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Switch version looks comfier.

>PS4 is devoid of all color
>Switch has a beautiful blue sky and colorful land masses
legit lmaoing

>Shit game on the right
>Shit game on the left

Wasn't the Switch version of Skyrim made on a whim after Nintendo used Skyrim in their ads without Bethesda actually planning to make a version for that console?


Congrats OP, you can breathe like we do!

Oh, and the Switch is not even quater of the PS4's size. Do you really expect better visuals?

>Nintendo used Skyrim in their ads without Bethesda actually planning to make a version for that console
Bethesda allowed them to show skyrim on the switch

>"but its comfy"

>Switch: PS3 level textures
>PS4: PS3 level lighting
In short, stop buying Bethesda games on consoles you dumb faggots.


Yeah, but wasn't that version in the commercial not the Switch version and just footage edited into the screen? Similar to how PC footage of BF4 was used for a console ad way back when.

Not bad for a portable toy

>both: PS2 level graphics
Burn Bethesda down

>ugly game looks uglier on weaker system
Why is anyone surprised lol

fuck off back to msn messenger

I can take my version on a date with me to impress the girl. Can you do that with a PS4? No you can't you stupid sonygro

>hurr it's the dev's fault
let me guess the developers of the doom and rocket league ports are also to blame?
it's time to stop and accept that the switch hardware is garbage, if you're going to defend it at least use the "muh portability" argument or something instead of throwing blame at the devs


>cant fit in any pocket

>PS4 can render complex environmental effects
>Switch is so fucking weak it can't even render clouds, not just foliage and far off objects

Sometimes less is more. The grass is very shit looking in Skyrim so I prefer the version with less of it.

But can you take your PS4 on the go and play in your car without extensive setup?

those shrubs tho

Nobody does this except children and permavirgin autists

>legitimately comparing a console to a handheld
good work
The Switch looking like this is a fucking miracle. Now if you'll excuse me, I'll enjoy playing Skyrim on a handheld. Er, I guess you can try doing the same with Vita remote play lmao - if you can stomach the input lag and shit compression.

>shitposting to justify your own shitposting about "comfy"

at some point you have to realize you're not pretending anymore. you've fully committed to being a retard and an insufferable faggot

i genuinely hope you live a long and constantly painful life

Well I'm usually driving my car

>preferring nasty as fuck n64 tier textures to shitty last gen grass

Patrician taste right here.

You dont play switch in a car while driving or is mommy still driving you everywhere kiddo

Wow, you're shit at drawing faces.

yeah horrific popin from 50 yards is so much better

Both versions look like crud.

Serious question. Don't strawman, please.

Can we perhaps not have another skyrim port and maybe get a new elder scrolls game? One that isn't the very same game on a new box?

I know the answer, but god damn this thing needs to die.

Serious answer, literally nobody does this except children and permavirgin autists
Kill yourself obese sperg

PS4 is 1080p so I seriously doubt it looks as blurry as the 720p switch. Fake screenshot made by nintendo defence force to make the switch look less shitty.

right has more minimalist charm.

Do you pull over at the side of the road so you can get a quick wahoo in? Or do you play in traffic?

Still not answering the question. You can do better than that.

this better be falseflagging, theres no way somebody is this retarded

that's most gamers, bud.


Try putting yourself in bethesda's shoes for a second user. Would you rather
>spend time and money making a brand new game
>take a finished game and port it to a platform that is starved for games where it will sell millions at full price because of retards who don't know better

I mean it's okay for a portable version of the game, but no one wants to play Skyrim on a train to work, and even the toastiest of toasters can run Skyrim so no one will use it as a home version.

It has very little market, the only person alive who is excited about this is Dobson because now his brand of choice has Skyrim so no more 10fps for him, it's now a silky smooth 25-30fps.














>no clouds

looks comfy to me.


Can you play your PC while skydiving? Checkm8

But can you take your PC on the go and play it in your car while your mom drive you to the therapist without extensive setup? :^)

bottom is way comfier.
also, TES VI never

count to four inhale count to four exhale

so this is the power of the switch....woah

why are you even asking this

Why not both?

i actually didnt realized the clouds are completely missing until you pointed it out, holy shit

different time of day
sony ponies

As a PCfat I kinds like it. The coloring is definitely superior to the original, which is ugly as fuck without ENB and custom filters. I still have no reason to buy it, though.

also more blue. looks like a nice warm day, compared to the left, which is probably the type of weather shut ins like you are crazy about.

So is anyone going to post the PC version

The pictures were taken at different times a day under different weather types; not a ps4 shill by anymeans but the colors on ps4 can look like the ones on the right and sometimes skyrim skies don't have clouds

Let me add, if you don't mind:




That is an insult to PC, this pic is from 2012 running on a gtx 780, imagine what it looks like now

Xbox 360 version had better graphics. Lol

Remember when people played skyrim for the graphics?
Since I don't. Game always looked like shit.

>ruining the original artistic vision


>those colors in MC
God I miss it.

so this is the power....of pc...

It ran like shit on Xbox 360, if you saved and reloaded too many times the game would start stuttering like crazy. Eventually I got to the point where it took 2 minutes to open a chest.

Can't image the situation on switch

>Video games have better graphics if they are on a more powerful machine


switch is about as powerful as a wii u. that's no surprise there.

LoD looks like cancer in PC version as well.

Distracted driving is quite dangerous, feller.
Oh...you mean you don’t drive yourself....oh

graphics dont matter art style matters

>shit graphics is now an artistic direction

>"you're stupider than me because I post stupid man @ you huuurrrr"

Giant camps confirmed for removed on Switch

And Skyrim has dog shit artstyle.


jokes aside, is this honestly supposed to be impressive?

i was talking about xenoblade chronicles 2 that user posted

Hahahhahahaha seriously? They might as well send this port on over to the Apple App Store

you just want a perfect fantasy world to live in to avoid reality.
meanwhile, switch owners are leaving their house, socializing, and playing games with their friends at the beach, etc.
and you're here comparing rock textures. sad.

My old laptop can run it better.

Ever heard of the colors setting on evey single tv which can make to game look like a rainbow?

The thread is about Skyrim on the Switch.

>playing games at the beach
>at the beach
>a place you go to enjoy natural beauty

automated driving is the future anyway.
>paying for car repairs and insurance


Portables haven't fit in pockets since the motherfucking Gameboy

PS4 version isn't a "PS4 VERSION" it's a last gen remastered version.
Switch can handle only last gen graphics.

Jesus christ does your mommy still drive you round? Sorry but no i cant play the switch in my car because i am driving it.

>not doing both

also, playing at disneyland.

>I'm europoor and can't afford the 150% auto tax to feed the refugees.

>haha a-at l-least I c-c-can p-play games w-when I’m out for d-d-drinks with all my f-friends, loser!

I still remember Nintendofags claiming it had the same graphics as the Special edition. This is starting to get sad already.

Objectively a lie, all portables except the original gameboy fit in a pocket

>his mother doesn't drive him everywhere
>he lives by himself and pays rent/mortgage
>he thinks being cucked like this is "independent" and "free"
>not just being a neet and enjoying your short life

nice ground textures dude

Reminder you're hella entitled for wanting those frames. This is just fine.

Wow, its like weaker hardware has worse output. Fucking template thread faggot. Why is this not a reason for a ban?

gaftard spotted

I hear devs are porting the original Myst to Switch but they have to downscale some of the textures first