Is there going to be a black friday steam sale?

Is there going to be a black friday steam sale?

Are ratos good pets?

rats>mice supposedly

>Books under the monitor
Rats not even the worst thing in the picture tbqh

it's that awful microsoft keyboard, right?

yes, we're getting thanksgiving and christmas sales

hopefully they don't suck like the halloween sale did

inb4 rat torture webm

>literally walking diseases
>better than anything

Rats are cute

You mean fleas and lice, right? Because fleas and lice can be carried by any mammal.

>walking diseases
>picking up a street rat and taking him as a pet
are you retarded

pls no

That and the monitor, books are held under it. Really triggers me for some reason I don't know

Christmas sale and Summer are the biggest sales, though they have been shit the last two years.

>bubonic plague was only carried by rats

I almost did this

I hope so. I'd like to get Nier at a good price.

No, the rat is definitely the worst part of that picture. How can you just look at a french rat holding an innocent mouse like that and think it's alright?

Has a sales list leaked yet? I want to know if Divinity will be on sale

You're not actually this retarded, right?

A book is the proper platform for monitors which have non-adjusting bases. Allow for easy swivel and can do height set.

Here's the @steam_games Sale dates:

Halloween Sale: Oct 26 to Nov 1
Autumn Sale: Nov 22 to Nov 28
Winter Sale: Dec 21 to Jan 4

The best part about the Christmas sales are the gifting threads. Beggars sperging out over used codes being stolen by 'bots' and telling sob stories to get a $5 game. It's a magical time.

Yes. Go ask /an/ about it.

man why are rattos so fat

Bernard Werber is shit, that's the only thing it's useful at.

>have pet cat
>cat kills mice with disease
>cat gets disease
>cat gives everyone disease

Halloween sale is always a half assed affair.

Winter/Black Friday/Christmas/Summer sales are where it's at.

still not a pet rat
let me guess, you also hate niggers sinply because they're from africa?

>terrible port
Normally, I would do. Not touching that shut though.