Videogame industry is dead

So it's already decided

The future of the videogame industry will be lootboxes and microtransactions

>B-but my Dear Sony and Nu-tendo will never do this

Just wait and see, Sony is exploring microtransactions, Nintendo will implement them as well

It's a slippery slope from here and there's no one else to blame but yourselves


It's done

Why does this surprise anyone? This incessant push towards ultra realism and inflated marketing costs almost necessitates this. Pretty soon well be paying $80 a game just for the normal ones and they’ll still have micro transactions.


western aaa trash should be eradicated

>belgium finishes their investigation
>they confirm that loot boxes arent gambling

in Canada our games already are $80+ which doesn't reflect the USD to CAD conversion rate. Some controllers are over $70. It's bullshit, so don't even bitch.

95% of niggers playing videogames are retarded enough to pay for this bullshit, we're fucked.

Glad I'm dropping this shit hobby.

Read again

Japanese companies will follow suit

Good thing I am really into grand stratagy right now, and that genera lacks the chad whales that would make it very egregious.

Not that $20 for a race in Warhammer Total War is at all reasonable, but at least there are no loot boxes.


But that's because you live in a country where everything is taxed to hell nothing to do with the vidya industry

Games here are $80 before taxes. Also each province has different taxes.
The price difference is just out currency being worthless right now.

There's something like 40,000 video games out there.
You niggers can't tell me you've played them all.
Even if you only like genres constituting 10% of that total, you still have a game for every day of your life for the next 10 years at least.

they already know what gachas are

the west has followed suit if anything

>Nintendo will implement them as well
so i guess amiibos don't exist

Looks like I picked a good time to quit mainstream gaming.

Got back into cars and all my other hobbies.

It's been fun brehs

if this becomes a norm for all, then atleast i can focus on my back log more then going forward

Amiibos are shit and cancerous but at least you can pirate them

I will never forgive Nu-tendo locking the hardest mode in Samus Returns behind those shitty toys

Dutch auction. Market will sort itself out.


Companies like Nintendo or Sony haven't implemented gacha shit in their console games

It's only a matter of time

The equilibrium price is 60. 10% are only willing to buy lootboxes. They tried to increase that number by making lootboxes affect core gameplay and it failed. They will still be around in all games replacing dlc but they will be forever diminished.

I hope I can trust you user

But this industry is corrupted to hell

no therere already some outrages that japanese gamers did and you dont know of

gachas in mobages were/are a big issue there and have been regulated. everybody knows the negative effect

nintendo and sony cant easily engage in it anymore

Just make your own game.

Just wait and see user

Nintendo and Sony will find ways to keep jewing you


>Videogame industry is dead
> this time for real guys, I swear

Lootboxes mostly work for AAA games, meanwhile there's still millions of other worthwhile games to be released. Heck Vermintide 2's developpers are even advertizing with the fact that there are no lootboxes.

BF2, AC Origins, COD and Shadow of war aren't the only games on the market you know ?


Most AAA games will implement lootboxes and intrusive microtransactions

Don't fool yourself


Good thing all AAA games are bad!

Titanfall 2 has them but i just ignore them. Most games with lootboxes are fucking awful, this is the one exception that I can think of

microtransgression BTFO

Underage Sup Forumslets will never learn

think whatever you want but they wont

lootboxes are a new thing for the west so you just are thinking its something new but in japan that shit is a last gen thing.

I recently started playing Horizon. I keep picking up "treasure boxes" that have random drops in them. Don't those count as loot boxes?

what are you talking about? titanfall 2 doesn't have lootboxes? if you're talking about the advocate gifts then you can't even buy them since you get one after every couple games anyway

Japan already has that, but it's in those mobile games like Fate and FE where you roll for waifus or some shit

Lootboxes and gacha shit were common in mobile games in Japan

Just wait for Nintendo and Sony to implement them in their future games

>lootboxes are a new thing for the west
tf2 introduced loot crates seven years ago.

The big three are traded on the stock market which means growth is required not just profit. They've been on a quest to get more women in video games but it's failing. Next is to make mainline games like cell phone ones, looks like that's failing too. They make it so normies like games but that's probably as much growth as they will get.

