The sad part is that the game is really fun aside from the loot box stuff...

The sad part is that the game is really fun aside from the loot box stuff. Honestly hoping the entire game and battlefront franchise doesn't end up getting killed off (again) just to prove a point.

Neither the franchise, or the developers working on the game need die for a mistake that is very obviously, and clearly on EAs side. They only have to admit they were wrong.

Wrong about what?

Ground battles were ok at best. Space battles were the only thing worth playing.

>1 lootbox has been deposited in your account

When did a game being fun stop meaning something important

I didn't bother downloading the beta this time but I highly doubt this game is anything but trash just like the last one.
Every EA game besides the mass effect series has been complete trash. I'm sure this game didn't change that.
Glad I didn't play it.

The game is a modernized Battlefront that is, strictly in regards to gameplay, altered beyond any recognition. You zoom down your sights, you have a more FPS style with basic playability, the campaign is shit, which is mostly story mode. There aren't any bonus modes similar to the Galaxy conquest. It's all about loot boxes and microtransactions.

Oh and it's also EA.

Expect bugs

Expect imbalance

Expect shitty updates

Expect extra content to also be sold at proportionally high values.

EA is a business that only cares about revenue, maximizing profits, and minimizing liabilities and expenses. They stuff you with fucking adverts and preorder bonuses to tempt you to buy their shit. I have not paid for a single EA game since Dragon Age. 2009 motherfuckers. WHY you are supporting them I will never know, but expect a shitty game, because that's all they make. TOR, Mass Effect, Deadspace, Sims, EA sports, all of them bugged and fucked up. Andromeda single handedly executed the Mass Effect series. Deadspace 3 never had the ending it deserved. TOR was fucking bull shit I was really looking forward for KOTOR3

Know what? I am so sick and tired of EA's shit.

Expect something BIG to happen on release day. I hope none of you preordered, because you guys will NEVER get your battletoads 2. My boys will make sure of that

it's literally bf1 but in space

go play the original

you can even ruin it with the new chars if you want, someone made a rey and fin model, pic related.

>Expect something big to happen on release day

What the fuck are you talking about? And they said that all dlc is going to be free, I assume the loot boxes were covering dlc costs and now need some other method to do so

>Expect something BIG to happen on release day. I hope none of you preordered, because you guys will NEVER get your battletoads 2. My boys will make sure of that

What did he mean by this

>The sad part is that the game is really fun aside from the loot box stuff
We know, Reddit. We know you like everything as long as they plaster your kid brand all over it.

Oh yeah we wouldn't want to miss out on more battlefield re-skins.

>Star wars
>Only for kids

what did Sup Forums think of the campaign?

Fuck off shill

>I didn't play it but I'm sure it's trash


>how can you know this piece of shit tastes bad if you don't try it

Fuck off you shill


>Laser sniper rifle
>Fall off
Garbage game

Plaguing a retail game with mobile micro-transactions and paywalls.

The one thing I did not want to happen happened. That was the big thing I reasoned my purchase around, that thing not happening. It was a coin toss cause if I waited I'd be spoiling the story for myself and would be disappointed by that alone; but if I bought it early I'd risk everything else. It felt like too much of a gamble and I'm extremely aggravated with it that I'm seriously considering refunding the game on the poor story alone. Maybe if I read the book about Iden I'd be prepared to be disappointed, but I haven't read even 5 Star Wars books, so there was no hope.
Maybe some other faggots liked it, but I was told it was going to be an Empire story, dammit.

I enjoyed the beta a lot, but I sure as fuck won't be buying this shit unless all microtransactions are absolutely gutted forever.

She deflected.
Story is garbage.

looks pretty fun and I'm tempted to buy

I don't really care about locked hero's and like having stuff to unlock

How p2w are the cards? Is it a huge game changer?

Google pay 2 bobba fett

>thinking there will ever be a game as good or story driven as TIE fighter again
you played yourself

Micro transactions were disabled indefinitely, so I guess the whole p2w thing isn't an issue anymore, seeing as how they sure as hell won't bring back the system if it's still p2w otherwise they would've never gotten rid of it in the first place.

This is the actual cancer

probably waiting for christmas sales to roll in than flip them back on.


I'm still buying it just because reddit says not to.

creativity is dead
nobody pushes the boundaries anymore
everybody plays it safe

When did this hating loot boxes and micro transactions meme start? And how much do video game companies actually profit from it that if they take it away now would make games better? Cause all I see are downfalls. Without micro transactions that means no points and therefore no way to work for something. It'll be completely taken out of the game instead. Why have slot machines when we can just route you with the stupid map and linear progression?


