So, why is my mom a bear?

So, why is my mom a bear?

in-game advertisement by coca cola

what game?

because ur a faggot

When did CK2 become playable? I only played it years after he recived a lot of dlcs. When can we expect Stellaris to be playable?

Europe Victoria 2: of Darkness

Cloth her ursine form you fucking faggot.

it didn't. shouldn't have. never.

Stellar Hearts of Europa IV: Kings


why the fuck is ck2 so expensive
there's a metric fuckton of dlc


Stellaris is getting progressively worse I'm afraid.

literally just pirate the DLCs

So, you can fuck bears now?

You don't have to buy them, though :^)

suuure and make my computer a russian fake news spouting little internet robot.
no thanks.

Mod or dlc to keep things dejure when! Im sick of vassal marriages and betrothals messing up my balanced realm! Make it a crown law or something so it dosent fuck over the player if they want to stay a duke or something.

lit. wat.
neogaf pls go

Just install CK2+ or git gud

wait is that a thing in plus? if so I very well may. Its not so much a spoiler issue as i just cant help but be OCD when the duke of Wessex marries a random countess in scotland thus making their child inherit the land bringing it into their duchy instead of the normal duchy that land should go to.

CK2 was playable from the start

Stellaris on the other hand was terrible from the start and no amount of DLC will fix it's underlying issues - that's it's simply a dull, soulles chore.

I still dont know how they plan to fix combat in that game. Its either a matter of having a larger number or hard countering the enemy fleet.

literally just have supply limits for systems like the other paradox games

How the fuck does that work? Your ships just start falling apart? It would make sense if they had some kind of manpower for manning ships, but they don't.

Buy the base game when it's on sale to get access to the paradox forums and then pirate the DLC

Pirate all the DLC. Steam will never check or give a shit.

i don't think bears live that long