Kawakami Thread

>Go on Sup Forums
>People are still posting the dumb "she wuz prostitute" meme

It's like you fuckers didn't even play the game, so, lemme help you out.

* When you meet her she's doing maid services secretly to make extra money and pay off the people extorting her.
* When things backfire and their demands increase she needs more money, more than a maid job would pay. So she plans to transfer over to the "sister company", which is obviously prostitution, a delivery health job most likely.
>The big goal of the social link is to stop this and save her from that fate

Think about it, for just a second, if she was already sleeping with her clients then why would her new job be prostitution? That's what she's already doing, what are you saving her from? And if she's fine fucking people for money, why would she be a maid in the first place, rather than take more money as a whore?

It doesn't make sense. Maid jobs like this aren't prostition jobs, they're fanservice jobs.

>But she offers special services

Yeah, things like cleaning in lingerie or naked, that's pretty standard. These jobs always stop short of sex because otherwise they'd run into prostitution laws and there'd be trouble. Prostition is handled a little more carefully, usually via Yakuza channels.

>But the blackmailers accuse her of being in the sex industry and she doesn't deny it

Because she is, in the same way a strip club is part of the sex industry. The sister company for her one does involve itself with whoring.

The distinction doesn't matter, she would absolutely get fired if it came to light that a teacher (of a private school!) Was moonlighting as a maid. It's disgraceful.

Other urls found in this thread:


Other things:

>But muh Christmas cake meme

She's 23-24. (Chihaya is 19-20, Tae is in her early to mid 20s, Sae is 24 and Ohya is undetermined)

>That doesn't mean she's a virgin

Nope, it doesn't, maybe she's not, the game doesn't spell something like that out. However when dating Joker she admits she's never done any of this stuff before, hadn't had a boyfriend or gone on dates.

Rise doesn't fuck her producers either btw.

She is best girl


SMART Kawakamiposter

She's in her early 30's

>Rise doesn't fuck her producers either btw.
You just threw your credibility out the window.

Mistranslation. The Japanese article uses the phrase "アラサー" which means "around 30" and has an age range of 25 to 34. The fact she can fuck MC probably means she's on the lower end of that.

You can use google translate on ja.wikipedia.org/wiki/アラサー to get more info.

>is in the slut maid industry which is known for pleasing their clients for money
>is completely desperate for cash
>s-she is pure!

If she was in that much of a serious debt and became a fucking filthy whore too, the best choice would've been suicide. Easy, painless way out. The real life way and method most would and should go for.

Of course the Nips are going to make some fucking fantasy out of it with a story and game and fucking whatever. You dumb weeaboo cucks wouldn't even care about it in the first place if it wasn't an anime styled game.

>Maid industry explicitly doesn't fuck clients
>Slutty maid industry

What did t. Retard mean by this?

She wasn't in debt though. Play the game.

So she just did some handies and maybe BJ's, alright

>''I thought you were one of those shy guys who didn't pursue women.''
Fuck you and fuck her, hope she dies in hell.

Probably not even that to be honest fampai. I've never seen a maid service that offers that, but then I'm not an expert, so it's possible.

It's a fanservice role, you get a cute girl calling you master and cleaning up after you.

Ryuji and that guy whose name I've forgotten were gonna hire her with you, do people think they were gonna run a train on her or something?

I’d get her pregnant while still in high school. Leaving school early to see your soon-to-be wife and kid is the manliest thing I could think of.

Dumb whoreposter.

Not if it's your teacher.

>particular x girl thread
No, get aids, dumb waifufaggot
Also, this isn't videogames

I think the issue is that the guys were waaay to excited over practically nothing.

Maid cafes are a thing, FFS.

>tfw going to be a cake in a few years
Where has all of the time gone

You waifu is a slut and you're pathetic

>Yeah, things like cleaning in lingerie or naked, that's pretty standard.

People really picked this chick after learning that? How can Sup Forums be so pathetic that even in a VIRTUAL UNIVERSE they still pick the loser?

>tfw アラサー and not a waifufag in denial so around thirty means around thirty and not 24ish
Shit sucks senpai

>being man enough to steal the heart of an older woman with a respectable job while being her subordinate and a literal schoolboy
You are wrong

Who honestly gives a fuck. Joker is a fucking stud and isn't intimidated by an experienced woman. Especially when there's plenty of pure virgin girls he can chase if he feels like it.

Normalfags really like teachers and they always feel sorry for prostitutes for some reason.

Only a sad little weak man goes for women older than himself. This is elementary stuff.

>caring about what Sup Forums thinks
Lmaoing at your life

>being dumb enough to leat a soon to be prostitute extort 5k out of you until she gets tired of it

She also has the best bonus.

That's not best girl Chihaya-chan.

