Vote with your wallet by not buying a game/loot crate

>vote with your wallet by not buying a game/loot crate
>one ballot is cast towards "I don't like this greedy shit"
>Meanwhile some whale spends 10k on loot crates
>10,000 ballots are cast towards, "please keep up the greedy shit"

when will people learn that voting with your wallet just does NOT fucking work?

reminder that A FUCK LOAD of people hate the lootbox shit

That defeatist cuck attitude is what makes this model successful to begin with.

It's not entirely defeatist, but I do understand where OP is coming from. If you have $10 crates and 100 people refuses to buy them, but 1 person buys $1,000 worth, the 100 people that didn't do it doesn't really mean as much. It takes a much much larger portion of people on board with such a thing to actually make something happen. A few people with expendable money can make hundreds or even thousands of people "voting with their wallet" null.

I think the bigger thing to think about is how this backlash is making it a social issue. So what if some spurg buys $1000 worth of crates? The internet outrage has successfully made it socially unacceptable to buy crates, which will hurt way more than one guy deciding to or not to buy a shit ton of crates.

How about you spend money on games you like and encourage your friends (lmao) into doing the same?

That's the thing though, the only people who hate loot boxes are people who have to play the games with them included, I doubt a good chunk of anyone who could actually make a difference actually play games.

This guy is clearly in a minority of people who hold shares in major gaming companies who play games.


>If your vote with the wallet does not ruin the company right away it's a useless act

>That pic
I hate you guys

It obviously worked for the “whale”

When will people learn that voting doesn't necessarily mean they win?

People know this, the issue isn't that people aren't voting in their favour. This issue is that one side's votes are disproportionately more valuable than the other's.

More like you can abstain from voting or vote yes.

The issue is that the vote of a discerning and informed consumer with a standard of quality will always be outweighed.
Either by normalfags that only need to be marketed to or by whales who have a purchasing power several hundred times higher than theirs.
People complain because they have no way to steer this shit towards the outcome they want outside of smaller games.

The fish that wants for better bait when everyone else is content to go after shiny hooks and incredibly measly bait.

>tfw whale buys your favourite game company so they can put in lootboxes

oh I am, haven't bought an AAA game for like a year now. I am flying high.

>people against microtransactions vote with their wallet and don't buy the game
>less people than expected playing
>low metacritics ratings
>videogames websites saying BF2 failed because there are few people playing
>people soon stop playing the game due to those news
>EA stops getting microtransactions

Voting with your wallet does not mean that every game in existence will be exactly to your liking. It means that there will be people willing to make the type of game you want if you're willing to pay for it.

Like actual whales there aren't that many in the ocean. The guys that are willing to drop thousands on crates are probably already heavily invested in one of the first games to implement the system, and if it shows up everywhere they'll quickly find they whaled out the ocean. Also like actual whaling in the future it'll primarily be carried by Japanese gacha that constantly have to deal with limpwristed socialists following them around with airhorns. Pointing out that it's retarded to the people that might have spent $50 on crates if no one was telling them it was retarded is an effective strategy over the long haul.

I can't believe people find this funny.

Fuck off shill

>black outlined white text on a white background

What retard made this?

Anyone who actually cares about video games as a medium hates the lootbox crap but that doesn't stop casualfags from eating that shit up.

Voting with your wallet isnt just "Not buying lootcrates", it's also buying game with low marketing and no lootboxes

And guess what, this is what's not fucking working : Selling games the old way

So unless you got a magical way to make developper work for free, lootboxes are here to stay

Lootcrates should be an instant -20 for the score. A reverse Nintendo bonus.

damn, that's the most pretentious thing I've read on in a while

I don't buy Steel Reserve malt liqueur but they are still in business. Shouldn't it no longer exist from my voting with my wallet?

Then don't just vote with your wallet, vote with your time. Don't play the games with loot crates in.
>17whales waiting in hour long queues to find a match

Fuck all of it. I gave up on any kind of "fight" after DLC showed it's never going anywhere. No matter how much you protest there's going to be thousands of casuals ready to eat it up so it's better to just not even bother.

It's ridiculous that EA even responded to these faggots. If they stayed quiet like they always do, it would be a non-issue.

But it does? He votes with his wallet too

Whats wrong with being a libertarian?

The whole industry is guilty and needs to be taken down and started over. Nintendo, Sony, Microsoft, Valve, EA, Ubisoft, and all the others, they need to be heavily regulated by the government as it's obvious the industry is not going to regulate itself. DLC, microtransaction, Amiibos, expansions, once you pay for a game none of these should exist. Online games without proper moderation should be restricted to adults as well, but that's another issue to be tackled later on.

