Dragonball FighterZ Thread


Best character confirmed.

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Minor Villains would've been better than Jobhan

im starting to feel bad for beerusfags

>grand priest STAND

Going to go out on a limb and guess the remaining roster will look something like

>Android 21
>Another movie villain
>Raditz maybe

With DLC being Super characters like Hit, Zamasu, U6 bitches etc. The ToP arc will probably be over by the time they start working on the latter half of the dlc so I could see recent super stuff still getting in.

the only other super characters announced are dlc, i'm doubting we will see any in the main game

El grande Sacerdote

Now that we know best GoD is getting in, what other character will they add next month? Hit?

supposedly Goku blue appeared in the story trailer at some point so Beerus might be the final launch reveal

>Super Saiyan Blanco Climax
the fuck

>Buu Sage Reveals
>Adult Gohan

Looks like a high schooler to me.

>He doesn't know about Gohan Blanco
How fucking behind are you? That was like 3 forms ago

Purple Pikkon confirmed and Whiskers the Wonder Cat

How many of you faggots are actually going to play this and how many are just using this as an excuse to talk about the latest super episode instead of going to Sup Forums for that?


Power: 3
Speed: 4
Reach: 1
Technique: 3
Energy: 4
Unleash special moves with extremely flashy names one after the next! Continuous attacks that put adults to shame, with powerful special moves that don’t fail to live up to their name. Use the “Super Ghost Kamikaze Attack” to summon ghosts that deal damage upon impact. Use the Meteor special attack “Charging Ultra Buu Buu Volleyball” to imprison your opponent within multiple rings in the shape of a ball. From there, one of your team members will jump in and start playing volleyball. Finish it off with a spike! The scenes for some of Gotenks’ special moves will change depending on the combination of team members.

Kid Buu

Power: 4
Speed: 4
Reach: 3
Technique: 4
Energy: 4
Kid Buu has tricky attacks that make use of his elastic body. Since he has both power and speed, he can be a troublesome foe. He has unpredictable movements, such as stretching into the shape of a ball. His Meteor special attack is “Planet Burst”—that attack that destroys the earth. The opponent stands no chance once it hits.

Adult Gohan

Power: 3
Speed: 4
Reach: 3
Technique: 4
Energy: 2
Borrowing the power of Old Kai, Gohan unlocked his potential. With special attacks, his abilities have significantly improved. Use all of the Ki Gauge to unlock your potential! Depending on the amount of the Ki Gauge consumed, the magnification of Gohan’s abilities increase will change. Gohan’s Meteor special attack is “Ultimate Kamehameha.” Neither its power or number of hits can be compared to the regular Kamehameha.

Read more at gematsu.com/2017/11/dragon-ball-fighterz-adds-gotenks-kid-buu-adult-gohan#mBfFPlXOrquI7OqS.99

It's Goku Blanco now.

>Adult Gohan instead of Dabura
>Adult Gohan instead of Bulma
he better have some damn good unique mechanics to justify this. god damn gohan fags.

>Reach: 1
dead character

I've been onboard since day one. Been playing Skullgirls to get into the habit for hyper combos.

In what world does adult gohan not get in, he's a major character

Who gives a shit about Raditz. Just add Kid Goku. Normies probably think Goku's brother is Vegeta


He looks more Gris to me.

But can he beat El Hermano?

Reminder that Son Goku is beautiful.

in a world where we want unique mechanics and unique looking characters of course. although i knew he'd get it in because homos are obsessed with him.

Next are Janemba, Beerus and Broly/Kefura.

He was literally already announced with a unique mechanic though

How long until Cell dorado gets announced?

Does adult Gohan even have any unique moves in the anime?

Why is Gotenks so shit?

Full res scan.

I haven't watched Dragonball in like 20 years. Even back then Frieza could destroy planets, where do they even go from there?

Replace Bulma with Gohan and Dabura with Hit and that's the most likely roster.

well it sounds that way, and thats really good. but we have to wait and see for sure.

nope. he has nothing. thats why his meteor is "ultimate kamehameha" which is generic bullshit.

It's a meme.

Yes he is.

I hate super, love dbz games, and like mvc but not infinite's tag system. I actually would prefer no super characters desu

Even more casual planetary destruction.
And then, ironically, Ki control.

It's a meme originated from Gohan fans who are desperate for him to be relevant again.
In reality, he hasn't done anything since he killed Cell.

Kefla's abs make me hard

>people constantly shilled Tekken pre and on release
>literally no more Tekken threads after a month and Steam lost 85% of active users

This won't happen to DBZF, right?

Did we really need two buus? Or even two Gohan's?

Depends on how 'easy' the final product is for non-fighting game players. I imagine a large amount of the playerbase is going to be there due to the anime.

>mahvel mechanics
>arcsys label which is cursed
>on Sup Forums
Just enjoy the threads while they last, that's all I have to say.

