Why did you quit this great game for Dota 2?

Why did you quit this great game for Dota 2?

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both shit shouldn't have touched dota2 in the first place becasue its soon going to be overwatch level shit.

because i was a moron and wanted to play mobas

you're replacing one type of cancer with another

>implying I ever played league to begin with


>100% forced meta
>flash bullies the game design and discourages aggression while it's on cooldown
>cookie cutter ability design
>boring passive statstick itemization
>jewish unlock system
>"no fun allowed" game design overstreamlines everything and prevents unique and powerful stuff from being implemented like ability stealing


Characters too well rounded, not specialized in a certain way

abilities are too weak to promote 'less cheap tactics' (aka no fun allowed)

runes/masteries/summoner spells ruin balance

itemization is overall too rounded, so you end up buying the same shit regardless of the character you chose. AP, AD, tanky or a combination of two.

THAT BEING SAID, brush is a great concept and should be used in dota2

I didn't. Literally no one has ever done that.

I'd prefer the original over a chinese copy

No one plays dota2.

>brush is a great concept

kill yourself immediately

>Literally no one has ever done that.
Are you stupid? I know at least a dozen people who have made the move in my little bubble alone. It's just the natural progression.
I'm sure it's happened before, but I've never heard of people going from DotA to LoL.

> retars pretending which low IQ pseudo RTS is 'moar difficults!'
kys faggots

>this much bait to get replies
you're really desperate

>brush is a great concept and should be used in dota2
it's called elevation you fucking mulignan

>no argument, just getting angry like a child

Stay mad, kiddo.

>THAT BEING SAID, brush is a great concept and should be used in dota2
It is, it's called high ground.

People are busy actually playing the game, also why watch on twitch when you can actually watch pro games in the client. Nerd.

not an argument

They're completely different concepts you dumdum. Dota2 only has elevation in a few places, certainly not at top/bot lane

There's nothing in dota2 like Yasuo.

LoL/Dota don't actually play anything like an RTS, if this argument applies to them it applies to every team-based PVP or arena game where you play as a single character

>wahhh every game that isn't an RTS is shit because it's not an RTS
This is your logic

>playing assfaggots

But it does? And you can hide in trees? Do you fucks actually play video games?

>be wrong
>have no way to defend yourself
>call it bait instead so you don't have to reply

Look dumbass, brush is a shitty fucking concept because in LoL there's like two patches on the ends of the map and two near the river while you're laning, it's stupid as fuck especially compared to Dota's fog of war + trees.


Meanwhile in Dota you can actually walk around because there are literal forests in the game and paths, shops, runes, shrines and shit to fuck off to.

The burden of argument is on you, dumdum.

but its not? and its completely difference? are you a dumdum too?

>They're completely different concepts you dumdum
explain how linear cliffs where you can't see up but can see down is a different concept from linear patches of grass where you can see out but can't see in
it's the same fucking shit

Is there any hero in Dota who has the same kind of players as Yasuo?
What I mean is, there are only two kinds of Yasuos, the utter shit, and the godly pro, no in between.

I tried dota 2 in its invite stage and immediately loved much more complex it was. It became hard to return to league because of the appeal of having everything unlocked. Also, a new game with new strats/heros seemed more exciting at the time. Dota had enough major patches to dramatically ruin or reinvent the game several times over.

However between the latest patch and a few personal friends starting to get into league, I've begun to play again.

It's not that bad. It's like how you can play and enjoy hearthstone even if you're a big time mtg player.

>Dota doesn't play anything like an RTS

It's an ARTS, that's kinda the distinction where you control a singular character. Though some heroes can definitely be played similarly to an RTS like Chen, Enchantress and Meepo.

probably meepo

'not an argument' means there was no argument in the first place retard

brush is shit and you should end yourself

There are plenty of slightly harder characters that make my teammates feed their asses off whenever they pick them.

this is bait right
I mean the guy literally posted a distinction between cliffs and bushes

Im arguing that brush is a good concept and should be added to dota2. you are arguing like a child and backpedaling so hard right now. Good luck trying that shit in real life

Any good site to sell your lol account?

