I'm not alone in thinking this is the best game so far on the switch am I?

I'm not alone in thinking this is the best game so far on the switch am I?

I don't know if it's the best, but it's a fun play. A little thin, but hey, it's X-Com for kids. I look forward to the DLC, hopefully it includes new characters (Wario, Waluigi, and their Rabbids?)

I got a switch about a week ago with all the exclusives I care about, which is all apart from 1-2 switch and Snipperclippers but I just keep coming back to this and playing it more than any others.

I don't have a Switch yet, but this is by far, the title that's keeping me interested the most and that's saying something. I really want to get it.

Dunno I didn't bother playing it.

Its a fucking strategy game targeted at kids, the game was designed so it could be beat by 6-10 year old kids.

How can you find enjoyment out of it being an adult? The whole purpose of strategy games is using your brain to beat them.

It was a really great game, but after finishing it I instantly lost interest. I thought I would enjoy replaying it and trying different tactics and teams and stuff.

Did you even play it? Most people agreed it's pretty challenging.

>hasn’t played it yet

I was surprised with how much I enjoyed it.

Seems like a retarded compliment, but they really nailed the "kiddy Mario XCOM with rabbids".

There's a difference between "designed for kids" and "designed for retards" that I feels gets lost a lot in modern games. A game designed for kids is not necessarily designed for retards and vice-versa.

Someone told me about some kind of skill tree with the characters. I've just beaten Rabbid DK and for the life of me can't find anything except for a currency based "skill tree" of some form. But I don't see the options for healing for either Peach Rabbid or Luigi Rabbid's vamp ability.

Anyone mind helping a retard?

Why would anyone play this rather than playing xcom other than being a manchild or a little kid?

So you haven't then.

This. I hate it when the industry feels like having the stupid idea of "just because it's made with kids in mind, it has to be mind boggingly easy so even retards can finish it". It's a insult to kids, especially knowing that there was that one affair where a kid literally knew how to play the tutorial level more than a actual grown person. They are more than capable to handle hard challenges, we're just making them get used to unbelievably easy menial tasks in your every day game and that's why most of the kids these days don't even compare to kids from way back then, because they've been used to having their endings and supposedly called "challenges" hand delivered to them.

>I'm so mature I get ass anihilated over games I deem as kiddy

Really activates my almond

Because I've already played XCOM, and I'm not an insecure faggot who avoids games because "durr is for kids."

Of course not, im not a manchild and im not a kid.

If I want to do a jigsaw I do a 10.000 piece jigsaw, not a 20 piece jigsaw featuring rabbids and mario.

I goofed up, by tutorial level, I meant the one in Cuphead.

If you already played XCOM you can play a lot of other games that are like XCOM and are way more challenging than mario rabbids.

It's pretty good. I kind of hope a similar mechanic to team jumping makes its way into XCOM. Difficulty curve is all over the goddamn place, though, especially when going from story missions to challenges.

I could and I have. I could also continue playing Mario Rabbids, because again, I'm not an insecure faggot.

It's good, but it's not Redout, Fast RMX, or Super Bomberman R.

I'm soO maTooour ihaet chibldish bidego gahmz

It could have been great but that losing all your coins every time you reset your skills ruins it.

It's actually kind of tricky in parts.

>I only play mature games for mature gamers like myself!

You get it a little latter I think.

Smaller jigsaws are fun in a different way to larger ones.

Just hurry up and get to the part where you backpedal and tell everyone you were only pretending to be retarded.

what if you've beat xcom

Just like how this game is fun despite not being as tricky as Mature Strategy Games

Nigger, you just started the fucking game. Chill the hell out, fucknuts.

After you admit this game is just for childish manchildren

>get amiibo weapons
>they're obsolete immediately

It's in the nominees for strategy game of the year so I would have to assume you aren't.

Isn't it past your bedtime, kiddo?

Then you play one of the many games that are like xcom but way more challenging than mario rabbids.

Sure, if you are mentally challenged.

I have to go to adult daycare in a half hour, actually

I'm mentally challenged for you, baby. You sound so mature

Exactly. What more reason do you possibly need to never play this game beyond "So some random tard didn't throw an autistic shitfit?" All of your decisions in life should be based on the whims of random tards.

It's boring as fuck.

Why would anyone play this game other than being a little kid or a autistic manchild with an obsession with Mario games?

The current guy behind xcom enjoyed it, why can't you faggot?

I didnt say it cant be enjoyed.

I meant that if you want to play a strategy game you would choose to play another thing and not this game.

If you choose to play this game over any other, more challenging, strategy game is because you are either a little kid or you are a autistic manchild obsessed with mario.

Because thats the truth, the reason you choose to play this over other more challenging strategy games is because it has mario in it.

It's definitely a great game, but I feel it really was on a short leash. Not necessarily a bad thing considering it's new territory and a crossover to boot, but I feel like its sequel god willing it gets one will be even better.

I like it more than nu-xcom in so many ways, and the challenge levels/co-op are great.


>play and beat other strategy games
>play kingdom battle and enjoy it
>I'm now a manchild and so is the lead dev of xcom 2
Brilliant logic there.

I haven't played it but it looks like a basic xcom rehash with no depth