Can someone explain to me what the big deal is? I haven't read anything about the game. Practically all games these days have microtransactions, who the fuck cares? I won't be buying anything but the game, and i'll be murking all the noobs who pay to win cause they suck.

>Most AAA games will implement lootboxes and intrusive microtransactions
> 50 games a year will implement lootboxes and intrusive microtransactions

And I'm being generous with 50. Still doesn't mean the industry is dead, there are and will still be tons of good game not affected by lootboxes, AAA games don't represent all of the industry.

Nah, just buy games made in Japan.
Only western piece of shit companies release these gambling simulators.


Sup Forums is filled with underage who unironically thought an EA game was going to be good.

Meant to reply to obviously.

People bitched cause you couldn't play as Vader out of the box.

Fuck off shill. Go back to enjoying your indie hipster trash.

>I will never forgive Nu-tendo locking the hardest mode in Samus Returns behind those shitty toys
So much this. And people praise that abomination remake? When AM2R already exists. Oh but Nu-Shitendo said it infringes copyright so it has to be bad! God FUCK the MSR cult, so glad we all boycotted.

Read the thread weeb. Jap games will never be safe. Every single game next year will have lootboxes, just wait.

>Next is to make mainline games like cell phone ones, looks like that's failing too.
gta v makes a fuckload off microtransactions, so does csgo. ea just fucked up by pushing the goyim too far too fast instead of slowly easing them into the brutal wallet fucking. ten years ago this shit was unheard of.

>Playing AAA games

The kids really will probably disagree but it's all about pleasing investors. The market works on growth, video games now have hit market saturation for the male audience so how do you grow from that? Their idea is to take cell phone style business models into normal games to expand markets. Fact is making a blockbuster is no longer good enough on its own unless you're an indie dev.

Reminder that BotW does this exact shit.

The problem is that AAA budgets have become so inflated that they have to monetize everything possible just to maybe break even. These days even selling 3mil is considered a failure for AAA games.


Stop playing AAA trash


So did overwatch. I don't think they went to fast, your average person is just becoming harder to manipulate. Notice that high pressure sales tactics are pretty much dead, as is overcharging.

That's about as shitty as Capcom not letting you play as Ryu out of the box, but I don't want to give them ideas.

Umad neo-gamer?

I'll disagree because I've seen profitable games get called failures in stock reports. Watch dogs 2 made a profit but it didn't hit the expected numbers displeasing investors.

Let it burn.
Gaming will turn into digital funfares that charge for even the smallest things while actual videigames will go niche again.
Let them nickle and dime the casuals for all eternity in their containment games.

>inflated marketing costs
You know they could just scale back both marketing and development costs. You don't need to spend $200 million on development and the same on marketing to produce a good game.

Doesn't bother me. I have 1000's of hours of back logged games on steam from impulse buys during sales. Trying to get Jade Empire to work on my work computer, it's windows 10 so I'm probably screwed.

>does the same shit
>when its just a season past with extra dungeons
>not literal loot boxes

Good I hope this keeps going on so a second video-game crash happens. Hoping this entire shitty industry burns down with it.

Gaming is a service now. Get used to it.

What are some fun hobbies that I can replace vidya with? I’m thinking about 3d rendering

Stamp collecting.

That's on the more conservative side. Destiny 1 had a budget of over 600 million.

All you had to do was go after the main culprits, Sup Forums. If you had, during Gamergate, oriented yourselves towards defeating the executives and managers that ruin video games via dumbing them down and monetizing them rather than flailed about and whined at cringe-worthy liberals, you might not have seen this shit to begin with. It's not too late to change this, I think this is a good wake-up call for all of you that this system is pathetic and can only be defeated by workers seizing control of the industry from these parasites.

you're allowed to buy games that don't have loot boxes in them you realise?

watch everyone buy this game

all the reddit fags who downvoted that EA rep with bots are still gonna buy 2 copies each

Most games will have lootboxes in the near future

>All you had to do was go after the main culprits, Sup Forums. If you had, during Gamergate, oriented yourselves towards defeating the executives and managers that ruin video games via dumbing them down and monetizing them rather than flailed about and whined at cringe-worthy liberals
They were the ones ENABLING them in the first place, never criticising, never pointing out their slowly creeping kike cancer into the video games industry, you stupid fuckface.
Gamergate was all about that, about the corruption of the industry from outside and within. But you faggot libshit Redditors shut it all up. You were played like a damn fiddle by the kikes and their cronie dick suckers and shitboot lickers.

