So which of the two meme bosses gave you guys the most trouble...

so which of the two meme bosses gave you guys the most trouble? keep hearing people complaining about Kahls Robot more but he's hardly much of a threat when you nail the pattern down.

Definitely the dragon, roboboss was comparatively easy. A friend and I played the whole game co-op though so maybe its different in single player
king ghidorah, take me to your leader

Nah if any it might be a little harder depending on your abilities to keep track of who is where, I've can't play co op without losing track of where my character is

Things that gave us the most trouble:
>That fucking run and gun with the octopus at the end
>King dice
Beat djimmi first try though baby

definitely the robot.
I'd just got the charge shot and the dragon died unexpectedly fast to it

Dragon because of the fire mode, I was too retarded to notice they jumped where they were looking.

Robot I figured out quickly.

dragon is easy shit if you've ever played a platformer in you life
I'm sure something similar can be said about the robot but I sucked ass on him

Robot. The last phase was the only hard part of the dragon fight for me.

Had a lot of trouble on final phase of dragons.
Found robots comparatively easy, mostly because the game bugged out and i had to he never went to his last couple of phases. Had to dps the absolute fuck out of him in 2nd phase tho

I gave up on that level, thinking about going back for that pacifist rank though. How reliable is the old 'spam smokescreen until you've reached the mini boss' strat again?

Thats actually what we ended up doing, its honestly the best way to do it. Definitely the most infuriating level in the game imo

The Dragon, and up until now, i had no idea that the robot gave that much trouble to people. I didn't really see it standing out as harder when compared to other bosses. The dragon definitely gave me the most trouble

The robot. The dragon was one of the easiest bosses for me

Robot and bee gave me the most trouble.
Genie was definitely the toughest island 2.

Beppi the Clown can be a bitch and a half if you walk straight towards his level fresh out of Isle 1, assuming you haven't developed your reaction timing yet

My least favorite bosses were all flying level bosses. They really should've worked on more alternate uses for your items in flight mode.

Dragon was easy as shit. Don't know what the fuck everyone was on about. I beat him on the second try. And I died the first time because I tried to use my super and ended up over an empty chasm with nothing I could reach

Robot took me about six to eight tries. Pretty much died to every new mechanic once.

Beppi the Clown, the Buzz Bomber, Kahl and the Ghost Train fucking destroyed me.

Most other bosses were reasonable but I fucking hated these ones.

For whatever reason the Dragon never game me trouble.

Neither were the hardest bosses for me desu, although if I had to pick Dragon is far harder.

I can understand the others but the Phantom Express had that good blend of challenge, fairness and entertainment, can't see how they can wall someone for too long. Really Isle 3 had a lot of bosses that were fun and decently challenging or straight up bullshit sometimes

dragon took 3 tries so robot

Spent more time on the dragon since I attempted to do it before buying any shots.

The robot probably would've taken longer but I glitched it to death unknowingly.