>Ultimate Gohan
>Super Saiyan 3 Gotenks
>Kid Buu
Good additions. Nothing surprising.
>Ultimate Gohan
>Super Saiyan 3 Gotenks
>Kid Buu
Good additions. Nothing surprising.
What is Gotenks a 1 in? Stat translation please.
>not saiyaman+saiyaman 2 assist
>Kid Buu
>3 reach not 4 or 5
What? Nigga got stretchy arms.
I very curious to see how big a disadvantage the small characters will be at with tiny range, having small hurtboxes I guess kind of balances it out but this isn't always the case in fighting games.
Now they need to reveal Beerus
It probably wont matter as much as in other fighters because of dashes and ki attacks.
I'm disappointing that Gotenks is in his ugly ass SS3 form
Why not Base or SS1? Fuck SS3
From the Buu saga, I would trade Gohan or Kid Buu for Dabura any day.
So sad i can't even type right
I guess stretchy arms can only go so far when you are a manlet. For comparasion, Fat Buu is a 4 in Reach.
There's already like 4 or 5 characters in SS1 or 2, its nice to have some variety.
SSJ3 is his most iconic look, i guess. They didn't want another straight up spiked blonde hair and he barely ever fought in Base.
>Kid Buu is mostly 4s
Get ready for some 5s.
>I guess stretchy arms can only go so far when you are a manlet.
Maybe to fill the gap SS3 Goku left.
MR SATAN FUCKING WHEN????????????????
>stop using the most popular abbreviation because of muh new spic meme
It's still wrong.
True, but everyone understands, so i don't really care.
>Gotenks SS3
Now i just want Roshi and Vegito.
This roaster is godlike. Please dont fuck it up with super faggots
He's too OP, it would break the game.
Did Roshi even had legitimate fights in DBZ?
Now that Beerus and Hit are also confirmed, who else do you want to see joining?
No but he did in DB
>True, but everyone understands
Most people actually think the J is a proper abbreviation.
Hit hasn't been confirmed.
I think he fought briefly in the Dr Wheelo movie, was that already Z?
Honestly, DB Super brought a ton of attention to Roshi recently with it's god tier episodes. Those that watched the originals DB always liked him, but seeing him action again helped a lot of people remember how great he is.
It helps that he has a fantastic theoretical moveset for this game. Only thing he doesn't have is flight, but he owns a flying turtle anyway.
he did in DB and DBS
forgot image
That's not hit, it's obviously Ginyu. We've talked about this to death already.
Yeah, that's true. The J has been used for so long on the internet, it isn't a surprise a lot of people think it is right. Honestly, just SS looks too weird for me after all these years.
His mouth isn't agape like Ginyu's is in his character portrait
Saiyaman will probably be a DLC costume
faggot, just play as Ginyu.
Hold on, who is the blue on the top right? Blue Goku is directly below Blue Vegeta.
I would guess Vegitto, but this one seems to have a blue undershirt.
How can you even tell? The icon is far too small and far too pixelated to be able to see that properly. Not only that but there's a big white pixel where the mouth should be, so by your supposed logic I guess it is agape like in Ginyu's photo.
>not being able to read kana
SSB Goku. He's just there twice. That photo is from arcade mode.
not that user, but would you mind translating all of them in clockwise order?
Goku, and that Hit people are talking about is Ginyu, they are just being retarded
There would be white on both the top and bottom and pink in the middle then. Feel free to screen cap my post and feel wrong when it is Hit.
I hope Beerus gets a Monaka costume.
I'm still trying to see Hit in it, but I can'y really see it too much. It honestly looks far more like Ginyu to me. Another slight giveaway, I think, is how the head looks oddly pixelated when other bald characters look smooth (like Frieza and Nappa) despite the pixelation. If it's Ginyu It's probably just pixels of the cranium brain-lines on his head. I think if it was Hit it would look smooth. Also you can slightly make out some pieces of light lining moving up the icon image (which hit doesn't have) and if it was Hit wouldn't the center of his entire face be a lighter shade of purple? I know it's pretty low quality but we can at least make out stuff like that.
Starting at 12 o clock:
the shading on Ginyu also starts on the right of his face whereas Hit's shading starts on the left
>there would be white son both the top and bottom
Not for a tiny jpeg image icon. It would just be a white pixel.
Ah, there are two Gokus. I guess that one is just a Boss version of him.
Thanks, anons!
It's also not really translation. They're English words written in Jap characters.
thats not fucking hit
When it comes down to whether or not Vegeta jobs, anything can happen.
