Why do sniper always make FPS' 10x less fun?

Why do sniper always make FPS' 10x less fun?
Why do devs keep adding them?

Because 12 year olds absolutely have to have 360 noscope montages, and being their core audience, devs put that shit in.

I like the whole sniping idea but I only enjoyed it in DayZ mod, with the zeroing and everything.

Then again, Arma is not a FPS.

>Arma is not a FPS.
It's certainly not a military simulator that's for sure.

Because all the 12 year-olds with daddy's credit card only want to play the cool sniper assassin class and will pay 5 dollars for a super sweet ninja skull mask without hesitation.

>mfw 99.9% of snipers are so shit that they're just free kills for you to run up to them and shoot them

Snipers can easily be countered by your positioning. Noob toobs are fucking cancer


>be so good with the sniper even my rando teammates vote yes to kick me because I get all the kills

shit that looks exactly like my little cousin

Why did you save this image?

To frame the narrative of my greentext.

Because you can't stop whining about it.

I think it adds a nice cat and mouse gameplay mechanic to the game

although I will agree that it is hard to balance a sniper rifle into a fps game where most players are running around with smgs/shotguns

um stop saving pictures of my cousin pedo

>join BF3 server
>start whipping some ass
>"you have been kicked for being too good"

>being mad at the players
>not being mad at the developers for creating such a shitty balance system

This is why every COD game ever has the token ‘sniper’ map thats flat and spread out as fuck. Even the new one follows the formula on one map with
>shit on the edge of map
>monolith in the middle
>”fuck it’s this one again”
>errybody hard-scoping and ghillie suit suddenly

Well, they are being honest at least, nobody likes to be stomped without any chance to defend yourself

>Noob toobs are fucking cancer
They're literally a hard counter to mindless camping. Get good.

>Mindless camping
>People camp with noob tubes and just hard hit areas until they get kills
>Implying this takes any skill whatsoever
>Get gud
Get fucked. I find autistic levels of satisfaction whenever I mow a noob toober down after a failed martydom tier failed attempt at killing me with one of those brainlet abilities.

sniping is just fine if the game does it right..

A bigger issue is how games handle asymetric balance-scenarios.

In games like Battlefield or COD, there's no class limits (like only "n"-number of snipers per team), very little "incentive" when it comes to playing objectives, and a high movement speed along with a longer ttk for most guns, at least compared to "tactical" or "hardcore", or "niche" shooters like Red Orchestra, or Insurgency, which aren't as autistic as milsims, but aren't as shallow as AAA-"arcade"-shooters.

I don't even use grenade launchers except for the off chance to shoot in windows where ghillie faggots like you like to sit all game.
They're a lot less effective against people who actually move, just like regular grenades, wow go figure.

>Where ghilllie faggots like you sit all game
>projecting this hard
Noob toobers like you deserve the block. I don't camp unless I am literally cornered into a position where I can't run and if I did I'd be killed immediately. I move around most of the game and get behind the opponent, pleb.

Then why are you crying about something that shouldn't even be a problem for you?

>play combined arms team FPS
>snipers are the least of your worry with artillery, tanks and aircraft
learn how to use cover, pleb. Plus countersniping is the easiest shit ever. 99% of snipers don't reposition after a kill.

Why don't you go back and read the conversation to find out for yourself, honey. :^)

I just use grenade launcher when I find a weapon with one attached, in black ops at least, kinda like a fun reward, because attaching a grenade launcher to your weapon is the biggest faggotry I've encountered

>Wah someone got a random kill with an explosive on me ;(
Just respawn and kill them you fucking baby. In most games grenade launchers don't even have much ammo.

>Noob toobers are a good counter to camping, nothing else!
>Spammed mindlessly to get free kills
>Lol so crying, baby!

t. brainlet noob toob spammer

Sniper is fucking dumb in Fps, why is it a one shot kill from across the whole map when Smgs, shotguns, etc are all super neutered compared to IRL versions? Sniper seems to just magically be immune to gamification for some reason.

>being so bad you get killed by noob tubes
You're getting killed by a single shot weapon with several seconds of reload time and the slowest projectile speed in the game.

How fucking bad are you?

Stay mad, your bullshit ability is free kills and you're a wageslave brainlet for using it.

>throw grenade around corner
>4 kills
>people get mad

in any infantry/tactical FPS game, if snipers worry you that much then you must not be good at maneuvering around the map and need to keep playing until you are good and your only concern is who's head are you gonna pop first.

>>being so bad you get killed by noob tubes
what a fucking non-argument
always the same shit with these niggers, I swear. I even did OMA + noobtube a lot, but at least I can admit it's fucking cheap.

