Claims to be a fan of video games

>claims to be a fan of video games
>doesn't have a vidya tattoo
What are you? Chicken?

If i got a tattoo it would be of a tree of life

No just not a retard. Like OP is.

>the adult equivalent to bored kids painting their arms in class

You are smalltime.

Yes. Please cut some meaningless garbage into your skin each time you touch a video game. Make sure to also engrave all your other favourite brands on your body because you aren't a complete human being without turning yourself into a walking piece of marketing.

That'll look like shit of you view it from any other angle


At least it isn't some Stardust Crusaders garbage.


seeing this shit gets me uneasy

I wonder how many of these people are unemployed.

I have never once in my life claimed to be a fan of video games, you filthy degenerate

You realize tattoos cost money?

Get with the time, gramps!

>being this mad over what others choose to do with their own money and body.

I agree that it's pretty tarded, but postings like this typically have the opposite of the desired effect. Stupid people always double (and triple) down on dumbness.

Who the fuck plays video games? Fucking children. TIme to grow the fuck up you immature freaks!

most places don't give a fuck anymore as long as you cover them up.


I'm not a loser who thinks tattoos are good. Seriously, I don't respect anyone who does that to their own body. So dumb.

Yeah i dont respect nigger beta males like yourself either

>implants are considered tattoos

tfw undertale tattoo

Only a few jobs care about that in this day and age.
99% of places wouldn't care unless it was on the neck or any other place that's visible wearing shirts and pants.

tattoos are degenerate

>about to have sex with a girl
>she takes off her clothes
>has a shitty pokemon tattoo on her leg
>tfw put my clothes back on, tell her how disgusting tattoos are, and walk out the door
One of the most alpha feelings I've ever had

There's no desired effect. I do despise the shallow vanity behind most modern tattoos but ultimately don't give a shit what some demented sack of walking human garbage does with his body. Doesn't mean I won't mock them or be vocal about my views when prompted.

beta males are the ones getting vidya tattoos though

No, im not a wastoid who would get a tattoo. Im a stoner and even I have standards.

>believing those are implants and not just decent tattoo art
>what is shading

I'm sure she was devestated as she called up the next disposable guy on her list.

>not fucking her and spitting in her face afterwards telling that she is a disgusting tatto whore
Nah man, you are just beta+

So this is the power of Sup Forums's autism......

>ruins his body with tattoos
>calls others nigger
Top kek

I don't need a tattoo. I have a personality.

Yeah I'm sure that totally happened, friend.

This if the story was true (it isn't)

Rate mine


No shit? A greentext story on Sup Forums is a lie? WTF user

I honestly think there is nothing more shallow and sad then seeing people with gamer tattoos. Your life must be like a puddle, shallow and full of games and kids trading cards.

I used to think when i was young that one day gaming would be popular and mainstream. Well that day is here and its autistic bread and circus tier garbage.

...the fuck user

The OP one seems to just be a well done tattoo.


Dunno why you posted a pic of yourself user, this is a vidya tattoo thread

Imagine trying to fuck that dude up the ass and all you see is that Kirby making this dumb face at you.

Yes, that kirby is the problem here

Anybody else feel a literal disgust at tattoos? I'm not talking about a figurative disgust, but a primal gag reflex. It's a little hard to explain, but if I had to touch someone's tattoo I would actually vomit.
Why is this




I know what you mean. When I was younger, I remember other kids getting facepaint made me feel the same way too. To this day, if I'm eating and I see someone with a tattoo, I instantly have to either stop eating or move away from the person with the tattoo. Call it autism if you want, but my stomach just flips when I see disfigured skin like that.

I would unironically do this if it happened to me



include me


I've always considered getting some sort of small vidya-related tattoo. Or any tattoo for that matter. But I always think that whatever design I got would seem cringey as shit in 10 years. Or especially when yous skin starts to sag.

I don't have any tattoos because I'm not a stupid child locked in perpetual rebellion against society.

Welfare can be used on tattoos



Somewhat minus the pussy gag factor

Yeah same shit with me. It's fucking weird and have never heard of anyone else who experiences this.

Getting a tattoo of a product makes you look like a giant tool.

>I don't have any tattoos because I'm not a stupid child locked in perpetual rebellion against society.
i also dont have any tattoos and dont want one but you seem's angry for nothing nigger

It doesn't really matter unless you're retarded enough to get a tattoo on a place you can't easily cover-up with a t-shirt.

You have a serious problem reading emotion then friend.

>I wonder how many of these people are unemployed.
its not 1964 anymore you dumb fuck

>he thinks welfare will cover the cost of a tattoo.

Maybe if you get some basic shit but even then the smallest tattoo I have cost me 85 dollars and that's on the cheap side. The more intricate one I have was 300 dollars.





The N-word...

Like, get your fucking point across without the racism, not everyone wants to hear it.

>tfw want a tattoo but don't know what I want
>Find something and think YES THIS WOULD BE PERFECT
>Sit on it for a little bit
>Decide against it

I'm thinking something from Monster Hunter but goddamn there's too much to pick from.

You guys need to fuck more mexican men. Lots of them have these implants in their cock to make them a bizarre lumpy mess.

OP is a faggot, as usual. Why don't you get tattoos showing how gay you are OP.

If you were born after 1964 and you're posting on this board then you are underage scum.

i tough it was the common way to talk to someone around here. my bad.

Found the redditor.
Also racism won't go away if you keep getting offended by the word.
.t a black guy

You know tattoos are expensive as fuck, right?



Don't get video game tattoos user. In fact if you have trouble deciding on getting a tattoo you probably shouldn't get one at all because you might regret getting it later.

tattoos are gay

Looks like he made this himself or something

>He actually pays for his tattoos
Dumb buyfag, you can pirate a few good ones if you know where to find them.

My grandfather was in WW2, and he had a tattoo of some stupid-looking cartoon skunk with a cigar. He told me at that at the time he and his army buddies all got one and thought it was badass, but when they met years later they all pretty much agreed it was gay as shit. All I'm trying to say is always think what future you will think of it too

Better than the other stuff in this thread
>tattoo artist did a good job of a bad idea/10

Just because you don't believe a word is necessary doesn't mean your offended by it, at some point it just starts to become like the immature 12 year olds playing cod who say nothing but fuck and bitch. It's time to grow up Sup Forums

Fuck off, nigger.

To be absolutely fair I work in a bankruptcy office, and one guy who came in to file had basically eaten ramen for years and spent every penny of his welfare money on tattoos. But yeah most people with tattoos I've seen do have jobs.

>tattoo """artist"""
People who mutilate bodies should not be considered artists.

>he doesn't get free tattoos in jail
lmaoing @ your existence

better than getting a tattoo of your
ya fuckin fruit

i say ''nigger'' here for this reason lol. If that much people start using it as a word like ''troll'' or ''normie'' the word somedays will not gonna affect anyone no more

>implying I don't consider skilled butchers artists

there's always a price to pay one way or another, user

Kirby: right back at ya!

I could never take sex seriously if I always see this fucking Kirby on his back

You're a dirty lout user. A real stinker.

>Letting a guy fuck him in the ass so he could let the same guy jam a sewing needle dipped in pen ink into his skin

I think it may just have been a joke, you can see it if you squint real hard

Both are low tier trash, even worse than MOTIVATIONAL TEXT IN OLD/FOREIGN LANGUAGE and that's already as low as you can get.

t. brainlet