What went wrong?
What went wrong?
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it's a console MMO
with a console amount of content
done everything but the raid in 4 days not worth 90$ AUD
Literally the same game. Nothing else me
>make the exact same game again
>this time with less content
b-but the DLCs will fix it!
I hope it doesn't fix it. I hope this game dies.
1 step forward, 2 steps back
>What went wrong?
It's not superior Warframe.
>tfw masochist
>tfw social anxiety
>mfw getting yelled over voice chat for hours for speaking too low and rarely during leviathan raid
the hapiness
The balance in crucible is better on PC, not great because super long ttk still but no bloom makes a huge fucking difference.
The problem is the population is on console, so giving them the shitty version of the game is just a new level of stupid.
>New expac doesn't even have a new raid
>That raid you have now?
>The one no one likes?
>Now it's longer, you're welcome.
planned content drought so that the dlc set to release only two months after the pc release would be seen as refreshing rather than pointlessly chopping up the game for more money
the nightfall's time limit is so stupid that 90% of players are brazenly cheating this week's one because of a guide
progression takes you from being a god of your realm, able to kill anything you encounter in the right order, to being a very shiny piece of paper with scissors about to clamp through you instantly
there is literally no reward for the prestige nightfall besides a gay blue line across your head that says "I like bullet sponges more than my friends"
despite not working to make aa proper communication method that anyone would genuinely consider using, guided raid matchmaking ends up being an encouraged thing
you need to know 100% of the raid and form a psychic gestalt with your teammates (lmao good luck with guided games) or the raid takes the entire day.
pleasure gardens can literally glitch out and make a dog run towards you from the other end of its line, or make one stay in the starting area and howl from there, making the worst segment unbeatable without leaving and reloading the entire raid.
these problems are all shit though the real issue is they started bringing up shit with warframe and now it might look like that game has positives instead of just being a different type of irredeemable shit
Every single thread you warfags show up and every single thread Warframe is still not a better game, they're not even comparable games either yet you'll still make leaps of logic to compare them.
They had a tier system that was half a patch away from perfection in place at D1 launch with Vault of Glass, but they listened to the players and turned raiding into gradually more of a shoot and loot.
People bitched about "Waaaah I raided once and I didnt get everything sweet!" and they listened.
People bitched about Heroic progression, so they removed progression altogether.
People bitched about Exotic spread and power level, so they homogenized them all.
People bitched about Crucible balance, so they made it balanced on a razor, and super fucking boring.
Bungo listened to the players, and gave them what they asked for, a bland mess. Rather than taking the Blizzard method of telling players to eat a dick.
Lets not even get into the dumpster fire of the "Destiny community." "The community" consists of people who have legitimate addiction issues and dont have an outlet for it anymore. Some of these motherfuckers have switched back to D1 to get the serotonin hit of grinding mindlessly.
Youre a weeaboo you would never be capable of enjoying a game like this
Idk, I got a good 80 hours of enjoyment from it already so
>The balance in crucible is better on PC
>Better devils > everything else
How could the console version be even worse?
Destiny 1 was a weak shooter MMO but had a ton of content that no lifer's could grind out between builds, stat rolls and mission specific gear that was tough to come by. This made no lifers happy because you could put 600 hours into it and not have everything. Destiny 1 had an awful story and was pretty generic.
Destiny 2 has a decent story but no more PC dialogue and was more of an action adventure with some minor RPG and MMO elements. No more gear rolls, strikes are ultimately pointless and is now geared more to people who just want an average gear based shooter. Bungie got a bit more money hungry this time around making a good chunk of money from whales originally.
Destiny 2 has better writing but almost everything else is worse. I managed to get the season pass version for free so hopefully it gets it's shit together later. It's been received pretty well by people who weren't huge fans of the MMO style. I hear that people who no lifed the first one are upset that you can put 400 hours into it and be done with everything.
Pretty great ratio of $ spent vs gameplay available in my opinion.
>not the old fashioned
.90 ttk is better than anything better devils brings, but yes the balance is better as there's a lot of weapon variety on pc compared to console where you only see mida or uriels
I guess I had some fun with it.
Compared to other loot shooters, I enjoyed The Division infinitely more though
It's a multiplayer game with no social features.
What were they thinking about bringing it to PC with no global chat?
Do people still play destiny 1?
It was likely just laziness. D1 and D2 on consoles and even most console mmo's have garbage for chat functions and they likely didn't want to spend the assets to build it for the game.
Somehow I managed to log like 25 hrs on D2, probably includes lots of afk time, but i'm thinking all the actual content could be done in 10-15hrs. Keep in mind there's a 3 month wait for more content, even more for console launch players.
I'm no weeaboo i enjoyed the first game very much my projecting friend
^ same. Literally nothing to do except brainless grinding of zone coins that only reset every 2 days thanks Bungie.
they are desperate. they've been doing this for years. stop replying to them because they are restless.
>new expac doesn't have a new raid
I didn't play Destiny 1, so I wouldn't be bothered by recycled content. Should I try it?
