I wanna play this so fucking bad, but i can't stand playing as a girl, i don't know why, i just...can't...

i wanna play this so fucking bad, but i can't stand playing as a girl, i don't know why, i just...can't, there's a way to change that?

Try picking it up again when you're over 18

Yeah you can get over it.

Did you ask your parents for their permission before going online?

Keep playing the game. Majority of the game is actually spent playing as 9s.

Are you gay?

You only play half the game playing as 2B/A2.
The other half is Niness.

Also stop being a faggot.

>posts on Sup Forums
>can't stand playing as a girl

really OP?

try fapping to Drainage City a few times and get back to us afterwards

i'm actually not

After the main character's death you can play as her male companion ;)

>i can't stand playing as a girl


neck yourself

Oh yes you are. You prefer play as muscular hairy man dont you?

not necessarily hairy nor muscular, just a man, like me you know

You're thinking of games wrong. The story has never been about you even if you create the character. The story is always about the avatar no matter what form it takes.

Its a story told to you through action rather than words. Lose the ego.

Get someone to beat it for you then try playing it

it's not an ego thing, i just don't like play as a girl, i'm not the type of dude that thinks like "i'm too manly for this shit", i just don't like it, yes i know that's stupid but that's life

A fag you mean ?

At least you know the stupidity of this situation

>he prefers to stare at a man's ass as he plays vidya


not like it's a big deal, i'm just asking, if there's no way i'll play the game anyways

>play roleplaying game
>refuse to roleplay

I'm a 6'4" blonde giant in real life, why wouldn't I play as something else in a video game? Methinks you're a wee bit insecure OP

To everyone saying OP is dumb:

Some people just don't like playing as a characters of the opposite sex or a different race than them. I mean with few exceptions would you like to play a game where you played as a black guy or a womyn?

Think before you speak.

>i can't stand playing as a girl, i don't know why

it's becuse you're a faggot and you are ashamed of yourself, so you dont accept the fact that you secretly want to be a girl yourself

I told you, you can play as a man after the main character's death

Eventually you play as 9S, the guy. Be patient and enjoy how hot 2B is already.

So you let games like Bayonetta, Silent Hill 3, RE1 and 3, Metroid Franchise, etc. pass by just because your autism?
Sure, i guess. I suppose you dont like movies or books where the main character is a girl either.

totally gay

It's okay since she dies midway through

>would you like to play a game where you played as a black guy or a womyn?

yes. Especially if it pisses you off

Okay show me. Hard mode no game with character creation or San Andreas

>I'm a 6'4" blonde giant in real life

sweet jesus

Donkey Kong series

how's that? she's one pretty sexy robot, it's not like i don't like her, she's one of the most remarkable characters in vidya in a long time, idk why the hell would i be gay because i don't want to play as a girl in a video game?? lol

almost as original of a joke as Mario on mushrooms (drugs)

i don't mind metroid, silent hill and resident evil, hack n slash like bayonetta i don't actually play anyways, so whatever

Onestly, what's the problem to play a woman character? they don't have a different feeling than male characters, so why bother?

I really don't know why I'm doing this

if you don't like games like Bayonetta, why you want to play Nier Automata, a game made by the same people with a very similar combat style?

Tomb Raider
Resident Evil
Silent Hill 3

because it looks like something better than bayonetta, i like this setting more

>he doesn't exclusively play as a girl whenever he can

so play as a man in a video game = gay?
ok, nice logic dude

it's literally Bayonetta gameplay in an action rpg game, if you don't like the gameplay, you won't like thi game either

Par o cazz

no, but wanting to play only male, controlling them and penetrating into them is totally gay


>defending your sexuality this hard


come back after confirming your sexuality OP

i know, it's actually dumb and useless, especially in a fucking imageboard lmao

i've played other games as a girl, like tomb raider, and i don't want to penetrate them user, mind your words

>it's not an ego thing, i just don't like play as a girl, i'm not the type of dude that thinks like "i'm too manly for this shit", i just don't like it, yes i know that's stupid but that's life

No its your fucking ego you can't separate from you goddamn child. Temper yourself or the world will do it for you.

You just said "I" as in yourself does not "like" it. This means its nothing but ego. Your reasoning is coming from a place of belief that the value you place on your current mental state means anything, it doesn't.

You said you want to play it so do it or stop fucking whining.

she's a android. solved.



You don't want to penetrate nu-Lara? Fag

Don't let them bully you user, I don't like playing as a grill either. But sometimes it's the only choice you have and eventually you get over it or play other games.

as many has asked, me, the OP, will play this game playing as a girl or a boy, i'll put my "faggotry" aside on this one, thank's Sup Forums

thanks for the support user, seems like you're the only one that actually understands what i meant


>I'm a 6'4" blonde giant in real life
>you're insecure
Pot calling the kettle

What is wrong with you?

Yeah I know, all those times I had to stop to masturbate