cancer that started metro. how in the fuck is that even good
>still 30 bucks
>supporting ea now that they have plans to add more monetization shit now eabf2 is set in stone
fuck is bc2 still alive in south east asia
You can get BF4 + premium on cdkey sites for dirt cheap nowadays. Hell BF4 was free with most of the DLC basically free a couple months ago.
Any site you recommend besides g2a?
BF4 rush is garbage so BF3 wins this one
If conquest 64 is all you want like me there's never any problem finding a game.
But the BC games are shit. The only people who like them are the people who got into the series with BC1
The one that doesn't have guns blocking 1/3rd of the screen
Oh wait
Then tell me, user, what other games offer a satisfying building destruction mechanic other than the red faction games?
bf3 was better by far
mediocre in comparision but still better than bf4 and then bf1
literal evolution of the trash can
rip in pepperonis bc2 and glorious bf3 blue filter
BC2 really was the best.
>best sound design
>best destruction
>best gameplay
snipers were OP though fuck snipers
>Battlefield 4's campaign starts you off fighting "russian soldiers"
>Even though they have the fucking russian soldier models in multiplayer they don't bother using them for the campaign and instead have you fighting chinese soldiers with russian voice acting
BF3 had these; one of the funnest MP additions in any shooter ever.
So yeah.
Also conquest maps were more fun in BF3. And say what you want, Metro will go down as a modern classic.
>mfw at the end of BF4 campaign you can't choose to do a heroic sacrifice but rather let either of your teammates let them kill themselves.
3 had a pretty cool co-op campaign though
4 was better by far in every way.
For the love of god why didn't they make a bot mode or at fucking least even port the horde mode for bc2 in pc?
>le metro is bad
fuck off, it was the most intense map on battlefield 3, not counting karkand.
>liking the linear grindfest of a map
>meatgrinders are intense! wow!
BF4 is the best modern BF title by a huge margin.
The only issue it had after patches was basically some less than stellar maps and homogenized classes due to the weapon selection.
If we had the gunplay and customization of BF4 with the unique class restricted weapons and specialization gadgets and engine improvements of BF1 we'd have one hell of a game.
you can get it for cheap at any electronics store
So eh, is BF1 enough of a recurrent players 'failure' to return to the modern era the next installment?
>most intense map
>le meme reddit 'LOLL GAEM BAD' video
>dead in australia
Australia isn't relevant m8. The game is still doing well despite all the new games being released.
>15,000 players
Has anyone ever been confused by these kind of numbers? Like where the fuck are these people because when you go look for a server there is only a few thats full, maybe hardcore is just dead then?
I'd rather get Azadi Palace and Grand Bazaar
I tried playing 4 for first time this year, felt like I couldn't kill anyone. Get jump on person, shoot first, and stay on target yet I die in one hit. Seemed like this was a huge issue at start but I see people saying it was fixed. Is my connection just to shit for it, do they lie, or do I just quit shooters for good?
If you have any of these icons then its the game, if you don't then its you
3 had the better campaign
story: bf3
multi overall: bf4
maps/dlc: tie
I just wished they ported all bf3 maps to bf4
take it off origin
and don't change a thing
2142 and project reality. Fuck every battlefield game since BC2, rehashed trash.
Anyone who likes BF3 doesn't actually want skill and fun in their games.
>Blue filter everywhere
>Janky physics
>One sided, kinda badly designed maps
>Broken spawn points
seriously, 4 was better but not by much. And everytime you play a bf3 map in 4 it immediately shows how bad the maps were.
I liked suppression. Especially on hardcore servers.
M320 spam was fun too.
To be fair jamal and that girl are both shits
3 was better. No teamspeak in 4 was the dumbest idea. Having vehicles on the map instead of flying in out of nowhere. Being able to put any scope on any weapon. Better maps. The jet mission in 3 is better than 4's entire campaign where you're "in charge" as a silent protag. Co-op missions were great.
wtf I want to play a battlefield game now, sp campaign at least
I liked the no bullet drop so i could snipe with slugs
BC2 had bullet drop
Slugs didnt
BF3 is literally /ourgame/
bf1! bf4 and 3 got silly with the stupid gadgets. bf1 is such a breath of fresh air operations is great too
Still mad they never had dinosaur mode
Modern DICE are cunts.
BF1 sucks ass and operations suck ass too, putting 64 people on a 32 player map is retarded
Guns are lame and there's zero gadget variety
-suppression is a cool mechanic, adds something to the 'shoot when he's on the crosshair' mechanic; which makes the difference between an arena shooter and a war game
-ALL bf games have janky physics, even the newest one
-badly designed maps clearly correlate to the game modes you played
-and so do the spawn points. Both of those issues never came up in my 500 hours.
Bf4 has evolved into ZouZou AEK tryhards only, though SUAV and UCAV are still funneh. Overall I have more fun playing BF3, by far.
>correlating EA jewery with DICE
those swedes had no say in that, user
Mah man
That's pretty much the game. Seriously the net coding sucks ass. I see people twitching and flying all over on good ping severs.
Either that or they need to put ping limits on servers for people playing over seas.
More reason to end yourself at the end.
Itt: Console fags talking about nu-battlefield, "Le glorious bf3 xd" and "the based bc2 lmao"
>calling bc2 best BF game, when it is not even a real battlefield and killed the battlefield series with it retarded ideas.
good job
>They made all the good maps worse in BF4 in a map pack
Why haven't they ported the rush maps from bc2 to their other battlefield games?
Does BF3 have players on PC still?
Kinda wanna give it a shot
>Bad Company 1 campaign
>Bad Company is about a bunch of expendable reject idiots that are constantly sent on suicide missions
>Defect from the US Army
>Steal gold from mercenaries hired by Russians
>Also accidentally invade a neutral country
>They just want to steal the gold and retire somewhere nice
>Even multiplayer was just about capturing or defending crates of gold with your CO screaming at you for every crate of your's that got busted up
>Bad Company 2
>Forget all that shit
>They're now elite, loyal black ops soldiers given a mission to stop some WWII doomsday device from getting captured by the Russians
>game tries to be funny
>it is
Bad Company campaign was fucking great, easily one of the best console FPSs of all time.
couldn't tell, I was blinded by all the shitty effects
BC1 campaign was the funniest thing in vidya since forever.
BC2 campaign was lame af.
I didn't play 4 but I find difficult to believe as 3's campaign was garbage
>Mai Tais and luaus in Maui boys, we're rich
I really wish it had come to PC.
I actually watch the cutscenes from BF:BC from time to time, it's honest to good like watching an actual well-written comedy. This is the closest a game has come to being like a movie for me, not so much in the graphical category but it's written so well and so funny to the point where I'd honestly rather be in a timeline where Bad Company is just a straight up fun war comedy.