I thought it looked like a solid shooter to pass the time, but my friends aren't playing it so I won't.
Meanwhile I just want the 2005 remake PLEASE

Sup Forums has always hated it. Sup Forums always hates everything. The difference was that most loot boxes were cosmetics, but we see thats starting to change now.

How much did you get paid to post this? Where can I apply?

t. shill

>unironically playing FPS games
Are you underage?

>I need something to work for in a fucking FPS
Skinner box addicted brainlet

How do you ironically play an FPS game?

>actual dronEAs on Sup Forums
What the fuck happened

>Micro transactions were disabled indefinitely, so I guess the whole p2w thing isn't an issue anymore, seeing as how they sure as hell won't bring back the system if it's still p2w otherwise they would've never gotten rid of it in the first place.

Yeah they would. Once the game pass has a playerbase of millions they could bring the microtransactions back and there's nothing you can do about it, hell they could make them worse and get away with it.


>hating loot boxes and micro transactions meme start?

It started when EA added a pay to win mobile-game-tier MTX scheme to a $60 AAA release.

>And how much do video game companies actually profit from it that?

A fucking shitload. 5% of players make up over 90% of the crates bought. You can rake in tens of millions of dollars this way.

>if they take it away now would make games better?


>Without micro transactions that means no points and therefore no way to work for something

You can do this without having to pay real money for it.

> Why have slot machines when we can just route you with the stupid map and linear progression?

Not sure what you're asking here.

Cards are important insofar as basic abilities and stuff like +5% XP bonuses. Most of them reduce cooldowns, increase fighter speed, stuff like that.

Each card can be upgraded four times, but you need to grind X amount of battlepoints before you are given the option to do so. So a lot of the time you will be level 9 with one rank 1 common card and some fag who is level 20 with three rank 4 epic cards will wreck your shit.

It really fucking sucks because the only way to compete with other players is to purchase loot boxes for a chance to circumvent the grind or eat a shit sandwich for 12+ hours. EA is now preventing players from buying Gems though, which is a plus I guess.

>disabled indefinitely

indefinitely in EA's case means "until everybody who was on the fence has already bought the game"

The whole fun about the first swbf1 is rando hero and ship or vehichle spawns. They should have made them random on map not spawn points. This earning points to be a hero is fucking stupid. I played the beta and hated it also the encroachingly small play field was gay as fuck and felt forced.

I forgot to add, people that preorder the game get a Rank 4 epic card, an upper-tier weapon for each class and a few heroes unlocked when they first begin playing. Prepare to get your shit pushed in by +4 grenade abilities if you decide to buy the game.

>Sell your company to EA
>Expect to survive
That's entirely on anyone stupid enough to work for an EA subsidiary.

>The sad part is that the game is really fun aside from the loot box stuff.
That's where you're wrong. Battlefront is not a shooter with just some lootboxes added on top of it. The game is DESIGNED around lootboxes (part of the reason why the " it's not us devs but only EA who are bad guys !" is ridiculous)
But even that is not the biggest problem. Because the solo mode is a complete boring mess, the level design of the maps is bland as fuck, the hitboxes are shitty (or maybe it's the servers who constantly fuck up IDK), and I'm sure I forget some shit.
This game deserve to fail hard.

Post your game armchair developer

What makes good level design? What makes a solo mode fun?

This game unironically has the worst campaign in anh shooter. DICE managed to make Star Wars blander than most CoDs(Treyarch campaigns are kino)

The "point" is worth to die for, worth killing DICE and worth killing Star Wars.

It is fucking literally the future of gaming experience.

Unless you are a retard who shells $60 for F2P game model.

Don't support this trash, they so blatantly and explicitly want to get their consumers to cave in and make microtransactions to save themselves an absurd grind

Humans are inherently lazy, what else is new?

now that they removed the "P2W" shit.
did they fix the progression system?

last time i heard was 1500 hours to unlock everything.

That's a really good game life span. Even in shooters you have prestiging and shit that takes forever, but you don't have to because the core of the game is still there. I don't think people realize this when talking about hours. If you don't like shooters and only care about achievements and upgrades, you might as well just work harder at life instead of a game.

>Introducing an optional premium system to make a game profitable is bad

It's gonna be funny to see you fags rage when they inevitably bring back the lootboxes anyway.

Or I could just enjoy the game and ignore the microtransactions

>removed P2W

Lootboxes aren't removed, they're being postponed.

That requires willpower that most people lack though! They don't realize you can go against their programming and don't have to fall for the bait of micro transactions. If anything the problem isn't with games, movies or anything. It's with people and society.

