Dragonball Fighterz

Are you hyped for Zarbon to get revealed this week?

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Zarbon is great
I just don't like his monster form it's a very ugly version of third form frieza

Wow, those are even more boring than Nappa and Ginyu, but without even the possibility of fun gimmicks

That's such a "Wii Fit Trainer" kind of thing to do. Like, "here's a character nobody voted for, we added him as a joke because nobody asked for him ha ha"

Would really rather have gotten someone like General Blue or Pilaf mech if they wanted to go for that.

Those would take more effort.

I asked for Pilaf Mech though.

smug zarbon where?

I'm not against the idea of pilaf mech and think it'd be neat, but now's not the time to reveal obscure characters after we got Yamcha/Tenshinhan and Nappa/Ginyu in a row and games like Tekken getting Noctis and Injustice getting TMNT. I like the past two reveals btw, but I think now's the time to start throwing the heavy hitters. Also what are the chances of Arale getting in now since the whole guest thing is a trend in fighting games

>Been memeing lately about how we're going to get Zarbon
>It might actually fucking happen

Fuck Arcsys

Arale is canonically part of the DBZ world so she wouldn't really be a guest character technically. I wouldn't get your hopes up at all though.

Also to add on, I'm 100% certain that if they decided to add a Toriyama character that didn't originate in DBZ then it would probably be Jaco.



I'd be cool with Jaco desu. He'd be a better guest character than Satan. I just don't want stupid shit like Naruto as guests in this game.

Satan is a DB character though.

So wait these three are the reveals? Damn Daburafags and Super Buu fags are on suicide watch.

So the season pass characters are all going to be Super stuff like Hit, fused Zamasu, Beerus, Kale, etc. right?

I meant joke, kek. Typo.

If Beerus isn't in the base game I'm not buying it.

No? Why on earth would Beerus be dlc.

Do we know how many characters are left in the base game to be revealed?

I can't see any of those characters not making the final roster, though stuff like Kale/Caulifla/Kefla and Zamasu could easily be DLC rather than launch roster


also is it just me or is google translate saying you can unlock characters in the shop?

I hope this is the case. More of a reason to not buy the DLC.

>implying Zarbon and Raditz aren't next month's reveal

character colors.


RIP Daburafags, damn didn't even really want him but I know so many people are crushed by him not being in. His chances of getting in now plummeted since I doubt he'll be dlc.

Either way let's post some Chadhans.

Kefla when


I assume DLC will probably be Super and Movie characters.

Super, Movie and maybe GT*

I have a feeling SS4 Gogeta will be one of the DLC characters

no? there are still 2 months left and this month will be buu saga

>Two months left
There aren't that many characters left that they can add that would actually be deserving a roster spot
>believing leaks
Unless the last two months is shit like Zarbon and Raditz the DLC is basically all movie and super shit

>people actually believe this

Oh shit guys.
It seems to be Regular Gotenks, Gohan (Buu Saga) and Kid Buu

>Unless the last two months is shit like Zarbon and Raditz the DLC is basically all movie and super shit
you have that backwards

Who the fuck is buying Raditz and Zarbon as DLC


if minor characters like zarbon and raditz aren't revealed the only thing left are super and movie characters


So Super Janemba is a shoe-in for DLC right?

Does anyone actually give a fuck about Janemba unironically? He's a fucking non-character who did nothing relevant aside from have a sword and teleport around

Fuck I hope it's true. I doubt it though. I actually love Zarbon, he's basically just DBZ Vega, who I have played a lot over the years. I always pick Zarbon where possible.

Now they just need future gohan and I'm set.

I definitely care more about Janemba than Broly and Broly is pretty much guaranteed as DLC if he isn't already base roster.

>First of all, his teleport is sick as fuck looking.
>Second, Another sword character and wacky ass powers.
>Third, he looks sick as fuck.

Style could smack you in the dick and you wouldn't know it.