This slut is bottom tier what are you gonna do to her?
This slut is bottom tier what are you gonna do to her?
I don't get this body type.
>visible abs
>bodyfat % clearly higher than visible abs range
Game developers doesn't into fitness and diet.
She'll always be top tier, in my heart
But nah, until those bastids at Capcom fix her, I think I'll stick with Rashid for the time being
Cuddle her and shot in the face the man in charge of game balancing.
>Realistic meme in my vidya
You can fuck off, thank you.
>playing SFV
fucking hell
Is USF4 even still alive on PS3?
It's not hard to get ripped abs user. You don't need to go on a diet at all unless you were a landwhale.
>Play story mode on V
>Juri's a total bitch (not that that's entirely out of character, but still))
>She literally just disappears during her fight with Vega, never to be seen again
Does Capcom have it in for her or what?
its just the artist
ingame juri doesnt have ripped abs, and her tits and ass arent inflated like in that pic either
>doesnt have ripped abs
i dunno user i see abs in that pic
>Fixing Juri
lol nah. They never managed to fix her in sf4. What makes you think they'll buff her if v?
The thing is: japanese hates juri because she's korean. Also every blonde girl will forever be at least high tier
Was there a new update that messed with the tiers?
Copy and paste Jam's moveset. I don't give a shit about balance, the only reason I started playing Juri is because she kinda reminds me of Jam, with carded kick specials and shit.
If I had to choose one thing I'd say make her carded kicks actually good.
I don't play her. Nor do I play SFV very much if ever. So nothing.
idk faggot try googling it or playing the game
I like the femdom posts about her. Doesn’t make me wanna get the game but they’re good reads
>It's not hard to get ripped abs user
What you meant to say is
"it's not hard to get skinny."
abs don't mean much if your upper body doesn't have any muscle mass.
He's saying she shouldn't have abs if she's that soft everywhere else.
She's the reason I dropped SFV, fuck this retarded gimped playstyle
I'm gonna TEAR her BOTTOM if you get what I mean.
You do realize that it is possible to have visible abs above 9% right?
Mine were visible at 15%
Besides is barely visible at all, easily visible like that at a higher bf%
Marry her to make her feel better.
its all on where the fat settles, fat doesn't always go for the stomach, ive seen some girls have a nice flat stomach but massive thighs that are clearly not muscle
Make her fireball plus, let her start each round with full charges or at least let them carry over, maker her cr. fierce actually anti air and give her a 2 bar V Trigger. Oh, and impregnate her.
Get a better artist to draw her
Go away Akumafag
>its the nerdy soyboy imagination/bodytype
Women like this dont exist in the real world.
This could be acheived with liposuction of the stomach only.
post more Juri
I understand the reworks for Bison, Vega, Akuma and older characters. But Juri had been in two games prior, with one of those being SFxT.
There really was no need for such a drastic rework. Shame, I enjoyed playing as her, she's cute and who doesn't love dem feet
Women can easily tone their bodies, they might not be able to bench 180 but its very easy to stay fit. Honestly its ridiculously easy to get abs if you know what you're doing and don't just blame the patriarchy because you breath as much as you eat.
i main her and yeah it feels like you have to do more than other characters but when i try to play other character i just feel the urge to go back to juri, i like long combos and she is great for them and you don't even care about tiers until you get to plat
Man I wish game devs actually made their characters look like this.
On model version is meh as fuck
That drawing looks like shit and SFV's female models are already thick enough.
I know you'll never be satisfied, but you have to understand some people still have a bit of decent taste left in them, user.
To Quote Gentleman thief who is always on the top 60 players in the game using only juri "I don't believe Juri is bottom tier. Low-Mid tier at the worst," he says. "She's more complex to use than most of the cast, which is a weakness itself.". people just like cheap or easy characters desu
it is on PC so im sure ps3 have more
why is she so chunky. She looks like she's been stuffed full of tennis balls
Nah I agree that drawing's kinda shitty in the proportions.
I just like big tits and ass.
More like would be better.
Didn't mean to quote
What is Persianbaddie then?
I'll be her bottom
Stupid sexy feet
do you think she'd leglock you so you have no option but to nut inside?
>like kick based styles
>Juri made me diamonds, but didn't like her style
>went with Adon in sf4
>sf5 comes out
>no Adon
>Juri low tier
Can't a man kick people in the face AND be top tier?
I don't get it.
>likes kick based styles
>playing Street Fighter
>Doesn't pick Chun-li
Oh shit nigger what are you doing
All injections
Doesn't she actually help the good guys in the story? She was a straight up antagonist in IV.
got any examples of such posts friendo?
Yet she exists.
that is not real
any woman can get fat/silicone injected. i love huge titties and big asses too but also understand it takes a larger frame in order to support those tits, those thighs. maseratixxx would be a better example; huge tits, big ass and big body, but she's very healthy, working out sometimes five times a week.
