Do you miss old Maplestory, Sup Forums?
Do you miss old Maplestory, Sup Forums?
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New Maplestory is better in some regards, but I generally do wish I could play the Maplestory I grew up with
with the classical wow servers coming out, will there be a domino effect? can we get old maplestory back?
Lots of asian whores that played that game. Yes I do.
>you will never wait for the ship with a dozen or two dozen other people and have a comfy chat until it arrives and then immediately get killed by Balrog within the first minute of getting on again
MMOs are a dead genre.
Minmaxing autists and whales ruined it.
Old MapleStory was kino as fuck
I miss being a kid.
I spent most of my time chilling with some friends in Henesys. I barely tried to level my character because i would rather just chat and stay comfy.
No, I just miss my old friends.
Reminder that SlimeTales is back.
Its more of the community that is missing than the game.
I miss Maplestory in general because I can't really play it anymore. Keeps knocking out the internet connection of my router (not my computer) when I launch it.
Is there any way to play KartRider anymore?
who /privateserber/ here?
How is it? If I'm going to play a private server, I'd rather not play Royals.
Grow up
Old ms sucked balls
>insane grind
>little content
>kids everywhere
get your nostalgia goggles off
New MS is much better
Old MS community was better, but new gameplay is better.
I have the itch to play it from time to tome but i got bored of the official servers.
Any private server worth joining ? I mostly just want a comfy community i can chat with.
Old Maplestory was literally the origin of p2w bullshit. The amount of grinding in that game was pure cancer.
SlimeTales Sup Forums guild is coming soon.
Really promising. Any preBB server that expands on the endgame is always a good thing.
If I can reverse time I want to not play MMOs. That shit destroyed me. I want my old friends back as well.
Question, does v65 require good internet? Asking because my internet sucks but lets me play maplestory fine while nothin else can handle it.
>so much slimetales shilling.
Redpill me on this serb. Why should i play it over Royals or Legends which im sure are more popular
No? Why would it? Versions don't affect lag, rather, it's how well optimized the server is.
What you will need to do is change your system locale to korean or download the emulator:
Because it's a KMS server.
There is VRChat for this now.
Would it be good to get into privae servers? Some problems involving the Maplestory program and my router have made me unable to play current Maplestory
What do you guys mean New Maple Story?
As in Maple Story 2? I thought that wasn't released anywhere but Korea
SlimeTales is still relatively new, so no, it's not going to be as popular as Royals right away.
The problem with Royals and Legends is that they're v62, and hate adding new content to preserve the nostalgic thing. If you want to re-live that level 1-70 journey, then go for it, but once you hit 4th job, the game becomes incredibly boring and monotonous. You're stuck grinding at the same places forever with no PQs, and end up just paying some bishop to leech you at the skelegons.
With SlimeTales, they're basically a preBB server with postBB content added in, and plan to keep adding. Basically you have more to at level 120+ than Zakum twice a day, then pay some bishop to level you up.
Also, Royals is broken.
The official maplestory installer client has been broken for years now, and Nexon are too lazy to fix it.
Private servers work fine because they don't force you to download a shitty installer. You just download the rar and extract.
Private servers are the way to go if you just want to keep your nostalgia in check.
Nu-Maple really deemphasized the need to cooperate. You can reach high levels without ever talking to someone. They also literally destroyed the exploring aspect of the game because now you can directly teleport to the quests or areas recommended for your level.
Meant for
It's not like that. I've played Maplestory earlier this year through steam but recently hit a problem that causes the game to knock out the internet connection for my router. Same thing happens with Nexon Launcher Maplestory
Here's the SlimeTales comprehensive feature list if anyone wants to see it:
>believing new maplestory is any different
On top of having more p2w, it promotes solo grinding even more and it's dead as shit.
no fuck off
What I miss is the golden age of MMO's, Social Media was a mistake
Alright, looks like it's that time again:
I just installed it and started.
Add me you faggots.
>it promotes solo grinding even more
Because one of the worst parts of old Maple was just tuning out for eight hours grinding on the same shit for months on end. I was stuck doing Kerning PQ and then Ludi PQ for months just to get to 50, and then grinding Coolies until 110 and I never want anyone to relive that again. Their problem is that they keep reworking the game so that you can breeze past anything without any effort making half their content useless, and making nearly every map just a straight line with maybe one or two platforms. Hell, look at the new Zipangu for instance, it's literally just that.
I like being able to warp around with the Pantheon and the Maple Guide since it cuts down half an hour or more of manual travel. Yeah, the ships are now like 5 minutes long but the point is that with old Maple you literally had to sit there for half an hour or more doing nothing just waiting for the ship to land, or, God forbid, come in. Old Maple had a good community, and it had some pretty memorable maps, but at the same time it was an absolute pain in the ass to do anything past Maple Island.