Reach, he has the lowest in the game along with Kid Gohan.
Top right is Goku Black btw
What would be a good and surprising reveal at this point?
There aren't that many good DB characters who also aren't popular
Top right is SSB Goku and one left of that id Kid Buu.
Why is nappa in this game? It strikes me as odd.
Black's smugness was much more entertaining than Perfect Cell. Cell was only entertaining as Imperfect, and even then just because he was a weird monster.
General Blue
Penultimate boss of the Saiyan Saga?
To be big Jack-O
>Not purple hair gotenks
Base gotenks looks way cooler than ssj3.
If that's kid buu, why is the head tilted to the left and not to the right like his character portrait?
Oooh, that would be right out of left field. Towa would be another one.
the one who soloed the whole group except Goku?
Because it might just be a palce holder? They might have changed it? Fat Buu's arcade mdoe icon isn't the exact same as his magazine character portrait either.
Uh, Nappa is one of the most recognizable characters in Dragonball History. He has a really distinct look and is part of formative shit for the series.
Based Saiyan Saga rep + heavy summoner character.
Think of a hot Jack-O.
bunch of useless memes with no victories in the show
It's a ping pixel blob mess, how can you possibly say it's Goku Black based on that? IF it was Goku Black it would look like Goku's icon but with pink hair. It doesn't. If anything it's just Kid Buu.
These two.
I love Base Gotenks, but it is nowhere near as notable as Super Saiyan.
That's 3 of the 4.
So who is the last addition?
inb4 beerus
I was gonna run Tien, Yamcha, and Kriller but if they put beerus in I might have to betray our species and use him and my boy ultimate gohan. Tien is my anchor though
That doesn't really add up.
Kid buu should have maximum reach.
Bobobo when?
I'm disappointed that Gotenks is a base character and that Kid Trunk and Goten weren't added as a single character that just changes into Gotenks in battle.
goku is a bisexual cis male
trunks is bisexual have AGP and gender dysphoria
mai is bi because only a bisexual could fall in love with a tranny
lunch is lesbian and for that reason she don't have a bf
roshi is a straight trans man, thanks to magic he have a natural dick and balls even if he still retains the XX chromosomes
tienshinhan is 100% gay and in love with his cumskin midget
bulma sister is a trans lesbian
both 18 and 17 are cis bisexuals hetero-romantic
the same for krillin
bulma and vegeta are both bisluts, vegeta is also a fan of cuckold and loves watching bulma take the green and purple pill, he also takes it everyday
freeza is ""bisexual"", his specie don't have gender, and basically he is attracted to humanoid sapient species, but he is not a slut
the same for piccolo, but he and his specie are sluts by nature
caulifla is a bislut, but is homoromantic, she only fucks men because is fun
kale is a cis lesbian, she loves caulifla, she don't like dicks or men but she have AGP and a cuckquean fetish, she loves how her gf caulifla have orgams fucking men, sometimes she fucks men, not because she like it, just because the humillation and because that fills her autogynephilia
gohan and videl both are straight, but they love cuckolding and gohan is a submissive faggot, simetimes her misstress, videl forces him to be fucked by males, she also cucked him in his face, they also try cuckquean once, but this not their style
beerus is an ancient god, and like all gods they are bisexual that can fuck anything
chichi is cis straight and boring, goku and chichi don't have sexual quimic and both hate each others
yamcha is just a cuck
>mfw Bobobo BLANCO is DLC 2
> why animate one character when you can animate three?
ask an arcsys rep that and tell us how quickly you get laughed out of the room.
>Bobopatchiggler Rainbow is only obtainable through lootboxes
Also, Gotenks and Trunks were never popular enough separately to justify them, thats why they fused in the first place.
kid trunks and goten are fucking worthless, Gotenks is legitimately the only good thing to come from them.
Hit and Beerus were accidentally revealed too
It looks nothing like Hit, stop saying that
number 4 go when?
Im so fucking hyped right now! i was literally begging for Ultimate Gohan and Kid Buu to be included
Give me Bardock, Broly, Janemba, Raditz and Vegito... bonus points if we get Mira and Tora, and of course Android 21 as a playable character
>why animate one character when you can animate three?
Why make !8 have 17.
Why make Tien have Chaotzu
Why have Ginyu have the entire ginyu force.
You logic isn't sound.
No reason to not have a dual character.
It's time to stop posting.
Worthless alone. together they did a few things.
Which is why a dual character would have been interesting.
did he died?
Okay, then who is it?
Toriyama forgot about him, so i think hed need a new form to compete against the new characters, like bigger hair