Best food analogy award goes to you

It would be fine if no one cared about lootcrates just like how no one cares about whales. Games are being shitted up.

Nothing, but if you call everyone who doesn't like unfettered capitalism a commie, people are going to get irritated

calling for price controls on videogames absolutely makes you a commie

>Everything should be free! Because free!
I don't know why people think this'll work as if by magic. Sure free is good but games are already cheap as fuck. You get your times value by a lot. The cost is a mere like what? 200$ maybe? And you get easily more value out of a game for that amount? 15$ an hour is only under 20 hours. A game provides at least a hundred hours of entertainment.

>So unless you got a magical way to make developper work for free
They could just sell cosmetics without that gambling shit.

My point is that once a game has been purchased that needs to be it, no more money going from the consumer into the company for a game they have already purchased outright. If base prices for games need to be raised then maybe that's an option.

>they could just sell cosmetics meme
Why do Sup Forumsfags always think this will hold up? They are tunnel visioned and don't think about all the games that try this model and failed.

Nobody is calling for price controls, they're calling for gambling systems to be removed from videogames.

Not buying isn't a vote, it's totally invisible compared to hard cash.

It's one thing if they spend millions on making a game and nobody buys it, but that won't happen with the general igonrance among casuals and the loot box system is so inexpensive to implement it's always going to profit from idiots or people who don't care.

It needs goverment regulation.

but why should that be the rule?

white text with black outline is the ideal though
the problem is that the text is way too small to the black outlines bleed into each other

There is nothing wrong with gambling systems. It brings out a ton of intrinsic value which is why it's a success. People who are against it must be insane or something because when you win, it gets the dopamine moving.

Because a huge consumer of video games is children. Game companies exploit them and naive parents into paying for content they should already own. In an ideal world games would be banned, but that's unrealistic. The industry needs to be controlled and regulated.

Yes this very much. Gambling, microtransactions, dlc, expansions, it is all exploitave and needs to be stopped.

There is a lot wrong with gambling systems in games that children can play.

>"oh no we can't do anything we need government regulation" crowd again
Look, the truth is that if the majority of people are happy and will continue to live and work. Why bother to try and change it? All you'll do is lose the game. At the end of the day it's just a game, if you don't enjoy it, play another one. Repeat the cycle instead of raising your standards for the same price value.

>children are being exploited meme
There is no such thing as exploitation. That's just how marketing works. That's how advantages work. If you aren't winning, you're losing. That's it man. Games aren't like they are in the past anymore, not just some passion project. It's about giving the people what they want and they choose this. Are they sheep? Maybe. But they can always change their mind, if they didn't learn to do that they weren't going to get much further anyways.

When you employ psychologists for the sole purpose of pushing peoples' buttons so they buy more things, then it is exploitative.

Cat's out of the bag now. These practices are finally getting mainstream attention and the public will turn on the industry, games need to be regulated as much as possible.

Stop making this argument over and over hoping it sticks. What you wrote is factually and provably untrue. You are talking about something you clearly don't understand and it's pathetic. Business doesn't work that way. Like, at all.

every single company that's worth something in the world has a legion of scientists and psychologists working around the clock to make their product as appealing as possible, but you don't really see any regulation done about it. (I would've said, outside of like, straight up putting drugs into their products, in regards to food or something, but then I remembered that caffeine has a free reign in almost every single drink)

kek, reminds me of when I went vegetarian to protest the meat industry
>look up stats
> government takes subsidies right out my pay check

Well, there goes my meat free diet.

Then how do they work fag?

>everyone does it so it's ok

how underaged was the faggot that made this pretentious load of bullshit?

>people against microtransactions vote with their wallet and don't buy the game
- reality check -
>a single person spend much as 50 players, so do others
>the board of executives check their income: is the number they want
>nothing changes

The rest of whatever you think happens in your greentext is a fantasy. They dont give a shit about players, they want their number as high as they want. If bf2 had a single player who spends billions on it, for them is a success. Thats why scores, vote with your vallet is a complete bullshit, as long as they got the cash is a successful game and a succesful idea.

Ok, got a better solution?
Should I give them the A-OK by buying it regardless? Now I'm down $60 because I bought a shitty game I don't want to play from a company I hate
How does that get me what I want?

How would you even regulate what people want? That makes almost no sense. It's like purposefully limiting yourself when you could have so much better. I guess the perfect society will never exist since Japan outright banned trash cans over a small incident, but they have tons of technological advancement. Also guns rights? America? People should just suck it up and be truthful to theirselves.