It's actually really fucking fun

It's actually really fucking fun.
>inb4 r*ddit brigades thread

I had fun during the beta for 2-3 hours and then had enough of it forever. Gonna be ded in a month like the previous one


>actually buying it
You are the problem

Sup EA

It is and it looks pretty too

But there are plenty of games that are fun and pretty that don't involve a bullshit progression system.

Sure it is, Mr. Marketeer, so fun that nobody will be talking about it in a week, like with COD.

No it's not. it's a boring free to play shooter, lawbreakers is more fun.

Go back to bed Clifford

eat a barrel of cocks

>31 flavors and you choose salt

Why do you keep falseflagging and making threads, nigger? Fuck off.

Go kill yourself, OP. You fucking idiot. You're part of the problem buying this trash.

> nigger memes
Yup, it’s reddit

Faggots, have you even played the fucking game? You get like 400 credits per match and the heroes cost like 10-15k each which is nothing, also the most expensive crate is like 4k for fuck sake.

I don't give a fuck about that, the Battlefield formula grew stale 4 years ago.
Military shooters are just boring and completely creatively bankrupt.

Aren't there increasing suspensions on credit gains?

Based OP based EA! Poorfag NEET redditors BTFO!

>want to wreck some CIS scum
>half a dozen games as rebels vs empire in a row
why is this console matchmaking allowed?

eat shit

That would be fine for a free to play game like league, but not a £60 title. £60 for the base version. Fuck that.

campaign netted me 12k in total and challenges get me about 500 credits, they're also ez as fuck

Yeah dude everyone who dislikes this game is clearly a reddit commie cuck I mean fuck i'm buying it just to piss off Sup Forums that'll show 'em. Literally nothing wrong with this game whatsoever.


Woah woah woah
Woah woah fucking woah
They put BOSSK in the game? What the FUCK? That literally who that only extended universe fans give a shit about?

Yeah. We know. We played the original one a decade ago

bossk was in the first game too tho

That doesn't exactly answer my question. With the campaign alone, that's barely a hero. Then challenges to get what.. 3 or 4? Then I have to get boxes to get upgrades to the classes I play? Is there some way to only get upgrades for my most played classes even?

You don't even own the game so why are you commenting on it faggot? FYI I don't agree with Microtransactions either

None so far, I've earnt about 30k today and I've only been playing for like 2 hours

>Is there some way to only get upgrades for my most played classes even?
nope, even hero boxes have shit for assault and heavy

Here's how it goes
>Buy crate
>get 50 crafting points (sometimes 25)
>craft any perk you want
>to upgrade it just rank your dude up

simple as.

hi there fellow kid

stop sounding so assmad pussy, if you want to complain then go to the other threads discussing it.

>you can only criticize something if you own it
this game is cancer and you are aids

I unironically agree, OP.
The game itself is a lot of fun and it's a shame the lootcrate garbage overshadowed that.

Criterion also did a superb job at the starfighter mode.

fuck off, EA.

wow you really hurt my feelings, lootbox
got anymore of those lootboxes?
>yfw EA loses exclusivity because they're greedy jew cucks that hire the worst guerilla marketing shills in the world

>Pewpewpew now with more pewpewpew than the 2015 one haha peew
Fuck off all I want is a new Jedi Knight but I guess you can't milk enough cash out of that.

How the fuck can you criticize it if you haven't even played the game?

Both you and I know that a new Jedi Knight would be absolutely NOTHING like JK2 or JK:A

No servers, no people making their own skins, maps, models and shit.

Combat would be vastly different.

The game is very good, campaign is solid and mp is lots of fun. I dont even care about lootboxes

>how can you condemn a murderer if you haven't killed anyone?

the game itself is really fucking fun and the gunplay feels good, but EA sucks

Campaign is a bit weak imo (Iden is a shitty character) but the mp is fucking great

>play for 40 minutes
>get most expensive loot crate which costs only 4k (cheapest is 2k)
>get good shit (plus crafting points to upgrade your cards)
Not so tough buckaroo

>The game is very good,
even apart from the lootbox bullshit, this is objectively wrong

>i use lube so getting fucked in the ass isn't so bad apart from the AIDS

Because the criticisms aren't "It's not fun," the criticisms are "The very base of the design is anti-consumer and bad for the industry and we don't want to support that shit." You don't have to play a game to think that microtransactions and lootboxes and credits are bullshit for any $60 game.

Nice arguments

Why are you still here fugly? You don't own the game and your only perspective is that of reddit. Microtransactions are gross yes but when you make so much credits that it becomes pointless to purchase crates it becomes a non-issue.

Worth it for the campaign alone? Don't give a flying fuck about MP.

It's like 4 hours long and not even good


Anyway, I disagree.
The game is a lot of fun to play. Fortunately most maps ended up being better than Theed. All modes are fun, criterion did a god tier job at starfighters. I like all heroes, the classes are nice, I enjoy the customization and the gunplay feels solid.

It's an all around fun game to play that was shat on by p2w boxes.

Mass Effect 3 had microtransactions, yet nobody complained about that did they? The grind on that game was fucking hell on earth also.
Campaign was a little weak imo It's a generic turncoat daddy issues storyline which sucked cock

You know what pisses me off more than the game? A viral marketer trying to ignore all the criticism like it didn't even matter.

Reminds me of broken mess Mass Effect Andromeda and the shitshow that fucking murdered that Mass Effect Montreal Studio. But looking at the threads the first few days you wouldn't notice from the "EPIC GAMEPLAY AND SCOPE" viral shitters who muddled the waters with "IT'S GAMEPLAY ONLY THING THAT MATTERS" when even THAT was a fucking lie.

