Oh look R6 Siege is on free trial

>oh look R6 Siege is on free trial
>and 50% off
>i'll try it out, if my laptop can handle it i might buy it
>ok now i can pla-
>ok i'll just uninstall afte-

just give it to me straight, is it worth it?


Nah especially since Overwatch is also in a free weekend and 50% off

Yeah, if you're looking for a pretty realistic games with tons of cool characters, each having a different ability and load out. They've all also got multiple primaries and secondaries, and a minor gadget too.

>pretty realistic games with tons of cool characters
Siege is none of that.

Out of the frying pan and into a fucking vulcano, eh?

Did the same thing, my laptop handled it so I bought the game. Looks fun.

Yes. It's the best tactical shooter of the decade.

>not squad

Easily top 5 best multiplayer shooters out right now

and i hate ubisoft and shooters

Alright there's a good number of characters, and they're not particularly cool, but for the purposes of the game they're easy to tell apart and are well made with specific themes.
Gonna have to splain your reasoning at to what's wrong with the game. FAGGOT.

>$200s of DLC

tom clancy only makes shit games now

Why does everyone always have this meme for Blizzard

yea but overwatch is shit except for the porn that we got

>lets play project reality and pay to have less content

>Single-player is training with bots
>Paid DLC
Nope, its modern game cancer. Includes only what is used to sell DLC and micropurchases.

>tom clancy only makes shit games now

user you realize tom clancy doesnt actually make games or write the books? he's even been dead for a number of years of now.

Tell that to the people still enjoying it


And i enjoyed Combat Arms, dosent mean it isnt shit

>>$200s of DLC
All new maps AND new operators are free, stop being a faggot and accept the fact that this game is doing DLC the way it should be for any AAA game.

Shit maps, shit balance, shit netcode, shit lag compensation, and the UI sucks.

What meme are you talking about, i'm not saying is shit, it's just a dead game with a new patch every 4 months, i'd take literally any online garbage over this right now

That's the thing everyone just assumes Blizzard games are dead because they do free weekends

Its fun

Its nothing like overwatch

No, the game is SJW trash

>be at rank 160
>play solo
>balance makes it so my team is always composed of free weekend newfucks
>lose every single match

Elaborate, faggot.

Balance seems decent, even if Ela is op.
Fair points on the compensation, but the UI seems good to me.

>be rank 50 something
>casual ranks me with level 150s and 5 stacks of tryhards
>we get an ebin caveira who thinks it's absolutely HILARIOUS to down everyone and abandon
Watch out caveiras, I'm teamkilling you every time you pick her on the last losing round

>the best tactical shooter of the decade.

quit lying

thank fuck i only play ranked
t. cav main

I meant the support from the devs clearly died around season 2-3, i know it has a lot of braindead competitive tryhards playing it daily.

Best FPS game ever made without question. A technical marvel better than any other game. A DLC system better than most. And constant updates.

>3 speeds are better than everyone else

wtf is this supposed to mean

are they trying to jew me?

Yes. Someone post the proper buy guide

basically you get less ingame currency per match

Yeah the starter edition is not recommended
Full game has the 20 original operators costing 500-2000 renown which is very easy to get
Starter edition give you 4 of the original operators for free but makes the rest cost 12500 renown

And the DLC operators cost 25000 renown in both versions

Yes. It's a very good game despite all of the copy pasted shitposting in the thread but that's a total scam

>tfw no rainbow 6 vegas 3

Only the newest DLC operators actually.

>pretty realistic
>cool characters
Are you fucking stupid?

>tfw new
>tfw did all the AI training missions
>tfw too scared to play a real match cause I'll probably get yelled at by elite players

>there is people that buy operators instead of just staying until the game ends to receive the credits

Siege is the case of ubisoft accidentally making a really good game and trying their best to ruin it whenever they can but they keep accidentally making it good.

It's actually fun & competitive despite what Sup Forums will try to make you believe. The gunplay is good, the gadgets are satisfying and the maps are interesting (most of them, fuck bartlett u)

Game is not a realistic shooter in any way, but he's got a point about the characters being quite cool. There's quite a varied weapon and ability variety aswell as a good choice of maps. I'd say it's a fairly good game for the price, you can rack up a lot of hours easily.

