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at least it was until I fucked everything up

Was a bitch to navigate until I got levitate. But a good way to make it look greater than it actually was.

Why is there a south gate at the harbor? It leads nowhere, except maybe this small drainige mini river that is too small for a boat.



The yay leavin sadrith mora right


>why have as many escape routes as possible, its not like we built the city near the caldera of a volcano or anything

better to have it and not need it etc.

Try getting around that shit with Vivec Expanded installed. I swear to god I was about to uninstall Morrowind after having to screw around with all the stupid shit it adds. No idea why tesgeneral even has it as a recommended mod.

what does it add that messes everything up?

I am just reminding that morrovind is shit. Thanks.

maybe if you have no imagination

it's more like a really long kid's fantasy book than a game but I still love it

what kid's fantasy books involve fantasy AIDs, false gods betraying real ones then admitting it out of guilt, a dead man coming back from the afterlife and just wanting to talk his plans out, or mentions of how overt slavery of a subrace is needed to keep the cogs of society going as everyone lies and murders each other for personal gain?

I'd read that shit.


Is Discworld for kids? Asking for my wife's son.

Yeah. But they're usin silts. And they're goin cross-ashlands.

yeah, I'd say so

not that there's anything wrong with that

they're quite plainly written and not particularly thought-provoking as fantasy novels tend to be, but very witty and perceptive

His Dark Materials

love these tes threads that discuss it but not directly around skyrim. keep it up Sup Forums the lore is comfy

Skyrim is pretty good in the lore department if you know how to decipher it but yeah its nice to have lorethreads that aren't just skyrim and waifuposting.

We always do best house shit, what is the worst house?

At least it was until i N'wah everything up

Vivec did everything wrong.

Anyone who doesn't think that Hlaalu is the worst is obviously a dirty empire fellating hlaalu

house sell my people out hlaalu
filthy multicultural faggots. whats wrong with dunmeri culture why do we need to join the empire and end slavery?

*except admit guilt. He was (half) golden up to this point.

>save city from falling asteroid
>instead of moving it away you just let it hover over it to make the people worship you
>turn it into a literal concentration camp for political dissidents

I guess being a god has its perks.

its just a fanart
it looks even more retarded in game

A fucking radical one, that's what.

Probably, but I'd say early teenagers at the earliest.

for you guys who dont know what OP image is, this is a city in morrowind, back when bethesda used to put actual city-sized cities in their RPGs

>Your actions in the game led to the destruction of Morrowind

Fuck Azura


yeah, I abused potions and kicked the shit out of Vivec, and then took over his home.

fuck that smug asshole....I am the one true god.

>level design
What were they thinking?

>Red year caused by baar dau falling because Vivec wanted to keep his city hostage.
>Fuck Azura though

>Spoonfeeding retards
>Spoonfeeding without even being asked
Jesus Christ

the edge chronicles come to mind a pretty groovy universe with such actions.

>Let's have all the roofs closed in the most paradise area of the island
>instead let's open up the roofs(Molag Mar) in the most hellish area the island has to offer

Jesus Christ


what kind of newfaggotry is this? is this how redditors post?

Its almost as if Corprus was made to spread or something.

how does vivec actually sound like? I remember that he never talks

>actual city-sized cities
did you even play morrowind

there are no blight winds in Vivec's area

>is this how redditors post?

Such boring art direction.
It has all the functionality of a warehouse but none of the charm.

If it weren't for the Telvani there would be nothing interesting about dumner architecture.

Yurts,dead crabs, and boxes...PU.

A way deeper voice than I would have thought his twink ass build would be capable of, but the Godhead does wacky shit.

and being double sure by dustbowl proofing your city on an active volcano never hurts.


Can someone explain this one to me?
the spider upper body looks like it is made out of some gel

You thought it was interesting.
As I stated ,outside of the Telvani , it was pretty meh.

Maybe you forgot the part where you saved all of Tamriel from Dagoth Ur's blight?

Pretty sure its just shitty textures and its supposed to be the same metal as the rest of the thingie.

modern Vivec

Too soon user.

It’s more like a bellow actually.

Reminder that Sheogorath flung Baar Dau in the first place.
Reminder that Sheogorath's character was ruined so hard in the Shivering Isles expansion, that Bethesda writer Ted "Theodore" Peterson (who Sheogorath's name was based on) quit because that shit was r*ddit as fuck.

You’ve never played morrowind stop talking out of your ass. The part in question expands and deflates as part of its animation and empties out with a fish of air when you kill it.

I liked that a big part of their culture pre-goldening and even after venerates the very earth and soil of the island as a holy thing, then you look around and realize they even made their homes out of the stuff to be more surrounded by it.
Having them work more in tandem with the environment instead of just bending it to the breaking point, having silt striders being an indigenous animal that actually likes people around and accepted husbandry benefited both parties.

Every TES game ends with you stopping the big bad but generally ruining the world just that much more. In Morrowind the entire province was buttfucked leading to the fall of the red tower and brass walk, in Oblivion the divine Septum line was entirely wiped out leading to the fall of the adamantian tower, in Skyrim you break the empire up even more than before making it easier for the Thalmor to destroy the rest of the towers. You always stop the big bad, but the world keeps spinning into entropy all the same.

fucking kek

>all those dumbmer dead

4E 05 best year of my life

Not enough fire and angry lizards.

fuck you nigger, I dont remember those things ever doing anything other than making metal sounds.

It's a reflective material.

>not showing a custom window tracking all your kills and it having something over 300.
Half measures will not be tolerated.

Was more dismissive of the visual style of dungmer architecture.

