
is this chart from 2010 or something?

Rockstar is fine, they just drip games out slowly. RDR2 will be fine.

Valve hasn't made any games in how long? They shouldn't be on the list if only because one could argue they aren't even developers anymore.

>lawful good

>Rockstar is fine
No. GTAO was their death rattle.

>they just drip games out slowly
They do now.

GTAO is the most cancerous piece of shit ever conceived, it's also retarded how they completely ignore the singleplayer half of the game because muh shark cards.
Valve is also betting hard on this "games as services" cancer so they can fuck off too, chart needs updating.

You have to be a fucking retard who knows nothing about how video games are made to think this was RockStar's decision. It's Take Two's decision as they own RockStar, they are the same fags who decided to put microtransactions in every upcoming game... INCLUDING RDR2.

Also, that pic is a piece of shit. Also confuses publishers and developers. Activision Blizzard is the full name for Activision. RockStar is a developer, they don't even belong on there.

What's your point? R* is exempt from criticism because they have a publisher even though it's R* who designed the game?
Naturally Take Two is to blame too but you are very naive if you think R* is somehow not extremely happy with their highly profitable shark card scheme that they most likely devised.
It's time to take off the nostalgia goggles, R* aren't le gud boys.

>He thinks the developer will see any of those sick profits made from the scheme

el em ay oh

I know all of these are BS since all companies try to be "your friend" till they get successful and jew you out of every penny till they fall from grace, but I just wanted to know when Sony EVER was anything besides evil.

>online multiplayer games

fuck fuck fuck fuck FUCK FUCK FUCK FUCK FUCKING GOD DAMMIT FUCK WHY? WHY DOES EVERY GOOD SINGLE PLAYER DEV FALL INTO THIS FUCKING TRAP? what do i have to do to escape this fucking bullshit? some of us dont want the annoyance of other players fucking up our game and there is NOTHING that can change our minds

Because it's more profitable.
Blame normies.

What's so bad about this other than making an online game as well?

but what the fuck am i going to paly if single player games disappear? i refuse to play multiplayer with the shit community it has

This chart is so wildly inaccurate.

EA is in the right place

They got 1 right, wow. An attempt was made

>"all sales are final. No refunds"
what do you think?

Nintendo games?


they are guilty as well

I'm not going to put in the effort of posting all their single player games.

they can have as many as they want if they support the idea of multi-layer i want nothing to do with the company

Video games have been multiplayer since the dawn of their existence. If you're ignoring any developer that makes any games to be played with other people, you're pretty much just ignoring games as a whole.

I miss this

A lot of people see them as "evil", but are they "chaotic"? I'm trying to wrap my head around what that even means in the video game industry.


What's CDPR doing? I can't read Kurwa.

>Nintendo games

No adult with a fully functioning brain finds Nintendo games appealing.

>paid online
>"lawful good"
Fuck you nintenshill

Stop shitposting and play breath of the wild.