Why hasnt there been a gta style game in toronto yet?

why hasnt there been a gta style game in toronto yet?

>10 round magazine limit
>trannies and poo in Loos as far as the eye can see
>a fucking leaf

t. Burger

>want to buy a house
>have to give some chink millions of dollars

>driver over pedestrians
>100 feminists hit

>kill the bad guy
>game over


Fuck that shit, I want one set in Australia

a whole game filled with those funny fucking accents would be amazing

But it needs to be 1970's Australia, not chink infested Australia. The one where dudes drove around in old pickup truck sedan hybrid things with mullets and ACDC blaring

or, ROMPER STOMPER Australia, where you fight the chinks/slimes on the streets of Victoria

Awe fuck Norm Kelly would be a main character wouldn't he?

>56% face

>can't kill the bad guy
>he just apologizes and you go home to watch hockey scores on the news

>three million migrants a year

>Play as an Asian guy
>Chop some dude's head off on a bus
>Court finds you not guilty on the grounds of your skin tone
>Free maple syrup on your way out of the court
>Get mugged by a moose and killed
Sounds fun.

Because Toronto is a shithole

as a Canadian I find this image pretty fucking accurate

>Canadian game

Can't wait to apologise to everyone, eat poutine, say Eh? and race zambonis

Jokes on you that's how we really are

>Open up corner gas online
>See update nerfing Wanda
Fucking finally, it's a new day lads

poutine is quebecois

which is in Canada

Not if you ask them

guns arent legal in canada
or even as wide spread for that matter

I want Grand Theft Kurwa. Tracksuit fashion killing people with baseball bats while shouting shit like "IDI NAHUI"

If people can say haggis is from Scotland rather than from the UK, they can say poutine is from Quebec rather than from Canada.

I would say, seen from quebec, that the core identity of canadians is to look down on americans and quebecers and the celebration of meaningless marketing gimmicks like tim hortons, hockey and mounties.

Because nobody is allowed to critique this failing multicultural hell hole, even in humor.

Air Farce is dead and we'll never get it back.

so explain how they made this game then

Yes, GTA London exists. But since GTA III, the series has been entirely about American life. It's strange how people still don't get that. Like the kids who beg for "real" cars to be licensed and used. I imagine Rockstar's take on Canada would be something akin to Yoga Hosiers.

all the police cars should use this paint scheme

and the final mission is to defend this

So the same thing? Not sure why Aussies and Canadians can't see that they're the exact same, just with opposite weather.

Because no one gives a shit.
Like, as an European I know almost nothing about Toronto, other than the fact that it's a big city in southern Canada. Unlike New York, San Francisco, Los Angeles, Miami etc. there is nothing iconic or stereotypical about it that would be recognised worldwide, except for the general Canadian stereotypes.

>Yoga Hosiers

God don't fucking remind me of that shitpile please

One of the only movies in recent memory I had to actually stop watching because of how utterly fucking terrible it was

Why the fuck would you think that baseball bats are a common thing here? Nobody even knows how to play that silly burger game, sure some people do buy them for lulz or specifically to beat someone up, but they are by no means a common street weapon.

Did GTA V make fun of spics?

>no guns
>get sent to prison for calling a tranny he
>everyone addicted to syrup
>trudeau posters everywhere
>french speaking mooses in the zoo
>everyone constantly apologizes for some shit
>a fucking leaf
no thanks

>all the police cars should use this paint scheme

It looks terrible and can never be taken seriously.

>fag flag
>a fucking leaf
is this irony or are they actually using those?

Shit should just be set in Johannesburg. You wouldn't need zombie dlc.

hands on the cruiser, I'm going to have to "frisk" you

Because it's a shit, boring city no one gives a shit about? I'm from Toronto, this place is a shitpile. Not to mention it's SHE central, they would never allow it

SJW, not SHE

Toronto is the same as Chicago but 10x uglier with uglier buildings and instead of 50% niggers it's 50% indians and gooks

Let me throw a wild guess, you're actually a person who's in the know and you're secretly dropping a huge hint that GTA VI is going to take place in Toronto

"Thanks, user" has never felt more appropriate than for this very thread

and no cool green river

There's literally nothing interesting about Canada.
It's just PG13 America.

almost as good as us

Vancouver would be neat if you removed all of the hideous subhuman chinks


Did a Lisa Frank artist vomit on that car?

Because Toronto fucking sucks.

and no cars in a few years either

it is 100% real, not all the cars though

he'd be the corrupt politician that everyone thinks is a nice guy but he tells you to go around town sprinkling crack on the sleeping homeless people around the city

we don't claim them and they don't claim us, it'd just be a nuisance to have to make different laws and shit for a giant splotch of land in the middle of the rest of us

rick mercer is still on the air

there'd really be nothing to talk about, last interesting thing to satire about was the crackhead mayor thing and that was years ago

maybe they could make fun of how everyone on the east side pretends to speak like a jamaicanor something

t. torontofag

"churanno" is a very boring city

Infamous: Second son had 'Space needle' that looked kind of similar.

They might avoid the Rob Ford thing since he died of cancer shortly after

Why is that Israel flag there? Every single college commie leftist is pro-Palestine.