Does anyone else like to look at the edge of the video game worlds, and wonder, what's down there?

Does anyone else like to look at the edge of the video game worlds, and wonder, what's down there?

When I was a kid, I would always imagine what was out there. It's like because I couldn't get there, it could have all kinds of mysteries


/autism/ general?

my favorite was the secret aquarium. i always used to like to look out those windows, and wonder where I was. it was strangely comforting in that box in the sky

All those maps that haven't even been developed yet...

those windows actually inspired me to made a short film

I did this when Halo was a thing on the OG Xbox. Would go to the edge of the cliff on the second map and look off into the distance. The graphics at the time blew my mind so even though it was blurred and far I was still blown away by the detail. Would run my guy off in all type of crazy ways to see how far I could fall before dying.

What's your favorite skybox?

Post it

im making it, im on the shooting stages, what the skyboxes inspired me to do was to capture the comfy feel, maybe 90s feel and the color palette, so we are shooting in a mix between full HD digital camera and a hi 8 recorder. I dislike that 80s and 90s notalgia are so popular right now just for the looks we are trying to capture the vibe in a feel, a little more personal


N64/PS1 games were always so mysterious because they were basically just platforms in a void

I can tell you what's down there. A blurry-ass texture of a photograph, probably taken from some licensed resource.



I'm not a delusional autist so no. I play the game following the main missions, beat it, and then sell it back to Gamestop for a small kickback to use on whatever I want.



you know that you're on Sup Forums right? this insult is stupid when you are probably far from normal yourselves

Pre rendered backgrounds work for me in this way, a goos example isFinal fantasy vii because the world of the game feels so much bigger and deep, mostly because i played it when i was very small and used to wonder what was there in the distance, i had dreams where i explored those places so i always think is bigger than it is

Don't lump me in with yourself you autistic little shit. I'm not the one making threads about 80 year old kid trash in the current year.

ow the edge
toddlers these days

N64 mysteries thread?

I love Spyro skyboxes for this reason

Unironically yes.

they watched us from the edge of the world

I used to play hours and hours of Wave Race Blue Storm in free roam, always trying to get out to the areas outside the playable area.

When I was a kid I wondered endlessly about what was out there.

I didn't really understand it was just skyboxes with pictures.

Man I love the aesthetic of late 90s early 00s 3d worlds.

why are water levels the comfiest?