>playing the game is cheap
Why don't you git gud and learn to headshot rather than dying to a shotgun or gl because your TTK is garbage? Even games that have their TTK nerfed to hell still have a TTK less than round trip latency. Meaning you can round a corner and get a kill before you're even on the enemy screen.

>Why don't you git gud
We're talking about grenade launchers, not shotguns here, shitter.

it entirely depends on the FPS.

I mean Red Orchestra 2 was a snipefest, the rising storm expansion bringing in Japanese Knee Mortars (basically noob-tube-type-thing), along with flamethrowers, artillery strikes/etc.

Basically Red Orchestra 2 managed to make this work by way of map design, and class/role limits, the majority of the players in a red orchestra/rising storm game will be "riflemen". in RO2 riflemen are equipped with a bolt action rifle with ironsights.

There are something like 2 to 5 machine-gunners per team (depending on the map), each shot from a Machinegun is as deadly as a shot from a rifle, however. Machineguns need to be deployed/"braced" on something in order to Aim Down Sights, while Hipfire with a MG is incredibly hard to aim/use with any effectiveness beyond point-blanc range (the WW1 FPS Verdun adopted a similar approach), basically a well-placed Machinegunner can mow down the opposing team as they attempt to attack a position.

There's snipers with scopes, but only 1-2 of them, in some respects they (along with things like tanks or mortars) can counter the machinegunner.

There's also a bunch of other classes, like "engineers" or "assault" or "elite assault", or "elite riflemen" or whatever, but those are still limited roles.

In theory it's the same prospect as shotguns, get highly increased damage at the expense of firerate. Difference of course being that one will function much better at range, where the other works !exclusively! at very short range.

There just are people who enjoy this more, who want to be able to take out an enemy without the need of firing a warning shot in advance. Can't deny I'm one of them, often times anyway.
I don't even enjoy being plastered down at the edge of the map all game, I just like to fire a bigger bullet than the other guy, yknow

Another part is just a sense of complete control, frankly. In most games you'll find that the vast majority of weapons have some level of inaccuracy no matter how well you're aiming. I can't stand that so of course that gravitates me back to the sniper rifles, which more often than not do tend to hit where you wanted it to.

It's a tough design flaw to tackle, where you can balance most guns just by scaling the firerate and damage-per-shot inversely but in kind-of-equal proportion, once you surpass 2HK it's becomes a massive problem because a 1HK weapon has practical time-to-kill of absolute zero, which means your whole chart goes out the window.
I still think the concept can be salvaged, there's plenty ways to bring it back into balance, such as a very low magazine capacity, slowed ADS, inability to fire (accurately) unless ADS active, and several more

And then obviously there's the basic argument of ''competent level design would have bypassed this issue''.

Devs don't understand how to balance the sniper rifle. You can't have

1. Wide open maps
2. Easily available sniper rifles

Otherwise the game will devolve into sniper conflict.

RO2 constantly blows my mind because I can't snipe for shit in other games but with the nugget I regularly get krauts at 300m and beyond

If you wanna play your own personal shooting gallery, play singleplayer. The rest of us are trying to play and win at a team game.

Why are you people complaining about snipers and noob tubes when knives are objectively the best weapon in any FPS because sprinting in a circle for 5 seconds then running off and charging someone causes so much desync that it's impossible to shoot you.

I think it's how the game is paced/how the "territory" mode works to enforce a "frontline".

that and movement speed.

Basically you don't need to be constantly looking behind you and that gives you time to actually aim or notice what's going on.

haha, so mad

Only because retards use them to up their k/d ratio instead of area denial or taking out important targets.

Not to undercut you, but hipfiring the MGs was actually fairly easy past point blanc provided you follow your tracer. I got pretty good at it with the Type99 and MG34.

Because in most FPS games player characters can move too fast, change the direction of movement without having to slow down and turn around, and jump too high. To make up for this, snipers must be OP, they can't require any actual ability to aim and shoot the motherfucker, no making up for gravity or wind, let alone other factors. Also it must be perfectly viable to shoot sniper rifles accurately while moving, no-scope etc. Should FPS games have movement mechanics having anything to do with actual human movement, sniper rifles could be made more realistic too, preventing the sniper from shooting while moving, or just after he stopped after sprint, forcing them to make up for wind, gravity and other factors etc. Then snipers would be a weapon of choice for the most skilled, and if used well, they would cast fear unto other players just as they do with real soldiers.

But then players would complain that the movement is too slow, that they need to hide behind corners and scout ahead (in other words simulate actual combat tactics at least to a minimal degree), that the game is not ebin fun :D :D :D

That's why. All shooters with multiplayer, except sims like ARMA or Operation Flashpoint are garbage tier, but they sell because ebin xD

Also maps are always too small, and even if they are large, usually the distance between obstacles is too small for snipers to make any sense. In most FPS games snipers shoot at pistol distance, which is fucking pathetic