>walks around with her feet exposed
absolute slut
Freeze user. Put your fat cocks where I can see 'em!
>tfw RE girls are unmatched in the waifu department
Lick her feet.
Oh I'd do much more than that.
That doesn't matter. What was said was that women like that don't exist in real life at all, and the point is thay yes, they do.
Juri has been in 3 different games and 5 balance updates and has never once been allowed to be a good character
It's a good thing I'm a top then
thats like saying barbie exists in real life because there is a woman who got a massive amount of plastic surgery done to look like her. No, barbie doesn't exist, only a bad simile, like this woman.
There is not a natural born woman here on earth today that looks like OP Juri, not without massive amounts of surgery.
She was good in USF4, that's about it.
Eh, she has a far worse neutral than most of the cast and her V Trigger is pretty much useless. Along with Alex Fang and Ed she is absolutely bottom tier. GT might not think so but Infiltration and Aiai would disagree.
She’s standing with Cammy and Decapre while Shadaloo fucking explodes.
Juri isn't a slut. She doesn't fuck boys, she kills them. She's a tease, at best.
she is still very attractive for a korean even when ignoring her feet and femdom stuff.
The point is not if they're natural or not, that's not what that user said. The point is this body IS achievable, so the statement saying it isn't is literally wrong.
Sadly no.
Though the ones I remember seeing have her taking you home after she sees you look in the same direction of another woman, fuck you to the point of it being hate fucking, before cumming and quietly apologizing for being so rough before resting on you.
There may or may not have been light dick stomping beforehand
Bison isn't unusual anyway, he's been completely different in every single game anyway
>poke heavy glass cannon with tod crossup character
>run/teleport away all fucking day character
>even pokier tank character
>slow high pressure character
I don't know what people expected
shes not a slut.. juri is a ball destroyer
but she still fucks various girls, so she's still a slut
we're debating semantics at this point, since you know what he means. hell, then i can say that lizard people exist since there's that guy who got his entire body covered in tattoos and body modifications.
that body is not achievable without large amounts of surgery, end of line.
This. Chun li slut policewoman needs to focus on Ibuki. She's the real SF slut
Not him but stop being a bitchboi and arguing semantics.
Well, it's not aesthetic either, it just looks like shit
>Juri's EVO approved costume
>Useless V-trigger
How is auto charged fireballs useless?
She would need to get to EVO first.
It's not fucking semantic, you moron.
He said something wrong, and I corrected him. Stop moving goalposts.
That's not the same thing because that's not a real lizard person. Unless you want to argue his point was that "women don't exist like that NATURALLY". But that's not what his point was. It's not about "getting what he means", you're the one adding stuff to his post with your own opinions.
Please don't bully Juri
Lets go back. You asked about persiabaddie. He said she's just implants. At that moment, everyone is aware of what he means, he means a natural woman. If he didn't, he wouldn't be able to talk about persia's implants as being a reason for her body type being impossible.
I love titties and asses a lot, probably too much, but you're wrong here bro.
>"Women like that can't exist in real life"
>"Yes they can: example"
>"No no, he meant women can't exist like that NATURALLY in real life"
>"No that's not what he meant what are you talking about"
>"Yes that's what he meant, stop arguing semantics!"
It's okay for you guy to just admit you're moving goalposts you know
what. he himself says all injections. How can you not understand that he himself means a natural woman? Gotta be trolling me at this point, great job.
Ffs not even him but a fucking barbie with a 10 inch waist exists, doesn't mean it is possible to get that body without artificial means. Retarded pedant
How do you know that's the same user?
That's someone else fucking moving the goalpost. He wants to argue against the op picture and so he goes "oh yeah but she's not natural, so it doesn't count", even though that's not the point the other user was trying to make, he's just adding stuff to it now. That's what I fucking said and that's why I said it doesn't matter, because the original post don't exist like that at all, end of story, so my persianbaddie example was perfectly fine. You can keep adding stuff that wasn't there to defend whatever you want as much as you like, but I'm not am idiot and I'm not falling for it.
It isn't, but that wasn't his point. His point was "women like that don't exist. The end."
how do you know that's not the same guy?
also, whenever someone makes a statement like that "That woman doesn't exist in real life", they mean natural women. Of fucking course you can get on a medical table and have a doctor pump 600ccs into your tits and ten pounds into your ass, it doesn't matter when talking about real women.
As that one famous asian picture proves, plastic surgery cannot change how you were built when you were born. If you're ugly you're ugly, if you're busty, you're busty. No amount of plastic surgery will keep you from having that trait at your core. Persiabaddie will have children that will have flat asses, because she ha(d)s one. That's genetics, she nor her offspring will NATURALLY look like OP juri, nor will any other woman on the planet, fact.