>he didnt instantly play ranked as recruit because tutorials are for faggots

>try to play tactical shooter
>CoD mode kicks in instantly
>run in to get into the action

but i think that what happen was this
>game launch
>fails to make up profit
>dev team decides to not give up and make the game actually good
i wish this happened to for honor too but well... i guest i havbe to wait and see if for honor 2 is gonna fix anything

OP here

i've been playing the tutorial and the game is fun.

Yeah, the new operators are free but you're grinding more if you didn't buy the season pass

Yeah it took them *months* to start increasing their playerbase. It was what, 6-8 months before they put anti-cheat into the game?

if you buy the operators it kinda defeats the purpose of playing the game unless you wanna go full retard on ranked

I got lifetime b& for hacking. The game was pretty fun though and definitely recommend it.

i think so, i started playing when frost and buck were added on xbox. now currently playing on pc

You can literally have enough renown to buy new operators the day they're available if you play the game even a few hours a week. At this point, the season pass is for the skins and getting to play them a few days earlier.

Worst FPS game in the past decade combined with the worst maps in any game combined with elements from the worst video game genre ever made, MOBAs

Uplay is a blight, but Siege is genuinely a good game. Which is a miracle considering Ubisoft's track record.

I find it fun with friends.
I don't think i can touch it by my own thou.

I was all set to give this a shot, and then I saw this monstrosity. Fuck that, I can't be arsed with a grindy skinner box.

They're gun skins. You deal with it by ignoring it completely. They didn't even have loot crates till a few months ago.

Is there any actual game content locked behind DLC? Like maps and guns and shit, or is it all cosmetics?

All cosmetics

All cosmetics. You can buy the season pass to unlock all the DLC operators or just by playing the game.

I dunno if that sours you on it though all of the basic operators are almost always a better pick.

God I forgot how expensive those racer skins are.
I've never seem them ingame

I've seen a couple threads here circle jerking their waifu operator or whatever, but I just wanna play as a swat guy in armor and play the game. I assumed it was like Payday, where 75% of the content was locked behind DLC.

Okay, i'll give the free weekend a shot.

I've seen a couple of people with the pro league skins and I just laughed at them in all chat and called them retarded.

Old pro league skins are decent, especially the Rook and IQ helmets.
The new ones are fugly headshot bait items though

So which of these should I buy? What's the difference between the normal, the Year 2 gold and the Compleat edition

*Complete*, maybe I should stop drinking for now.

Normal is normal
Year 2 gold is normal + season 2 dlc
Complete is normal +season 1+2

im thinking of getting just the normal, and that you cant go wrong if you dont buy the starter one.

what's the season dlc? just gun skins and operators or maps as well?

i hate when they separate maps in dlc, it always divides the base, like in halo3.

I'm guessing you need to pay for the DLC if I get only the normal, how much content they have?

Season 1 is the first 8 dlc ops.
BOPE,SEALS,LEAF's and weebs I think

Season DLC is just that seasons operators. There might be some skins or charms too can't be sore.

All maps are free for everyone.

Technically all the DLC is free if you are willing to not buy loot boxes or cosmetics.
Each operator is 25k a pop, which isn't too terrible considering they are almost all gimmick versions of already existing operators sans a few

This game actually has a really good DLC model.

Wait so you can unlock all content, including DLC, free of charge?
Whats the catch?

I got 10 dollars and 10 cents what do I buy?

It can take a while and not all the DLC operators are good.
That's the catch

The DLC operators cost 25,000 renown to unlock each and you maybe get around 300 for a win. There's also daily challenges where you get 150 a day and weekly challenges where you can get a couple of thousand.

Fuck it, I'm trying this out, thanks for the input anons.

No, not at all. You don't get less, the operators cost 50x as much. You'll never unlock anything.


Its bad. Everything is 1 shot kill so gun choice barely matters. If you get killed early on in a match you just sit there for minutes doing nothing. The TTK is way too fast in the game. Plus veterans know the maps so well they can shoot you across the map through walls if they see a pixel of your character.

Technically the lusion isn't a one shot kill

If you really need to play it play it on console. You don't need to sign up to Uplay for that shit.

>play it on console



He's one bitching about wanting to play it.
Only alternative is the inferior console version.
Take it or leave it.

there are a lot of shitters playing right now, but there is a good chance if you just ask people will help you out.

>people complaining about cosmetic dlc
Nice gold faggot indeed.

which operators are good for beginners?


How about not buying any ubisoft games until they remove the uplay garbage, you fucking idiots.

>tell a newbie playing Fuze he can't fuze windows with steel shutters
>immediately leaves the game
I was just trying to be helpful.