>midget character
>logical low reach
>rushdown game
>dead character
Please kys

>Most played fighting game on steam
Seems like a good end for me desu

>literally no more Tekken threads
cause everyone is in the general

they're just xcopying the budoten roster

its so obviously beerus

Goku's UI form is my favorite as I think his base form looks best, and the theme + no games played attitude in that state is slick as fuck.

all of those characters are always in any dragon ball, so far there is no unexpected release like janemba, hatchiyack or bojack.
all the hype stuff is going to be dlc

This is not what I expected. Why is there so much background red in the un-crossed picture?

>implying Sup Forums plays video games at all, much less fighting games

No one denies that, however
We dont know if that's Ginyu or EL SICARIO

What are Ginyu stats?

Of course.

Beerus was an easy lock since day 1 though.
I don't mind with Hit either.

Pretty hype about Kid buu, it's a character i've always like.

Learn proper English.

It does look like Hit.
Rather careless of them to reveal it like that.

It seems like it's more Ginyu, since even blurry the top of the head looks too textured to be Hit. Hit's head is smooth while Gonyu's head is veiny.

>people are mad about this
I'm just glad she doesn't look like a walking noodle. It didn't bother me too much, but this is much better.

I thought that was because Tekken 8 sucked.

The real shame are the KOF XIV threads.

I want Arale.

who is mad about that?.
only gays dont like muscle girls.

I fucking hated when it first revealed on the scans, cause it looked lazy as fuck, but its starting to grow on me, maybe because its not a saiyan exclusive form but a state that any mortal can get access to, if you happened to live thousands of years like a god.

If that was all that mattered they'd do a new IP, not a DBZ game.

Hit's movepool is too unique to not include. He's pretty popular as well, and he's achieved meme status, which makes him a near certainty.

>fucking Ultimate Gohan
I knew they'd fuck this up

So basically, Vegito, Broly and Goku Black confirmed DLC.

I'd be fine with Hit, but I think this might be Ginyu, it looks like there's too much shit on the top of the head for it to be Hit.

They still aren't done with launch roster reveals.

no. they literally said out of their mouth that they are going for unique gameplay mechanics. theyve done good so far so im hopeful gohan will be interesting.

Interesting thing to note, UI Goku's special attack in Heroes is the punch he did to Super 13.

The story mode is during Super. There was no way he wouldn't be in.

>>fucking Ultimate Gohan
Adult Gohan is trash and isn't really unique in any way. There's not much to fuck up.

what about the top left super saiyan? it doesn't look like goku's in the middle but the hair is too much like goku's to be teen gohan
it looks like caulifla

Optimal would've been team:
>DB Tenshinhan
>SS Gotenks

But so far my team is shaping up to be:

Yeah, the head texture was what made me think it was Ginyu at first, too.
Problem is, Ginyu would take much more space in the icon, as my recreation and the crossed-out picture show. There's not much room for red background. The suspect image has tons of red background though.

What is Whis expression trying to convey?

One of my coworkers watches Super at lunch. I watch it with him sometimes, and he absolutely hates these 2. This just set him off harder.

That doesn't mean much.
Kefla's is just a ball of energy.
I think they just make something up quick to release the cards as soon as possible, considering both UI Goku and Kefla's cards came out literally the day their debute episodes aired.

Yeah, they are going to do unique gameplay mechanics for the characters that matter. They won't go out of their way to choose characters that are irrelevant or never fought only to make them more unique choices.

If they really wanted unique fighters they would have gone for a different franchise than DBZ, where 80% of the characters fight the same way.

A high-quality fetish.

Goku Black was always going to be DLC
We still have enough time for them to confirm Vegetto and Broly though

Also did he just ripped the baby from Bulma's womb?

They should add fused Zamasu with an HP regen mechanic and then have Kale be an assist character who can use 5 bars or some shit to become Kefla as her ultimate.

Maybe even make Zamasu's damage go up as his health goes down

tfw the leak is real

It's angels. We ain't gotta explain shit.

>not the purple gi

Except he damn well could have been omitted for a better adult Gohan instead of diet Goku


I don't really care for U.Gohan, but this power up mechanic sounds kinda cool.
If you use 7 bars you'd be fucking ridiculous.

Yamcha/Trunks/Gohan team might work out well. They build meter and Gohan styles all over the enemy.

>base Goku and base Vegeta
I hope it means they are the Saiyan-saga versions.

This, the depth of the roster seems to have taken a hit with the addition of adult Gohan, hopefully his meter-burning installs are handled well. Sounds like he may have visible form changes. (Mystic form and SSJ I'm guessing)

He's a man of patrician fetish

He'd better have some goofy little nods to this. Serious Gohan is boring and gets his ass beat.

Vegeta couldn't leave to train because his waifu was pregnant and he wanted to be there for Bra's birth. So mr. gay angel sped up the process a bit.

If you were honestly expecting Dabura instead of a major character who was also the strongest fighter alive at the end of Z, you're a fucking retard.

A girl should look like a girl, not musclebound.