League has those ill neo-tokyo skins.

The only good thing about lol is tristana

and she can be enjoyed without playing lol

>They're completely different concepts you dumdum.
They're both areas you can step in and then you can see out of it but enemies can't see in. It's the same exact concept, they're just used in different places because the two games are designed differently.

LoL can have bushes all over the lanes because the game is a lot more projectile focused (giving almost every character a way to check a bush) and its CC isn't as punishing. It puts the same system in the jungle instead because it makes more sense there with Dota's design.

reading yasuo's wiki it seems like all he has to do to win is mash buttons

in fact he doesn't even have mana

Pangolier is actually really similar to yasou's play-style. he has a lot of movement dashes and shield play.

"out", "down", "up" and "in" aren't actually different since this is a 2d map. Brush adds nothing that's not already in dota, because it's a simplification of the dota mechanics like everything else in league of legends

No, an "RTS where you control a single character" is an ARPG. Do you also call Diablo a casual one unit RTS?

The only thing LoL and Dota share with RTS is a control scheme, a control scheme that is also shared by other genres that are far better points of comparison to the genre.
The only relevance to RTS is the engine history and the multi-unit control in Dota.

>There's nothing in dota2 like Yasuo.
Thank fucking god
Yasuo is the most gimmicky overdesigned character in any multiplayer game I've ever seen

An RTS where you control a single character is an ARTS. RPGs have progression and save games and that shit, RTS is match-based gaming, ARTS is also match-based gaming. While I can appreciate the similarity to ARPGs Dota 2 is in fact an ARTS.

what does he even do
from the video all I saw was dashes, though I recall him having a wall that reflected stuff

To any of you that play dota2 and don't know who Yasuo is.
Thank the lord that this cancer isn't plaguing your game.
Fuck Yasuo and fuck all of the weebu mains

his passive is to double crit chance so one item at say 12 mins in and he already has 60% crit chance

*unsheathes katana*
Heh, nothing personal kid
*blocks all projectiles with wall of tears*
Nice try kiddo
*teleports with ulti 1200 units*
wtf I love overly generic jap designs now

basically he has q - a spammable ability that does damage
w - a wall that stops projectiles, wouldn't really work in dota because projectiles chase and disjointing is a natural counter instead

e - a dash that does damage
r - a blink that lets him deal more damage with his q

also storm spirit literally does all this really, he just zips around and kills people

None of that distinction has anything to do with RTS design or gameplay though. You're just assigning arbitrary labels.

Keep in mind that ARTS is a term Valve came up with as a portmanteau of ARPG and RTS and it's a term nobody actually uses

His kit is just super bloated, he gets two passives (gee bill) and all of his abilities have multliple different functions depending on when and how you use them. He's also manaless, is the pure definition of mobility creep, is the game's best pubstomper, and attracts the absolute fucking worst kinds of players. Seeing a Yasuo on either team is bad news

pretty much him and riven attract actual garbage

League's heroes are cookie cutter garbage, dota's heroes are just so much better in terms of design and lore, all of league heroes are boobladies and edgelords

This is when I stopped playing DotA2

They killed the soul of the game just to bow down to chinks

the only way your gonna win is to either abuse items or tilt the enemy into the trash can

Okay what's the difference between an RPG and an ARPG?

how ignorant are you to blame chinks for this, china already had a skeleton king model, it was blizzard who wanted to enforce their SKELETON KING copyright, and since SKELETON KING is his whole frame they obviously have to redo his model, Windrunner was changed to Windranger and Necrolyte was changed to Necrophos

7.07 fucking killed dota for me. 7.0 was pretty bad but its been getting worse since 6.80

just not having fun 2bh. dont know if im alone with this

Does league even have something that's as satisfying yet weird as instakilling a lion/lina/skywrath with nether ward? Or like, regen rune fountain 2k damage ball lightning?

karthus ult

ARPG is the term commonly used to describe Diablo-like games. So, top down action RPGs with click movement. RPG is obviously a broad blanket term. These games play like a player vs player ARPG and nothing like an RTS.

