Which one Sup Forums?
Which one Sup Forums?
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best girl isnt even there
Yukiko is the obvious choice.
>taking off shoes and socks in class
literally nobody does this, could not be more blatant footfag pandering
Before playing I liked Chie and Naoto.
After playing Rise & Yukiko ended up being much better.
Chie is that fucking nasty.
Any but Chie
>Yukiko ended up being much better.
Did we play the same game
this one
Nanako is forever best girl
this one
That depends. Was Chie a chunni fuck in your game? Was Naoto good for nothing detective and a terribly written character overall?
>ywn lick Chie's sweaty feet clean after she has spent all day training
have a barefoot pic?
no chie slander you fucking disgusting plebs
Naoto, Rise, Yukiko, Ai
I don't get the appeal
Would be more popular with added screen time
Devil, Elizabeth
Great porn and that's it
I forgot your personality
Either drama or music club girls
>ywn challenge her to a sparring match in your room and beat the shit out of her and take advantage of her body because she loves it
Holy shit this tier list is perfect
refined taste friendo
Why did Chie feel the need to get her stinky feet out in a classroom?