Reset after 2 days? do you mean Tuesday?
The expansion is bringing basically a branch off of the old raid it's new bosses new puzzles new weapons so basically it's a whole new raid but it's not it probably going to be ass like the old one
No stat rolls in D2 is the dumbest thing they could have done there's no point in getting duplicates anymore
The expansion comes with a "raid lair," which is a new raid that takes place in the underbelly of the Leviathan, the ship where the vanilla raid takes place. The ship is retardedly huge and eats planets so lore-wise there could be just about anything down there.
Warframe does everything better and its free
Not right now. Ask again after the first expansion has been out for a couple of weeks.
>everything better
not really. It is a better game overall though
Was anyone actually interested in the leviathan as a setting after they did nothing with it the first time? It's a vex themed expansion, so are there going to be vex all over a cabal ship? It just seems like a really lazy excuse for something that will absolutely reuse assets. They were able to do something completely different to vault of glass with crota's end in the same timeframe. Maybe it's because the vex were my favorite, but I really didn't think I could be more disappointed with this game. I'd even take a reworked vault of glass over this.
All you do in this game is raise your light level so you can get items that raise your light level even higher. It's a number simulator.
I don't mean to sound like a faggot but after being offended by how shitty Destiny 2 actually was (bought into the hype and preordered on pc), playing it for 3 weeks and realized how terrible the game is, I actually tried Warframe and while it's not perfect, is just about a hundred times better than Destiny 2. Warframe is actually pretty stupid too with the amount of grind you have to do in order to have a good frame/gun, and probably the first 200 hours of it you aren't really doing much, but it's still miles better than the shitbox that is Destiny 2.
>Bungo listened to the players, and gave them what they asked for, a bland mess. Rather than taking the Blizzard method of telling players to eat a dick.
That's the blizzard method too. That's how wow turned to utter shit
At the end of the Leviathan you find out the last boss is actually a fucking robot and there's dozens of replacements for him so if they really want to pull something out of their ass they could say Calus was a vex robot and the underbelly is where they control everything
Other than that I don't think so be giving us a Vex raid anytime soon due to the fact that when they were showing off the lair i think there was a spot for another one
I shit you not, it's because alot of the leads are emotional females that do not like competition and elitism and because they listened to the casual cash cow players
there's also something off about the development. they've neglected features that were present in the expansion they were working on at the same time that they were working on the second game that is not present in the second game
their "reveal" for their DLC (mind you it's only been about 3 months since Console release and 2 weeks since PC) today was fucking featherweight also
I would really like to see the population line now since the tracker website has removed it upon the companies request
Anyone in here watched the stream today the guys level was 25 so they're giving us another level increase
SRL was the most fun thing in Destiny and it's not here. shit better be in the Dawning.
i'm still having fun.
you're buying
and it doesn't mean shit since everything scales with you
>I shit you not, it's because alot of the leads are emotional females that do not like competition
I know who you're thinking of, the "social lead" is a problem-haired gamer girl but most of the creative leads were men. I blame Luke Smith most of all for the game being so boring because he's an obvious doofus.
>they've neglected features that were present in the expansion they were working on at the same time that they were working on the second game
After TTK the main dev team started working on D2 and the live team and HoW team worked on RoI. Lack of communication between those teams and shitty management is to blame for D2 not getting any post-TTK improvements.
>since the tracker website has removed it upon the companies request
Citation needed. That site reported on information from Bungie's API, and that information is still available via the same API so if you wanted to you could make your own tracker
Wow expansions give level increases what's so bad about it? Though I did think that level increases were free
>After TTK the main dev team started working on D2
even features that were in TTK are not present in D2
Like what can't think of anything off the top of my head
People bought it.
modifier heroic strikes
strike specific loot
strike chain buffs
gunsmith orders
faction exotic
mayhem crucible variant (inferno from the previous DLC is also not in)
direct shards to legendary engrams exchange at cryptarchs
Also being to choose what you want when you rank up a faction and sparrow horns
Obviously it's too little too late but heroic strikes are coming back I'm assuming they're going to have modifiers.
Wasn't the faction exotic just the class item?
I do miss the gunsmith orders they could probably do something where the rolls on his guns are different from rolls that we get just from drops that be pretty cool.
Personally I never played anything but the normal Crucible so that one I have no opinion on.
I would love this.
The strike stuff and artifacts I can't think of anything to say about that
Sparrow horns are probably going to be coming with the racing event whenever that happens
i never played D1
>friends convince me to get D2 for pc launch
>i like mmos so I bite
>start doing story and watching the cut scenes with the big guy
>i think he's going to be some badass raid boss
>you kill him a few hours into the game...
>reach max lvl next day and obtain raid ready gear immediately
>"raid is gonna be good i did it on ps4"
>raid is some fat dude making you do shit... not even real bosses
>finish it in a couple of hours
>at lvl300
>nothing to do
>pvp is boring as shit
i don't think i've ever played an mmo where I can complete most of the game in 2 weeks
literally nothing to do but log in every tuesday so you can dismantle the shit gear you're getting