Why did Nintendo fail in Poland?

Why did Nintendo fail in Poland?

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poles are too poor to buy it

Came in to say this.


>doesn't understand currency conversion

Switch was supposed to be 300$ at launch
It's 400$ in Poland

>1499 Polish money
Is that a lot?

About as much as a PS4 Pro

There are literally no nu-males in Poland so obviously there's also no demand for the Switch.

it's like $1500

The same reason why Brazilians cant, dont and wont buy shit

350 euro

slightly used ps4 pro costs the same and almost nobody here cares about bing bing wahoo

There's not a single game made for Nintendo systems that has a polish localization
Hell, not even the Switch manual is in polish

That's roughly 350 Euro
While wiki says the average salary in Poland is somewhere around 750 Euro / month.

Little Nintendo nostalgia.
It's mainly PC town and Sony second.

because there's no videogame wellfare checks for refugees yet

Its what i have left after rent and utilies and internet is payed

>he needs localization for bing bing wahoo

Pole here
Too expansive and no CFW like 3ds yet

Wtf? I thought Poland wasn't poor. That's third world tier.

that's non-issue here, most young people speak at least some english, it's lack of knowledge of nintendo games, no demand for them, and premium price for console that cannot play fifa (people buy ps4 just to play fifa here)

>former Eastern bloc countries
>taking refugees
Mate you should check your news sources.
EU is pissed that slavs ignore the quotas and don't import the brown shit.

It's poor man console that isn't for poor man at all. Would rather spend 6000 zł for gaming PC that would serve me for the next 12 years and play all my games on ultra with 144 fps

Hyped switched off?

I wish I made that much money.
In reality it's more like 400 euro.

Actually bought such pc and now i am playing pokemon rom hacks with 60 fps

Too low IQ to fully appreciate Nintendo's fine tailored masterpiece

>Hurr Durr look at this shop I found where a console I have literally zero(0) interest in is in stock, it must mean it's a failure

did I sum it up well enough ?

Poland is third world. Why you think rapefugees keep going once they reach their shit hole. The entire country is grey smudge with sewage system is fuel tankers filled with shit and all women stand on the side of the road whoring.


It's 400 Canadian too. Seems like a lot for an under powered tablet-tier system.

Try to visit somewhere else in Poland than ypur family village then

>EU is pissed that slavs ignore the quotas and don't import the brown shit.
based slavs, the jew fears the adidas warrior

Their games are ok but their console is too fucking expensive, is underpowered and the games are also fucking expensive.
Would rather buy 2ds xl.

>too white to be Slavic
>too Slavic to be white
The poles are a cursed people


Probably by charging 1.5 grand for the damn thing.

it depends. in easter poland 500 - 600 euro/month is quite accurate

1500 zł is the average monthly pay in pooland xD

Literally no one in the world gives a shit about nintendo other than american manchildren and japs

i live in poland owning,nice apartament and comfy job, wouldn't consider moving out to racemix and work for hans, try again


bo polacy jedzo guwno

Ugly language, bad cuisine, very shitty people, terrible politicians, boring countryside and shitty culture, hideous cities, shitty music and cinema, pathetic army, neo-colonial economy with almost non-existant native industry and the list goes on.

Poland is literally the shitbucket of europe
Its as big as germany with half the population and nothing impressive ever came out of it
Never won a war or start an empire
Sucks ball at sports of any kind
Implied huge jewish population but sucks shit at finance and economics
Hitler literally see the poles as subhumans and wants polish clay so he can populate the aryans from germany in it.
Any average person will only know poland as "that country that was annihilated by the germans in the WWII".
Most are surprised it still exist.
Most people cant even find poland on the map and consistently mistook poland for either hungary or austria.
Its a country that is consistently bullied by countries around it and have absolutely no power to fight back due to its absolute low morale within its army and people.
Poland is so uninteresting and dull that nobody, even the arabs or the indians(well known for their immigration to western countries) wants to live there
Poland was supposed to be extinct and the amazement of it continuing its pathetic life like a dying rat is what makes poland literally the shithole of europe.

So fucking useless and incompetent you mistook it as a 3rd world country.

Beksiński thread?

it's not even minimal lel

As I understand it Europe doesn't like Nintendo because of the Sega glory days and also because it has fuckall for sports games.



pope is a guy who lives in rome


Yuroplebs just wants to play fifa and the latest multiplayer fps

No. You ignored the whole part where anons from central / eastern Europe reported for months that brick and mortar game stores and local webshops are full of unsold Switches.
They were just out-shouted and called trolls.

Nobody likes Nintendo, Wii was the poorest-selling console in Poland. We don't have the NES/SNES/GB nostalgia. Pokemon is just the anime to a lot of us

What's with all the John Paul II posting?

>Only two actual consoles on shelf
>Rest is accessories that aren't required


nobody heard here about sega
we had motherfucking Pegazus


pollacks are too poor and the pricing is exactly the same as in us, but the earnings are vastly different, nintendo isn't as popular here as playstation or pc gaming and there is still some social stigma about walking around with a handheld console, despite stuff like iem katowice happenning etc
t. pollack

>don't have to live with other races but get to be poor as shit

Never change Sup Forums


polish meme

>it's 400 canadian too
no shit, you get US prices and the exchange rate is 1.3 usd to cad

This is all true
Poland deserves it's own fate
source: I live there


Poland is independent!?

>nice apartment
1 bedroom and not allowed to flush toilet paper. End of the week hold it until the septic tank gets emptied. Comfy job drinking vodka. Don't wanna leave because at least the pussy is cheap and your mom won't turn down your business between German truckers.


no support or localications

> bad cuisine
i don't even need to read the rest of your post to know that your opinion is so pleb tier, that even ouya users don't want to associate with you


No they're just not allowed to use EU money since they would be a liability to the currency like grease and spain are


Eh, 300 usd in CAD is about 380, it's still slightly more.

Sega only won the UK. Not the rest of the continent. Now Sony is nr 1 in the UK and also only place that buys Xbox. Brexit can't come soon enough...

sure it is


1499 polish money is about equivalent to $1,470,080 in U.S. currencyl

bawimy się


>Hitler literally see the poles as subhumans and wants polish clay so he can populate the aryans from germany in it.


>Poland is so uninteresting and dull that nobody, even the arabs or the indians(well known for their immigration to western countries) wants to live there

god help us


Poles love the Antichrist

Yeah dumbasses forgot to consider the shipments of 10 consoles for the 10 tourists in Warsaw back then. Huge blunder that was. Where Poland goes rest follows as they saying goes

postuje vanilla

Name 1 (one) good polish dish
Pierogi doesn't count, it's Russian.

So this is what Poles call memes?

meme from polish imageboards

it's not like you've been here anyway

>tfw stealth jp2gmd thread


kto wpuscił wykop

nintendo tu nintendo tam ja na nintendo sram

who's that pokemon

Wykurwiać na karachana nowocioty.

Polish Sausage




We all have PCs capable of running TW3 at mid settings at least. Nobody cares about consoles.


You mean German leftovers?