Why aren't you supporting the successors to your favorite dead franchises?

Why aren't you supporting the successors to your favorite dead franchises?

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whats this, hollow knight 2?

Here is an updated webm

>paper effects
>a god damn chef NPC

i hate it already

It's definitely coming along.

If it's supposed to be imitating Paper Mario, what's the draw?
Because the key to Paper Mario was that it was Mario, but done in a different way. There's no attachment to be had with a new IP.
Unless this is meant to be something else and I'm a pleb.

bugs are a god-like theme

keep going user, it's pretty good

>Implying that the clever writing, unique world design, great combat and general charm are dependent on it being a pre-existing franchise
I think I actually prefer that it's not Mario

Paper Mario was great on its own. The game has its own merits aside from being a mario game.

Looks very uninspired, honestly.
I'd rather have a slightly different game with original ideas than a straightforward Paper Mario clone with a different skin.

>t. knows nothing about the game other than the contents of this thread

If you want to shill a game do it in a way that makes it look good, at the very least.

That Bee is cute

I don't think it's the dev, surely he would've picked more appealing webms/images

Whazzit called?

It's the Paper Bugs game

No, really, what's it-

>It's literally called Paper Bugs

Oh. Huh. Sounds more fitting as a work-in title like Sonic's Ass game or something.

>not calling it Flattened Bugs
Missed opportunity

These text bubbles are really lacking.

>Paper whatever bug
The music really sucks.

Paper Bug will never be finished in our lifetimes, fools. It takes more than a ragtag team of amateurs to make a fully sized game with 8~ chapters. And if it's any less, it's shit.


So why are they paper?

the demo is from the version the OP image is based on, there is no demo for the new version yet

An evil wizard of immeasurable strength named Dreth-Qualtul had placed a curse on the land, rendering objects animate. Whether the objects were malicious or peaceful in their awakening depends on the nature of the object itself.
Eventually, the surface world was destroyed by the flood of dangerous animate objects. Humanity was all but destroyed.
In one garden, there was a little girl who loved making paper crafts. She made an entire paper bug community.
These paper bugs, given life by the evil wizard, still live peacefully in their secluded community, somehow untouched by the destruction causes years ago when the wizard awakened non-sentient life.
The plot of the game will have you eventually confront this evil wizard and undo the future that he has created.

I was wondering how this game was doing, what's it called?

Don't be silly. He's using the Unity (shovelware) engine.

Pretty bad.

I ain't no artist but if this thread survives I'm gonna make an attempt to draw the green guy and the robe guy doing a thing to the bee

*excited bump*

Just like Paper Cirno, then.

More interesting title than Paper Bugs

gimme a quick rundown on this
it's clearly a paper mario clone but is it good?

There's no way to know yet. Instead of partners there's a fixed team you switch the order of with a button, you can tattle anywhere and you can pass turns around in battle to hit weaknesses

The plot could be shit for all we know

it's a paper mario clone with non mario characters
they have a youtube channel, look for paperbugdev and see the stuff

literally paper bugs, demo said it was a temp title though

>telling people to look up shit


It looks really fun, but the demo had a really low resolution and felt weird without controller support.

There ya go


I loved paper mario but I have a crippling phobia towards insects to the point where once i looked closely enough to realize what those were I fell off my chair and hurt myself. So I can't play this game ever even though I'd probably like it. I'll add it to the list of other games that I can't play which is depressingly long because people always insist on throwing some kind of token bug enemy into every fucking game.

Don't bother replying to this image with pictures of bugs, by the way. I've learned to turn images off in any thread I mention this by now.

Don't know if there's controller support in the new demo, but the old one really looked bad.

Current game is remade from scratch I think.


Is this LSD simulator?

I honestly like the top more.

>That fly

Sorry you will miss a bunch of cool games like odyssey, they added some weird mosquito monsters in it that come out of larvae

yep bottom looks wayyy better. I guess I was just playing a really cool.

I always liked Super Paper Mario and Paper Mario 64, barely played TTYD

>dude were the creators on drugs?? lol!

Supporting the successor won't bring the original back.

that guy has been working on burrito galaxy forever
I know that feel


and 6 more weeks

6 more weeks till what eishi

I DIDNT WRITE THAT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

i wish my art was as good as eishis, but im not him, 6 weeks till bacon man can be bought on steam

No furshit is gonna be the successor to my favorite Mario franchise!

stop yelling at me you fuckin weirdo, I just wanted to know the hubbub behind your big new game

t. bsa


Why are they called bugs if they have a much greater diversity than just Hemipterans?

Mario is already full of furstuff though