Having three game of the year (The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild...

Having three game of the year (The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild, Super Mario Odyssey and Xenoblade Chronicles 2) the very launch year and between months of each other makes it one of the strongest videogame platforms in recent story.
You better take advantage of Black Friday to buy one, Sup Forums.

30 coins have been deposited into your MyNintendo account.

This is literally shilling

no chance

It's okay though. Remember? We like Nintendo here, so they get a pass.

My Switch is collecting dust already. I'm not saying Zelda or Mario are bad games, they just wear thin so damn fast. I wish we got a Mario game with more actual platforming and a Zelda with a more interesting and varied open world. I'm hoping XC2 prevents me from packing this system away.

I just want NMH and SMTV already

>You better take advantage of Black Friday to buy one, Sup Forums.
But there aren't any black friday deals for it

I love
>My game system is collecting dust

My PS4 and Xbox One are collecting dust. My Switch I actually use and move around the house.

No, we like Sony, not Nintenbro

Good for you, user. Am I supposed to change my mind now?

Only goty with a hefty Nintendo bonus. It's not even a great game - slightly above mediocre at best.

Yeah, it's alright.

>Xenoblade 2
It's not even out yet, but I do hope it'll be fun.

nono, (you) like sony. WE like nintendo

you should not enforce your subjective understanding of consoles onto others. that's what.

Sure I'll buy it, can't wait to play Ace combat 7 on it...Oh wait :^)

I should've made a pun on "we" and said "V like nintendo" but eh

I doubt that's going to clear all the dust off my console.

Says the one who claims that his PS4 and Xbox one are gathering dust.
You're worse than him because you're clearly lying.


oh I didn't mean you should touch your console. Rather just realize it's futile to discuss subjective matters on Sup Forums and anywhere else on the internet.

Zelda is the only possible goty contender
Odyssey is mediocre at best with a few great moments
Xenoblade is just shit, it always has been and always it will be

I don't even have ps4 or xbox. not the same user.

why doesnt mario have multiple save files like every other mario game in the universe

What's the chance of MH XX western release? Should I just download from the jap eshop/import the game?

I can read basic kana and the game is more about gameplay anyway. I just want to fight some new monsters while I wait for World.