Not even glancing in it's direction until progression is no longer random. I don't know how you fuck that up, everything else looked amazing.

what was the last campaign that was worth it to you for $60?

Lootboxes are such lazy fucking design. Whatever happened to developers carefully crafting an unlock progression that rewards the player and feels satisfying? Whatever happened to characters/items/anything you have to unlock by satisfying certain specific criteria? That one character that's hard to get because you have to essentially beat a hidden challenge to unlock it? Instead we have this lazy grab bag shit where you just unlock everything randomly by the luck of the draw.

Not really, HOWEVER, you could play it for free. Buy the game, play through the campaign, refund it. You won't have any issues.

Campaign is kind of ok but has a pretty cliche and dumb story, plus it ends on a cliffhanger for future free story DLC.

i can't believe some people try this HARD to be contrarian
I know some of you guys actually BOUGHT the game just because it gained negative attention

fuck that must be a sad way to live, and im a 21yo khv

>Mass Effect 3 had microtransactions, yet nobody complained about that did they?

They did, actually. A ton of people complained. This has been festering for a long time and people are finally reaching their boiling point for this shit.

I don't give a scrap about marketing this game silly, I'm trying to say it's genuinely a good game sullied by a shitty launch.

all too easy


>I don't give a scrap

40 year old marketer trying to sound "hip" confirmed.

>can craft all cards I want and need already, maybe not to tier 4 but the differences are usually like 5% anyway

>only been playing for like 2 days

Who cares

Orange Box.

>I'm trying to say it's genuinely a good game
you're tricks won't work on me, boy

>EA employee doing some damage control.
Fuck you. Still not buying it, EA.


the butthurt this thread is generating is quite lovely :^)

actually 19 but okay.

Why the fuck would EA go to Sup Forums of all places to shill my nig? That's how I know your not from around these parts.

I liked it during the alpha and the beta and might buy it soon


Why are people so mad that some of us chose to enjoy the game for what it is without caring so much about "voting with our wallets" or whatever?

I want to play a Battlefield game but in the Star Wars universe. I want it to look good, sound good, feel good, be very active and fun. I want to blow up a space station with my Y-wing, I want to play as Kylo Ren, I want to fly from platform to platform on Kamino during a thunderstorm while shooting rockets.

This game gives me all of that.

Too expensive on PC considering the rough competition. Might buy when $20.

I agree.
>inb4 shill
26 hours in and I'm still having a good time with it. Needs some more open maps like Hoth and Kashyyk though. I'd say balance, but no doubt that will eventually come too.

The grass on Kashyyk wrecks my fps, everywhere else I'm fine.
Map is beautiful though. Yavin and Endor are also god tier beautiful.

Because reddit drove them out heh

>Never before seen image in archive

Hmm I wonder who could be shilling in these posts.

>This game gives me all of that.


Holy fuck you don't know who Johnny Rebel is? Now I DEFINITELY know you're not from Sup Forums you r*dditor

>reddit is shitting itself over literal fake news (40 hours! 2100 hours!)
>they couldn't give a shit about loot boxes being exploitative they just care that A RANDOM STRANGER ON THE INTERNET TOLD ME IT TAKES 40 HOURS TO GET VADER
>spreading manufactured outrage as if this were a fucking propaganda network field test
>and I'm just sitting here enjoying video games

why cannot i choose which era/maps i queue for
some console games had better matchmaking over 10 years ago

Meanwhile in reality I already bought both Sheev and Vader after playing for two days.

>why cannot i choose which era/maps i queue for
because splitting a matchmaking queue is a terrible idea.

but i can already do this in nu-bf1, even on consoles

Not him but I would also like to be able to choose what era and team to play for.

If it was up to me I'd be playing as a prequel droid 24/7.

EA must be on severe damage control for them to be shilling this hard. How many of you guys posting on here?

>there are actually shills in this thread
>there are actually people that don't believe there are shills in this thread

Personally, I'm not going to buy the game because I didn't enjoy the beta and I don't like lootbox shit. I'm not going to actively spread misinformation and pander to the lowest common denominator to get shit done. Trying to get parents to take a grand stand against video games with bottom of the barrel tactics will just backfire and we'll end up with Jack Thompson 2.0 or Goobergate 2: Electric Boogaloo.

That's because in nu-BF1 the map packs were paid DLC and if they didn't separate them out they'd have no way to prevent people without the DLC from loading into servers they can't play on.

It was also a terrible idea that made matchmaking take way way fucking longer.

Yeah it'd be nice in theory but the trade-off is much longer matchmaking times and a possible lumping of players into a single era/map group so people who want to play the others can't find games.

We're not in server browser town anymore, folks. This is elastic cloud matchmaking country.

go lock yourself away now thanks ::^)

That's because it was made by a 15 year old from Sup Forums

Those kids have more outrage than they do brain cells

>Reddit likes something
>Sup Forums must dislike it
Reddit is right this time. v is literally becoming worse than reddit


play the game first before hating on it, reddit once again is fake news.

Ya'll keep on memeing and being salty, I'll be over here actually having fun in the game

i played like 14 hours of the beta and it was pretty good. i hate trade kills though

1. Is it true there is no coop on PC? Like not even online arcade coop?

2. How long is the campaign?

3. What are the UI option? Can I turn off blood on screen and objective indicators?