Remember third job requiring a BC to take its quiz which was inconceivably hard to get at all, having to go between Ossyria and the base island like six times before you could even talk to the stone to take its quiz? Remember when 0.01% a kill was considered amazing and how six hours to level once at 70 was "fast"? Remember spending an hour if you didn't have a track and an autoclicker simply trying to enter a PQ and not even play it and it was still considered faster than actual grinding? Remember Jr. Neckis requiring you to be 30 levels higher than them to even hit them? Remember how thieves dominated a map completely and if you ended up in a map with an Assassin or Hermit you weren't going to hold that map without 3 people minimum? Remember how scrolling required incredibly rare scrolls?
Both side have major problems, don't have rose tinted glasses.
Datamining and online DBs were bigger mistakes. The biggest selling point of early MMOs was to explore a giant mysterious world with friends. Now everyone knows everything from day 1.
It's ok to be a casual dude.
Nobody is saying old Maplestory was perfect, but a lot of those hardships you described are what made for so many memorable moments. Hitting third job actually meant something back then. In contrast, a highly streamlined path to level 200 in nuMaple just doesn't resonate with older players the same way.
i agree only because now that im older i cant ditch school and grind all day. i just stopped playing the v.05 server. the grind to 10 was insane. but that's what made seeing something like a lvl35 warrior awesome back then. i'll try a 4x server and see how that is..
Try SlimeTales. It's x4 and will be getting a Sup Forums guild.
DLing now.
>but a lot of those hardships you described are what made for so many memorable moments
Yeah, they make for memorable moments but who is left to witness them when everyone else quits years before you? The grind is way too much for old Maple and way too fast for new Maple and they never had a good middleground that made the old content worth it while also still requiring some time investment. Now you can make it to 200 in a single day if you get carried properly (One of the first Shades did just that in GMS). I understand and can relate with why people dislike nuMaple, I'm a day 1 beta player myself, but old Maple was just terrible in so many ways and people just dealt with getting punched in the face.
Things like actually having to climb down like 80 floors of Eos Tower and then climb back up it with barely any teleporting aids at all which meant 30+ minutes was solely devoted to that unless you happened to have one of the whole 10 warp capsules you got from the quests, nobody but Thieves having mobility which meant you were absolutely fucked in fighting anything, even Magicians who had Teleport couldn't even compete 90% of the time even after 4th job landed, if you built your character wrong in any way it was a full character wipe and all that grinding again, it took weeks if not months just to get any equip drops at all, I still remember living off of my level 35 armor from Ludi I think it was until level 60 when I found some drops from Coolies, the quests were just absurd like the Drum Bunny quest that took like 30 hours and 1000 drums in a map where the most they spawned was 2 at a time to get you a level 35 hat, the travel between cities took like 20+ minutes due to all the traps and simple ways they had to throw you to the ground, potions were impossible to pay for in the higher levels and especially when NLC appeared, etc.
It's fine for when you're a kid but as soon as you need to do anything in your life the grind becomes too much to handle.
What's the point of playing a game ruled by people who cheated?
>original maple story comes out, and plays like a original game. Simple gameplay and high quality art and music make it attractive for young kids who want to chat with their friends after school.
>2007, suddenly the start adding pay to win and WoW elements because I suspect they brought in business PHDs who don't know anything to manage the business side of the game
>2011, the game is 2d WoW with a shit load of pay to win and creaking with needless game and ui elements
There isn't, so you play the private servers of said game instead.
I learned about data types, bytes, address spaces, memory offsets and basic instructions from people on the game engine forums when I was 13. Thanks to cheaters teaching me about computer programs back then, i became a programmer.
All games have cheaters, MapleStory simply had a very visible hacker scene because the people would share all their hacks because of how easy they where to find. Any MMO RPG you see has at least 1 exploit that allows a gold farmer to obtain years worth of effort in a minute. The "Gold farmers" you see in MMO RPGS tend to be people who know about exploits that allows them to unlock a lot of currency at once, not actual people who sit around and grind for gold.
>justifying game breaking
I don't have to justify anything, its just the reality of the situation, I hope that one day all game hacks, drm cracks and all other immoral software activities ends. That does not mean that I will let myself be the dumb dumb that wastes my childhood clicking x and z, when I could be using a cheat engine and learning useful skills that the dumb dumb is unable to learn due to retarding his cognitive abilities through mindless grind
>slimy koreans don't create hacks and exploits on purpose to make more money
Any extaliams bros?
Maplestory or Latale?
>I'm going to break a game on purpose because other people are breaking it
I got to level 91 in 40 minutes then dropped it.
>if other people sell drugs I'm going to sell drugs too
>if other people are assholes I'm going to be one too
Unlikely, selling drugs carries a high risk of physical punishment and a reduction to the working order of society. Teaching people how to hack games does not carry the risk of physical punishment and enriches society through the spread of knowledge. If anything the people who create video games are the people who sell drugs in this situation and hackers are the people who cure the addicts of their addiction by showing them, that their achievement is meaningless.
>create a video game for 10 year old kids
>manipulate them through grinding in order to make them associate item value with time.
