wow... so powerful...
Wow... so powerful
You lost shill.
No one here will buy your fucking game.
>I'm just a soldier, if Hitler wants me to gas the Jews I have to obey.
>It's not my fault he hates Jews
>I didn't kill those Jews, Hitler pulled the lever
>My superior is literally Hitler what am I supposed to do?
>Poster is a MTG shill
>Complain about "Getting a small percentage of addicts to bankrupts themselves $5 at a time"
this is honestly the perfect way to deliver this criticism
fuck off, ea
but in this analogy Hitler needs to Jew's money and support, and by killing the Jews he's losing their support. Also in this analogy Hitler, and many other Jewish people, are also listening to what the soldier hears. This will encourage people to stop supporting Hitler, which Hitler doesn't want because he needs their money and fanboy propaganda
>implying BF2 still won't be making tons of cash for them because of normies buying it and kids asking for it for xmas
>not supporting EA
>Sup Forums is so disgustingly over the top contrarian, it would rather side with fucking EA just to preserve it's pathetic muh sekrit klun attitude
You are worse than reddit. You're even below 9gag.
t. rape-apologist
>Superior tells you to execute them
>Get executed along them
wow you sure changed things by refusing
>People are whining about EA but they still give them money like crazy.
>EA still will consider this a great success because they got shitload of money from that. But still EA told poeple, star wars battlefront wont have neither paid dlc or Pay2Win microtransaction. And of course they release trailer for SWBF3 and it was so hipnotizing people just started to masturbate like crazy and every town will be soaked in sperm and pussy juice.
>And of course EA releases SWBF3 and of course it doesent contain any microtransactions or paid dlc, but they made the new idea.
>At this moment the only way to ger SWBF3 is to but special "BOX" from choosen shops for 200$. And after you buy it, you cant refund it.
>The "BOX" has 10% chance to contain a working orgin key to SWBF3. 10% chance to contain nonworking orgin key. 79% chance to contain rotten donkey shit, and at last it has 1% to contain horny jar-jar binks and wookie clones, they will jump out of "BOX" and they will brutally rape the owner of "BOX" so hard all his holes will be filled with sperm, and every organ will almost explode from amount of sperm inside.
What's the point of saying "I know it's not your fault PR guy but fuuuuuuck you EA" when the only one in the company that will read this is the PR guy?
>implying killing jews is wrong
way to be an edgy contrarian fuck
why is it okay when activision blizzard does it though?
it's not but at least most of their loot crate shit is just for cosmetics
Who in the hell is still buying games from EAids? Have they learned nothing?
This. Especially when their PR have shown ("armchair developers) that they are just as flippant about consumer concerns as the higher ups are.
>its okay when they do it, its just cosmetics
>reading comprehension
I didn't say it was okay, just that it wasn't as bad as what EA is doing with BF2.
because overwatch titties and ass and feet
He probably genuinely thought the PR guy would tell his superiors all that instead of giving them a TL;DR of how well the AMA went and what the community wanted(lel, as if).
Good question, I think it's because of TORtanic since before that, people on Sup Forums would sperg about Activision.
>People will buy multiple copies to get the full experience anyways
When did this ever happen?
>working for EA
only 1 person to blame: yourself
It's not okay. There is a pretty significant difference, though, where Battlefront II has combined pay to win items with lootboxes to further drive people into buying them. Lootboxes are scummy wherever they are, but on the flip side, Overwatch boxes contain nothing that actually influence gameplay. You're not losing anything by avoiding their boxes.
>implying you wouldn't kill Jews if ordered in Nazi Germany
>Yeah seriously why would you want to try and break into the industry at all? They should have just stayed home and got their mom to bring them tendies, just like me.
I would volunteer, not because I have anything against Jews, but for the rape and looting.
nobody says its okay, you can hate multiple things user
So now that Reddit hates EA do we love them now?
I need to support the popular meme opinion so I can be a top 4channer like you cool cats