>Assassin's Creed is the GOTY of the year
Only true patricians would agree with the above statement
What does Sup Forums say?
>Assassin's Creed is the GOTY of the year
Only true patricians would agree with the above statement
What does Sup Forums say?
I don't know but it's definitely GOTY of the month
We will have to wait for the crack first.
The game looks BEAUTIFUL !
false flag
AC Origins unironically deserved to be a candidate for GOTY. The fact mario is on there which came out on the same day is batshit insane.
>The virgin of Zelda
>The chad Assassin
What is that screenshot trying to prove? When you are in the desert your eyes can't see that well because of the heat and you would see what you get in your screenshot
delet this
no. the game is simply stunning when you max it out!
Tell your superiors you'd be better off doing this on reddit or resetera.
Will play it when crack comes out
Go back to Sup Forums you huge faggot
ikr the game looks fantastic. every npc looks different. wow
The funny part is you're trying to be sarcastic but that screenshot actually looks great.
Wow, you are telling me that soldiers look the same? Stunning revelation you genius
I wouldn't really call it goty but it's definitely kino
Why was the grain so low res in that scene?
May you walk in the field of reeds, user.
yes dude soldiers are like fucking clones duuude.
>being this retarded
I mean yeah, most soldiers all cut their hair cut a certain way and wear something that's usually referred to as a uniform, so they tend to look a like. Do you have autism by chance?
>trying to appeal to maral high ground while advertizing a cancerous franchise rehash of the year
A new level of brand slavery. All happy to be slaves.
This game is going to be $30 on Black Friday and I’m going to buy it. Assassin’s Creed has been ass for a long time, but Ubi seemed to actually do something good with this one.
Really I just want a decent ancient Egypt RPG
If a decent egypt RPG is what you want, that's exactly what you'll get.
It's like Witcher 3 but in Egypt. Have fun
Oh my god... It looks like a picture...
I'm playing a picture!!!
>myopia settings
Who finds this shit appealing?
If I wanted the world to look like this I'd just take off my glasses.
It's better than Witcher 3. Witcher had shitty swamps everywhere and no artistic open world. Origins is full of great stuff everywhere.
I like both games and I even I can see that you're a shill
and shit writing and story.
It's called photography kiddo
Witcher 3 has nothing to offer. No interesting climbing, diving, animals, cool vantage points, NOTHING. Just miles and miles of shitty swamps and trees.
woah look at this photography
You would have a point if there wasn't a focused area in the OPs image. Alas, you are a moron.
The textures weren't finished loading yet, false flagger.
This happens in Wildlands too and it uses the same engine, although in Wildlands you only see it when doing 180 degree turns.