Speak for yourself. Not everyone here wants to pay 60 dollars for a microtransaction p2w model. Paying for this is speaking with shekels to say that you support the further denigration of the gaming industry.

They "temporarily" removed it. It will come back in another iteration. They're just doing damage control, expect p2w until proven otherwise, as that's all they've been showing so far.

People are too entitled today to ignore the fact that they aren't required to buy something. Everything needs to be free now or they claim they're being exploited

don't worry, console kiddies and normies will buy this shit up regardless and EA will get their money all the same

Holy shit you people need to be killed off then if you're incapable of controlling your spending. You also need to be killed off if you have a problem with how people spend their own money

>EA is a business that only cares about revenue, maximizing profits, and minimizing liabilities and expenses

So... it's just like any other business?

$60 for a thousands of hour grind for all the best star cards and heroes, how is that "free?" You have to be a total sheep to pay 60 dollars for this kind of thing

I honestly don't know what retarded millennials think a business supposed to do, most of them think everything should be free anyway

>expecting a complete game on release day

You are right, I expected too much of EA and DICE.

You get a game with a thousand hours of content. That's a fucking steal. It might as well be cheaper than free, you should pay them more for making such a good game.

It's free because you aren't paying for it. The fact that you don't want to invest time into it is your own problem you entitled faggot.

It's a matter of principle, in supporting this it sets a precedent for it to be a viable model for video games in the industry. That's why there's such outrage over it. It's more than just how an individual spends their money

It's great if you enjoy the actual game. But those "progression" systems are in place to hook otherwise uninterested players with dripfeed tactics.

It has exactly everything to do with how an individual spends their money AND time. Talking about the industry is just a screen for the bigger underlying problem.

I just want to play Boba Fett sometimes but I barely get half of his cost even when I do really well.

desu imo the matches are way, way too short. I want to be able to play for like 40 minutes or more on a map. And I think because the matches are so short, it makes the gamplay so fast which I dislike.

LOL, "content," anyone who thinks spending thousands of hours grinding in an FPS to be competitive needs a head check

If you want to be competitive in anything, you need to put in a lot of time. It's basic logic. Unless you believe in talent faggotry.

Nope the game is actually worse than the first, it has more content but that's it.

Spending time to increase skill is different than spending hundreds to thousands of hours just to play on an equal playing field in terms of the star cards and such

No. Even if it never had any kinds of microtransactions, it would still be a dull game that gets boring 2 hours in.

>ree because you aren't paying for
$60 - "It's free because you aren't paying for it"

Kill yourself weeb, the fact is that you aren't forced to buy the game and you're butthurt over how someone could spend money to give themselves an edge if they wanted one even thought you could choose not to and still unlock the content. Entitlement faggot

Then they complain that the free shit isn't to their taste.

Some companies are shit, some aren't. Both are able to make money. Not sure why it's so hard for millennials to understand that

That's Jedi Knight you retard

I read the book and got what I expected the game story would be. After the book I would NOT expect Iden to defect, and I'm so fucking disappointed they went that goddamn route again. The book is worth a read btw, but its a bit soured now that I've played the campaign. Dell and Hask are also much more interesting in the book

nice ad hominem response.

What you were saying made no sense, it's free because you aren't paying for it? After paying 60 dollars...

And, it's not that fact that people can get an edge. If the game was entirely free to play and had microtransactions at the level they have been attempting, that would make sense.

But after paying 60-80 dollars and then having a THOUSANDS of hours grind to get the best star cards, hero unlocks etc... You'd have to be a total fanboy to think that's a fair system

Imagine being so delusional you think free to play games are anykind of "fun"
Imagine being so delusional you trust EA when they make one step backward just to take more momentum to fuck you deep in the ass
Imagine being so delusional you're still a star wars aficionados in 2017

^well said xD

Imagine being this big of an autist over something you can just not buy or otherwise be involved with

Cut the ad hom shit because you started it.

The content you paid for is the content the seller has made available to you on the disc, that's what you are entitled to. If there is a premium service available to those who chose to partake, you are not entitled to that service because you have not paid the price for it, buying the disc does not entitle you to anything beyond that.

Yes, you are a faggot for being upset over how someone can spend their own money when you can simply choose to not buy and you are not harmed in any way.

imagine being so much more autistic to not realize large games don't speak more broadly to its influences on the gaming industry and overall future direction

Imagine being so autistic that you're upset over how other people spend their own money

I actually did play it and it was pretty generic.

It's justified if normies paying up means things are only getting worse

>he thinks this shit doesn't eventually become standard practice if noone complains