The future of gaming...

>buy "game" for full price
>glorified demo
>buy quest pack $5
>start quest
>included dagger and cloth armor suck
>buy sword pack $5
>buy armor pack $5
>buy health pack $5
>buy spell pack $5
>resume quest
>takes forever to travel
>buy horse $15
>fight boss
>suddenly game automatically pauses
>McDonald's commercial
>finally kill boss
>boss chest is locked
>$2 key to open chest
>reward is Pepsi cape

; _ ;

Cost dont influnciate prices Thats marketing 101.

How do we save vidya?

>muh cinematic experience
>muh social/political commentary
>muh 'stories'
>muh online multiplayer hamfisted into every game in order to normalize things like
>muh loot crates
>muh map packs
>muh weapon skins
>muh day 1 dlc
>muh pre order bonus
>muh season pass
>muh deluxe editions

Gaming is dead fellas
Press F

I keep thinking things can't any worse, and I'm always wrong.
I think this is probably a good time to get back into writing. It was a good hobby while it lasted.

I've grown to loathe and detest modern video games and the entire industry in general. Especially all the normie shit eaters and breathers who are ultimately responsible for all of this (because they made it more than clear by voting with their wallets that this is the way they want it) that I hope everything you wrote down becomes reality.

Normies ruined the industry

I blame shitty Nintendo and Wii for introducing casuals, soccer moms and normies into the hobby

Don't care, no content I want to play. Probably done with the hobby. I'm cool with that, I've made my peace.
This, and some old consoles and stuff. I'll still buy an AAA game, but it has to cater to the type of shit I like and that hasn't happened for awhile, so in the general sense... whatever.

Blame the people who defended the practice when it was just cosmetics.

It probably will.
For example- remember when smrtphones started becoming the thing? Free apps often had only an ad banner?
Fast forward to today. Full screen pop up ads that essentially hijack your phone till you close it.
No shits given by the average tard

>Full screen pop up ads that essentially hijack your phone till you close it.
Pfft, in the web is worse, try ads that forcibly redirect you somewhere else and prohibit you to leave altogether. Bonus point of the site itself requiring javascript to function so you can't even disable it

>>B-but my Dear Sony and Nu-tendo will never do this

Nintendo are selling micro DLC of about 50 cent~$2.50 value in $12~$20 McDonald's toys. They are the epitome and cancer. I really don't know how people keep forgetting this.

I don't buy games, I pirate. So I'm not blaming myself. You faggots on the other hand...

Remember all those threads about idiots hunting Amiibos?

If microtransactions get bigger and bigger, there will be a bigger turn to indie games OP (it obviously already started), probably many new studios will grow and make the games we want.

I mean, that's why we have games like A Hat in Time or Divinity Original Sin 2 this year. It's not the end, just a turn.

Nintendo already does the most cancerous policy. They're just going to combine it with loot boxes.

Amiibos with random content on them.

I’ve been out of it for a few months because of uni. What makes BF2 lootboxes worse than others and why is it getting so much attention?

lmfao you're never gonna stop being classcucked. I hope you enjoy having loot boxes in every conceivable game, because you're certainly not doing a damn useful thing to stop it

>Nintendo will implement them as well

Nintendo did Amiibos. They will not do microtransactions.

Of course just used phones as an example.

How much you want to bet GTA VI will be the first to include ADS AND BILLBOARDS BY ACTUAL COMPANIES rather than the made up shit

Why would you lie on the internet?

The problem is Its actually pay to win, and its getting attention by sheer chance because comlaints happened to go viral this time and the news picked up the story and reported on it

>DLC that can be used multiple times across multiple games and only have to be paid for once is more cancerous than regular, seperate, standalone DLC