ITT: post games that you regret buying

ITT: post games that you regret buying

Hard Mode: give reasons as to why you regret your purchase

>Anyone ever
>Regret buying ARMS

Good one.

Splatoon 2 because I can't play for more than 30 minutes without getting bored
Pokken Wii U because I got cucked with an inferior version

I regret buying the Steam version of Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic.

Why? I'm sure the game's as awesome as everyone says it is, but opening the actual application does nothing. Does it not run on Windows 10?

final fantasy 12 and then emulate it on my pc
it ran like shit

It was cool for a few hours but I don't think the concept is fleshed out enough

braid was on sale and super cheap

counterattack was free

jotun was free

outland was free

volgarr was on sale and super cheap

so that just leaves owlboy which I bought for full price. Fuck snowmaN gaming for making me fall for this meme game.

The gameplay is just not fun, the characters/themes/music/etc are so superficial and pseudo-Pixar, there's barely any content, and there's fucking lootboxes. I still hate myself for falling for the meme.

>paid full price at launch digitally
just fuck my shit up

You know you can permanently remove games from your Steam list now, right?

I dont even have to tell you. Just click the box and you know enough.

Monster Hunter 3U

Awful camera.

I don't even know why I bought it.

gaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaAAAAAAAAHHHHHH I would be playing this rn if I wouldn't have lent my friend my switch


Fights just become who can play the lamest

disgaea5 for switch
I thought I'd like it because it's a strategy game but it has boring combat and is way too weeb for me to handle it. Has some funny moments but I just don't like it.

$50 and the only game worth a fuck was a 4 hour tech demo.

>Buying that
You deserved to lose money.

I regret buying Breath of the Wild. I don't understand this games high praise. It suffers severe open world syndrome and has a lack of unique locals as well as sparsely placed content with an easy final boss.

>Pokken Wii U because I got cucked with an inferior version

If you regret having spent the time learning the game from the WiiU version then you were never the game's intended audience anyways.

It feels incredibly empty abd derivative of other recent open-world games, the music is mostly ambient, the story is forgettable garbage, the "dungeons" don't even qualify as such and the inclusion of weapon durability is beyond frustrating and retarded.

Monopoly for the Switch.

I remembered the game being so much fun.

But it's literally just Judism: the Board Game turned Vidya. Buy places, buy more places, spend money to make money. Try to get a deal to go through, and your friend fucking shoots it down. And it's so fucking slow. Worst 40 bucks I have ever spent.

Monopoly has a long and complicated history of being unfun.

Monopoly is only fun with house rules with friends

i'm not much of a PC gamer but can't you run it in compatibility mode or something? I think that fixed KOTOR for me in Windows 8