I know why Ordinators are always pissed though.
Dungmer city planners are not that bright and the ordinators have to patrol that shit show.

I was just saying the visual style makes sense when you, you know, actually factor their society into it (as you should do). Wigwams look stupid as shit but when you realize they are the end result of a migratory society that didn't want to take more from their environment than needed they totally make sense and serve a function in their form. Conversely houses on stilts make no sense in a desert, but on a coastal town they serve a purpose.
Something's form is only an extension of the needed function, you look at it like that and it all makes sense. The stupid layouts are also deliberate, their culture did aboriginal dreamwalk shit in their waking life so having a city designed that needed you to walk its 4 corners (see what I did there) helps reinforce their own belief structure. Then you factor in that the Dunmer as a culture were closer than most races to intrinsically understanding the Walking Ways and CHIM, then you start to respect their building styles and lifestyles.

The crappy art direction brought them closer to CHIM?

It was a nice discussion up to this point but I have lost interest.

The Ashlanders should have been the ones who used the dead crabs.

>enter the Ministry of Truth during the main quest
>as the Patriarch of the Temple, the guards have to let me pass
>they whine about it being against the procedures but can't do anything about it

>52 play through
>get around to doing house telvanni
>get my own mages tower building
>"alright, this shits in the middle of nowhere, but if it has it's own portal I'll keep playing"
>built, middle of nowhere, no portal, have to leg it every time


Yeah, but then those damn nigger elves had to flood Skyrim.

I am just giving reasons as to why their culture looking the way it does is an extension of their unique outlook on the world, as any culture in the real world would do.
You are just repeating that you have poor taste.

What the hell are those vanilla as fuck spell names? Where's Finger Bang? Finger Bang 2? Blast Fuckoff? Fist of All? Blessing of Vivec (Fortify Endurance 500 Points for 5 Seconds)?

>Buy Morrowind GOTY for XBOX for 50€ because winter is at the door and I need some max comfy
>Still got the save file from my first character back from 2002
>Start creating a new character anyway
>Sound is delayed as fuck game has weird stutter
>Game freezes after leaving Seyda Neen
>Can't shut down XBOX
>Try to eject disk
>Tray is stuck

This winter is gonna suck

Why blame Azura? It was vivecs fault.

Wasn't Azura the one to turn Dunmer grey as some laff? Everything Vivec did or tried to do was to get their self esteem back to par when their God told them they were literally garbage and shitskins.

She did that because the Tribunal fuckin' killed Nerevar.

He had to be killed so he could come back and kill his killers, it was the only way user. Its almost like you don't understand a time paradox.

But Vivecs actions directly led to the red year by keeping Baar Dau in the air.

magic is for nerds. Real men use swords

The Red Year is literally Vivec's fault. He chose to keep Baar Dau up above the city, effectively holding all of Vvardenfell hostage so they don't stop worshipping him. He could have gotten rid of it but didn't.

Vivec couldn't stop Baar Dau. If he could have gotten rid of it, he would have. But obviously he didn't, so he couldn't.

You gotta break a few eggs to make an omelet. It also lead to a diaspora of the Dunmer so all of Tamriel could benefit from a better system of living and culture. Vivec deliberately pushed his people to the breaking point hoping they would break thru their understanding of their lives like he did. Not his fault they were weak willed faggots that couldn't hang with the big boys.

What's the comprehensive graphical overhaul for morrowind?

>When Nerevar returned, he saw the frozen comet above his lord's city. He asked whether or not Vivec wanted it removed.
>'I would have done so myself if I wanted, silly Hortator. I shall keep it there with its last intention intact, so that if the love of the people of this city for me ever disappear, so shall the power that holds back their destruction.'
He has the powers of the heart of lorkhan, he can stop a fucking rock, don't delude yourself, he is just an asshole.

>a guy willing to lie about being a divine god wouldn't possibly lie about anything else.

If he could stop the rock he could move the rock.

Clearly he could only delay the rock, fool. Baar Dau resumes its original momentum when Vivec's power fades, instead of dropping straight down.
That only proves that Vivec couldn't move the rock himself.

Morrowind Overhaul is good if you don't want to spend hours of your life installing a billion separate mods. Looks pretty nice, runs well, has a good amount of options.

>Morrowind Overhau
Thanks, I'll give it a try

Its a rock, he has done much more impressive things than stopping a rock.

This is the important bit. Vivec set it up so that the rock was held in place by the belief of the citys populace.

He didnt removeit because he is a massive narcissist

Tell yourself that, dream boy.

This is the only time in that whole game that something dynamic like this happened.

Is Vivec Sup Forums's queen?
It's Boxxy as fuck.

there is also morrowind STEP if you want more control/autism

So is vivec city based on the Aztec captial?

Built on water, with seperate "islands" of land seperated by canals, stepped pyramids, etc.

Its an asteroid, which comes from space. In their reality space IS oblivion so the rock came from a deadric oblivion realm. Protip: Vivec didn't CHIM, he faked it as part of his gig. It is easily possible he didn't have the power or understanding to actually control it in earnest. Him losing his power over the rock the moment the Heart is destroyed lends to his power not coming from him as a result of CHIM, but it coming from the Heart.

Nobody fucking CHIMs. He never even faked it. It's glorified fanfic crap. It's baffling to me that self proclaimed lorefags still try to pretend all this extraneous bullshit is canon. You may as well be calling Repercussions of Evil Doom canon.

Repercussions of Evil is canon, though. Every Doom fan mission is canon, so every doom fan fiction may as well be too. Hell, someone probably made a Repercussions of Evil FM.

>Every Doom fan mission is canon

That's a fan theory, mate.