>sell items in game for more than the price of complete games ($30 for 2x exp)
>its the hackers who are the assholes!
no because maplestory 2 is much better and more patrician to my taste,have fun with that balloon head game.
>destroying games has no repercussions
Yet none of us are playing maple story anymore are we?
>they made people pay money for their work so that justifies me being an asshole!
we both know no one plays maplestory because nexon alienated all the f2p fags with p2w and now all thats left are nostalgia fags who don't know about private servers
what does asshole mean? If you're just going to throw insults, i'm going to assume you're one of the retarded kids that, ironically, retarded their cognitive ability by grinding for 10 hours a day and now cant properly articulate their arguments.
Coming from a nostalgia fag, most private servers have resistance classes. Especially Blaster.
I didn't put don't. Fuck me.
>most private servers have resistance classes
Are you literally retarded? There are only two types of private servers: preBB and up-to-date.
Resistance is not in preBB, therefore there isn't a single preBB server that has them right now. The top 3 pservers are all preBB and no Resistance in sight.
Reminder that SlimeTales is the only private server worth playing right now. PreBB means no cubes, stupidly high damage or other shit, but they're adding actual endgame content so it's not a fucking borefest late game like Royals and Legends.
Did you see my other reply?
its not enough that I am max level, there must also be those who are level 30 to look up to me as i ride by with all my godly gear.
That is the problem of private servers, people level too fast and you don't have the underclass that logs in just to chat
There is also the problem, that I'm not going to waste 3 years of my life hitting z and x just to be in the upper class and I wont play if I will be in the under class.
Its unfortunate really.
only underage b& played this shit
>Do you miss old Maplestory
Absolutely. I was never too into MMOs, but I always enjoyed playing MS. I'd only get a chance during the summer or during winter vacation, but it made my HS and MS vacations kind of special - something to look forward to.
I've tried getting back into it, but I just haven't been able to.
Why are you trying to get back into the official server?
>tfw you realize, the underage that played that shit are old enough to have kids that are old enough to play that shit now
To be honest, I've never looked into private servers, for any game. What's the deal with them?
man i remember being a kid using this thorn as a boost forward to KS people in my channel...
PreBB Maplestory had some of my favorite vidya music.
In the game folder, find d3d8.dll and delete/move it to fix the game's resolution.
Wise man right here
Maplestory is cute and comfy, but it was always shit, back then it was a grindfest and we dealt with it because we were kids that knew no better
Now it's a p2w fest with 90% of the people locked from endgame content because they can't afford 2 thousand dolalrs per equip into RNG cubing ( and yes it's at least that much, there are graphics to prove it)
People who play maplestory now are basically sad fuckers who are too invested and can't move on, and people who shill old maplestory and the flavor of the month-newcashgrab prebb servers are also sad fuckers who hop from pserver to pserver hoping to relieve the nostalgia they experience
My advice, find a better hobby and a job
Remember those comfy ant tunnel grind parties?
>muh grind
>muh little content
I really wonder how any one can enjoy those fucking "new" corridor maps, Old maple had a good level design that rewarded you for exploring and finding secret areas it was fun as hell. Kys
no it isnt
I just realized that map was shaped like a mushroom.
sure, but wasnt there some redux server that got hype for a time?
There's a "reboot" server but as far as I know, it's not really like old MS and has its own problems like being unable to trade.
>that rewarded you
It did not. You constantly either got absolutely unusable training maps that you had to use anyway because there was nothing better or you got stuck. Want to explore Lith? Now you're either lost or stuck in Pig Beach until you die. Want to explore Omega Sector because it looks cool and you're not level 35 or have Dark Sight? Sucks to be you, now you're stuck forever unless someone takes pity on you since the flying shits deal 2/3rds of your health in a single hit and all you have is Red Potions. Want to explore Sleepywood? I believe it was Curse Eye rooms that killed you. Want to explore Ant Tunnels? Not only is the only decent training map miles away from any potion resupplies or any way to get back easily, but you need to be like level 50 to take advantage of it if I remember right and it involved tons of climbing up ropes to even deal with it. Everything past Drakes is useless and horrendous for training.
You are never rewarded with any good maps or anything at all for exploring, it always ends up with terrible training maps and enemies that deal terrible EXP for how long it takes to kill them since they have many better alternatives. If you strictly mean being rewarded in an exploration sense of "Wow, what a cool new area" then that's fine, but it's absolute shit for everything else and needlessly padded out every little thing just to make it take longer to explore.
That's not to say any of the new maps or even changed classic maps are good, they make it feel standardized and shit. HHG2 and 3 were pointless, sure, but they added to the whole feel of the place, same with the areas leading to Mushmom and the golem pit. Every new area they add is for the worse and I haven't seen a single one that rivals the old ones. They even managed to fuck up Shanghai somehow, I loved that place in TMS and MSEA and now it's been redone by the SEA team whose design begins and ends with "Tons of metal beams and make everything a black ball".
Not old Maplestory.
Removing p2w =/= Oldschool Maplestory
This. Old maplestory was absolutely crawling with poon.