>see her become fucking gollum, saggy tits and old-age aids before you even reach your 30s
yeah dude, im sure you're going to enjoy it. fucking retards only thinking about the current time period instead of how everything might fare in the long run

Her bonus is sweet but there's absolutely no way I'm waifuing such an awful person just because she's a walking fetish.

People do not care about reasoning, dude. It's a fucking meme at this point so people will continue to parrot it no matter how much evidence you have to the contrary. Just like they'll always call my waifu a slut even though they know she's not. Might as well just ignore them.

Lmao it’s like 45 dollars converted, and we’re talking about someone who beats up demons for their lunch money daily.

Yeah but she always was a smug cunt all the damn time. IT was irritating as hell, she treated Ryuuji as a problem even though anyone with a brain could tell that the kid had home life trouble.

She's a shit teacher that will try to help kids but god damn when a kid needs help infront of her she gets a bit upitty and immoral. I helped her ass out because I wanted some social links honestly, but if it wasn't for that I would let her suffer. She's insufferable to a point.

Futaba is cute!

Yeah, but they're young and excitable, having a private maid is a hell of a step up from buying expensive food.

your image is also a slut. look at the dick sucking mouth and her face overall, that's the kind of basic/average woman that makes it first into hentai shit

>being one of the most human side characters in P5 means she’s a walking fetish


5k yen is pocket change, even in my eastern european shithole.
Especially when helping such a wonderful woman who became a victim of human malice

I think MC getting bullied by Junpei proved that beating demons has nothing to do with being manly.


>explicitly doesn't fuck clients

Imagine being this deluded. Hostesses aren't supposed to do anything sexual with clients but they end up going to a hotel after their shift to fuck anyways for money, same shit applies here.

Weebs are so retarded


>she's a teacher
>a maid
>keeps offering massages and special services
>one of the most absurd reasons to get blackmailed ever
A true human bean

>most human side character
her fucking dialogue just speaks 'weeb faggotry' and 'anime fiction' all over it.

do you seriously think people irl talk like that at all? you're completely hopeless, holy shit

>I've never seen a maid service that offers that

Why are you honestly pretending you go out to these """maid""" places anyways?

Ryuji got the short end of the stick because of a shittone of things that literally just do not translate. It's like why people can't understand why he annoyed Morgana so much and just see it as Morgana picking on him.

That said, she's not even his treacher, she only knows him by reputation.

Don't lewd Ann!

It's not about the money, dumbass. It's about taking it like a little bitch.


Fuck your entire disgusting weeb game you degenerate.

>in position to blackmail a hot teacher who you give zero fucks about
>you somehow end up giving her money regularly without any sexual favours

What a white knight cuck

Yeah you're right user, you save her from taking a job as a prostitute instead of her current job as a prostitute.

That makes perfect sense. Ryuji and Mishima were expecting to watch as you fucked her.

>Pedophiles are the manliest of the manly

t. friendlet
That’s not how people spend time with their friends

>Save her
>She does favors for you and looks after you forever

Even her little comments about looking after yourself, she's the most perfect incarnation of Heirophant archetype so far, much better than in 3 and 4.

>Not recognising obvious sarcasm

>Save her
When she acts like a cunt most of the time? Why? Don't be retarded.

No one even likes her as a maid but it’s hard to tell if the devs wanted you to like her and failed or wanted you to dislike her tryhard maid facade and succeeded. She keeps doing the maid stuff because she feels guilt over the students death, it’s not complex to understand or anything.
So do Tae, Iwai, and Toranosuke. Doesn’t stop them from being leagues over your own party members in terms of writing quality and personality.

you don't see any of that in the game though you retard.

dialogue /= anything she said happened

just like fucking women irl who tell you they're going to stop doing something and they do it again a few weeks later. keep living in your fantasy world though where everything is white and nice

Having put about 100 hours into the game I'm left wondering why the dating aspect of the game is so focused upon. The girls didn't really have any major personality outside of whatever problem they were having that you needed to solve for them. And then you get to the 10th event and suddenly it's love right outta nowhere with no buildup.

>nu-Sup Forums hates best girl
Not surprised in the slightest.

>Side characters in P5 are leaps and bounds above the ones in P3 and P4 (barring a few like Akinari)
>Many are better written than the main cast
>We won't see them in spinoffs and they will get limited screen time in the anime

This sucks

>weeb personalities
>quality writing
great fucking argument you sad soyboy anime enabler

it's you on the left btw.

No one has an original idea anymore huh

>cleans your room you could do yourself
>gives you massages you wouldn't need to do if you go gym

Fuck off, he's a cuck

Sup Forums is full of neogaffers and reddit these days. What did you expect?

>She keeps doing the maid stuff because she feels guilt over the students death,
>keeps acting like a complete bitch to other students
10/10 character. Definitely not one of the dumbest reasons to get in the sex industry.