I don't really care about semantics and terminology, and I'm not sure if this even really relates to you if you're not the original guy I was talking to, but my only point here is that calling the games a "one unit RTS" is incredibly stupid

I play league because I enjoy fucking around and playing simple yet fun champs like Garen and Jax, stomping effortlessly

The game's incredibly sterile, anything like that would be considered "anti-fun" and removed from the game.

that's just zeus ulti though
can you still viably get enough AP to instakill people at least?

the same except I play dota imba

>can you still viably get enough AP to instakill people at least?
Last time I checked, no
Also it displays a several second warning before going off so people can shield, heal, zhonyas, etc

shame, he used to be pretty fun back in 2009


Because dota is better in every way

what makes his ult so satisfying is the fucking sound though

Numers of games played daily are actually dropping all throughout america/europe and the only places dota is growing is thirdworld shitholes.


>tfw I liked playing Riven
>tfw I could carry quite well with her
>now if I played everyone would think I was a shithead

Do people still think Morde's playerbase consists entirely of br's? How about Kayle? First champ I ever played in season 1 and carried me in ranked in season's 2 and 3.

Looked it up, sounds nowhere near as satisfying as Thundergod's Wrath.

>shifts the global light source to produce the effect

fucking sexy

A lot of this, but the straw that really broke me was their insistence that heroes MUST be built a certain way. They nerfed Kha'zix just because people were playing him as a poker before he jumped in to secure kills.

I was talking about zeus ult, karthtus is just too delayed

LoL is so fucking sterile and Riot tells you how to play it, you're not allowed to find your own builds or playstyles
It's garbage

Master Yi had a similar problem where you could build AP on him. It was a completely different, yet viable playstyle but they eventually nerfed, then changed him so it wouldn't work.

>veil, eth blade, aghs, and 3 aether lens build on huskar (back when aether gave a stacking 8% spell amp)
>1-shot anyone with your ult
Fun times.

I would play Dota 2 if EU West server weren't infested by russians

I know Yasuo is bullshit and hated by everyone, but I just love the animation in his ulti. looks clean and devastating at the same time.

It's the opposite for me.
I played dota2 for 2 years and switched to league season 8.

Why do people get so mad when you play simple champs? It's like "Oohhh man, you're just cheap and you don't play TRUE hard champs like Kled or Maokai oohh." like they're gonna give me a medal or some shit.

why do you lie

nobody watches DoTA 2 streams unless it's esports or Arteezy/some big name russian I don't know about is streaming. there are so many literal who's streaming that game it's amazing.

>Feel like punching a pillow if I ever die to Yasuo
>Feel chill after letting out a sigh if I die to Pangolier
I can't tell if it's that Pangolier doesn't look insufferable or that I know I can actually recover depending on the situation.

Well I still browse blue shortstack porn so I didn't really quit league

i tried playing dota, turn delay is absolutely abysmal and the lack of proper locked camera makes it impossible to play

>being unable to use camera controls is why you don't like dota

more like you can't press more than 4 keys

>so bad that you can't find a setting in the menus
It's probably for the best

Who plays mobas with locked cameras? I don't even look at my character half the time.

What the fuck
Is map awareness not a thing in league anymore?

Don't you have like more than 5 heroes that require you to look away from your character because of long range global skills?

i tried to play dota but i'm just too casual for it i guess. i hated it. league's got more than a few flaws but i'm sticking with it.

I hate the balance team

I don't play either. League was a game that me and a ton of my friends fell for.

My core group and I realized just how little the game actually made us happy because we'd still be salty even after a win so we decided to stop playing and it sure as hell made me a happier person overall.