Why are split personality characters always the best vidya characters?
Why are split personality characters always the best vidya characters?
For the longest time I thought he was talking to you, the player.
name some games (that are good)
FF7 and Xenogears are all I got
Why is Emily my favorite?
Only if done right. At first I thought Heavy Rain will be about this but I was disappointed in the end. Dead Space 3 was supposed to be about psychosis with split personality but now that Visceral has been shot I don't think we'll get Dead Space 3.
What are some good examples of this?
There's a little bit of split personality in the new Prey.
MGSV for obvious reasons.
Debatable Hotline Miami.
A real shame we'll never get Dead Space 3. Imagine if they went full The Thing and set it on an iced environment?
anyone named zach must have had one hell of a time with that game
Man I'm so mad it runs like shit on PC, I was having a really good time until it started fucking up on me and became unplayable
>anyone named zach must have had one hell of a time with that game
You have no idea. It even has the correct spelling in my case too.
Because you like used goods
>A real shame we'll never get Dead Space 3. Imagine if they went full The Thing and set it on an iced environment?
Maybe it's better that we won't get a sequel to the amazing Dead Space 2. Imagine if EA decided to shit on it and push out rushed sequel. You have a great idea with the Thing and snow environments but as I know EA it would be filled with repetitve locations because EA would most likely want in microtransactions and multiplayer and maybe even some insanity like single player coop. So it's better that we only have two main games and remember it as a great franchise.
Emily's a great foil to York's insanity.
Even if the cooking joke's been overdone.
>tfw I like Dead Space 3
How split we talking?
I thought Zach was a ghost that followed him around
I thought that too. My name is Zach so I thought that maybe the game had a bunch of prerecorded voice samples of various names, and was reading off information from PSN or something to decide which one he'd use.
For a few people, this game was a slightly wilder ride than it was for others.
>Even if the cooking jokes have been overdone
Much like her cooking!
Got a chuckle out of me. 10/10
Heavy Rain was fucking retarded; unexplained black outs, rape in every scene with the chick for reasons and outright lying to the player about their actions as one of the characters for le french tweest
Stupid fucking croissant-hole hack writer
But who was F K?
Why does her mom call her Emily?
I thought she called her Michelle.