>doesn’t like anime
>posts on Sup Forums

You need to leave.

Your dumb. She wouldn't fuck or blow kids from her own school but guarantee older adults who knew exactly what they want got her to suck them off

oh no, on contrary, anime is fine. when not tainted by all of your fucking MOE KAWAII shit

Everyone treated Joker like shit, even Sojiro. Almost every confidant’s basic plot is about being accused of something they’re not.

She's clearly running at her limits and needs help, but she also has fantastic banter with Joker if you make fun of her terrible maid work. She's incredibly sweet after she opens up to you and becomes a proper, respectable teacher (and your private maid) when you get rid of the blackmailing.

The whole idea of the heirophant is about someone who looks after others, a maternal kinda role.

Practically anytime you ring her she asks about you, she worries you're not eating well and offers to come clean your room because she's concerned you'll leave it as a mess. She asks about your studying, tells you to be careful in flu season, to wrap up in the winter, etc etc

Later, she comes over, for free, anytime you'd like to do anything from cooking for you, to doing your laundry. When you're worn out she comes over specifically to look after you and help get you back on your feet.

Despite being such a shity maid, she's fantastic at taking care of her master. And hey, older, submissive women are hot.

What's Kawakamis' fetish

She's not a hierophant you doofus

Sorry but i don't need a mother.

I prefer the situation where i manipulate the women instead on my every whim instead of paying someone to be my mom.

>older, submissive women are hot
only exist in anime

keep living in your fucking fantasy world though, none of that happened in real life or will ever happen in real life, women and people in general don't work like that. they never did. you fucking sad aspies

Holding hands

kawakami is temperance, which also doesn't make much sense really

Wait, you mean older woman are more dominant in real life? The mommy dommy gf meme is for real????

Temperance is about balance and her entire storyline is that she's trying to balance being a teacher and maid. It's probably the most straightforward Temperance arcana so far.

being a cock sleeve to random ''clients''

Imagine giving a fuck about some irrelevant slut that had no involvement in the main story

Zero evidence of this, do you think Ryuji and Mishima both intended to get blown at the same time as you. Stop confusing fanservice with sex service.

She's only rude to Joker, and everyone is rude to him, he's a criminal as far as they're concerned. Have you forgotten how much of a dick Sojiro was at first, or how the whole school shits on you? The press girl won't even talk to you at first.

Kinda.. except she doesn't want to be a maid, and I thought she was going to end up quitting at the end?

Not really. Divorced older woman around 30-35 are way more submissive and easy than women in their twenties.
I became a wizard, but now that I'm 35
I manage to get laid on a regular basis.

There's absolutely no way I'm getting married though, they're still damaged goods.

>keep thinking I have most Kawakami art
>more keeps popping up
It’s a good feeling desu

Sorry my fucking bad, I was describing Temperance but for some reason my brain said Heirophant.

She's a lot better as Temperance than that French guy in 3 or the shitty mother in 4.

>She's only rude to Joker
The gut that's not blackmailing her despite being able to do so and with a way better reason than the parents AND is also paying her. Fucking bitch.

I hate anime but play jrpgs and all kinds of weebshit user and I've been posting longer than I care to think about. And this game with all of it's relationship bullshit is why I still haven't played my copy. Though I enjoy the designs and game mechanics. Maybe I'm just old as fuck.

Just marry a younger girl user. My dad was 50 when he had me.

The mother in 4 is the best example of a temperance though. Way better than Kawakami at least.

you need to ingest more red pills desu.

older women who look for younger men dont want to be submissive to them. they look for younger men because they know they'll soon because ugly and old, so having a young bf will keep them feeling beautiful and young themselves. they're also thinking it's easier to manipulate a younger, inexperienced man to do what they want than it is for a man their age or older.

women are nothing like your anime depicts them to be like.

Submission, clearly. She keeps hinting that she wants to be your maid even after quitting and being in a relationship with her. Tae is a masochist, so they'd have a good dynamic I think.

>Thinking this

Definitly not true, comes down to personality.

Pls giv mommy dommy gf

>Ryuji and Mishima both intended to get blown at the same time as you.

No because they're retarded. Any other non virgin with street knowledge would know about the "extra" services you can pull put of a maid. Shit is common knowledge to adults that people who work in massage maid industry are sluts that will do whatever you want as long as you pay them.

She's only rude to you at the start of the game, she's pretty good to you throughout the S.Link. She acts completely open and free with him, and doesn't even complain if he makes fun of her, or bullies her, they've got a great dynamic.

Because shitty mother didn't had romance?
I don't care about either of them but woman struggling with a foster child looks more sympathetic than bitch that wants to make money the most easy way.

>trying to apply 3D women logic to 2D women

Fucking normalfags, that's not how it works.