Was it as bad as people made it out to be?

Was it as bad as people made it out to be?



Holy shit I forgot about this game. I remember renting it from blockbuster and taking it back the next day. This was back when they had the game pass. Good times.

Journalists called it the worst game ever. Fags talked shit about it without even trying it.

I talked to people that did play it. It's not that bad, apparently. Difficult as fuck, though.

No but that doesn't mean you should go play it.

It's on my list due to the reception it got.

I remember playing the demo of this when it came out. It was really garbage.


user youve unlocked my memories holy fuck




huh, its shit, apparently. Alright then

You should rethink your priorities and focus on the good games first.

Gotta love contrarians. Bet you also refuse to play other games for the same reason.

Well, whatever. It's your time, after all.

Bosses are weaker than normal enemies.

>curiosity about a fairly obscure game that got completely hammered by critics makes you a contrarian
You're not using that word right.

I don't trust journalists. Fucking sue me, faggot.

Sure thing, buddy. You're picking it up because of simple "curiosity", not because of some misguided desire to go against popular opinion.
That is definitely the impression everyone got when you said that you were planning to play it BECAUSE it got destroyed by critics after somebody suggests you maybe shouldn't play it regardless of it not being the worst shit ever. Yup.

And you're sure you've played all the other actually good games available? You must have a lot of time on your hands.

Not me, retard. You got two people calling you retarded.

>not because of some misguided desire to go against popular opinion.
Are you so autismo that you don't understand someone wanting to actually know why the game got its reputation?

I'm pretty sure I got more than two, but that's unrelated.

There are so many other ways to go about that than wasting time and money on it.
Simple searches through youtube with the sound off or voiceless playthroughs will show you that the game just bad. Not worst game ever bad but by no damn means hidden gem or worth your time or money.
Not a single person in this thread can tell you the game is worth playing.

>He watches people play games on YouTube.

Found the literal cuck.

I didn't know you could get the experience of playing a game from a youtube video. That might give you an impression of the game but it's not the same.

this game came out when I was 15 and my friend was telling me how cool it looked in his gameinformer magazine. He had really good recommendations in the past (oblivion, darkness, etc.) so I got really hyped when he told me about it.

I couldn't drive so I got my older friend(16) to drive me to gamestop, and I had to get another guy who was 17 to buy me the game. I paid the guy who bought it for me like 10 bucks to be nice.

I was so excited to play this stupid fucking game that I bought for ~74 dollars in total and it fucking sucked. I couldn't understand how tod do a fucking thing.; and the online was broken as shit. I was upset. I was really upset.;

This game sucked. holy fuck

Oh, I can totally understand wanting to know why it got its reputation - what I can't understand is feeling like you have to play it when you can just watch a youtube video of somebody else doing it for 10 minutes, go "yup, that's pretty shit" and dedicate your time to something that will make you less likely to kill yourself.

Well, maybe if you have other people to share the experience with.

Yes. I do.
But only for games I have the slightest interest about that I would otherwise never normally spend money on. So I can get the gist as to why it was liked or hated.
Instead of wasting time and money on something everyone is telling you isn't worth your time.

>what I can't understand is feeling like you have to play it when you can just watch a youtube video
burning curiosity

I can gleam basic control schemes and game Mechanics off of watching someone play without them telling me how the game functions. It's called Basic deductive reasoning. A logical thought process.
Try it sometime.
It's what I and other people who actually think use when we want to figure out whether we would be interested in something or not at a simple momentary glance.

Trash vidya general?

Nah, man, you should definitely try it on the off chance that there is some redeeming feature that videos can't communicate. You should definitely play at least half of it, too, since sometimes the real good shit is hidden in the latter half.


And that "burning curiosity" can be easily sated by a youtube video or stream archive.

There have been many a game that I watched 10-15 mins of that I thought I might like and thought "Wow, they really fucked this up".
Two of which were Bioshock infinite and Dragon Age 2.

>curious about game
>got meh reviews and looks bland

>curious about game
>completely trashed by reviewers and looks weird
>now i am more curious and would like to experience this weird game for myself
I shouldn't need to spoonfeed you this much.

>And that "burning curiosity" can be easily sated by a youtube video or stream archive
>There have been many a game that I watched 10-15 mins of that I thought I might like and thought "Wow, they really fucked this up".
YEAH, this guy g-
>Two of which were Bioshock infinite and Dragon Age 2
You son of a BITCH! :

Oh jeez not another one of these mouthbreathers
>You're so contrarian hurr hurr
Deliberately going against someone who is merely stating what he wants to do is contrarian in itself, fuck off faggot

Then experience. Through a video instead of wasting money and a universally panned object.
do you not have eyes? Can you not think for Yourself unless you physically touch it yourself
Could you not pass a history class unless you tried doing the shit in the books for yourself?
did you have to kill some jews to pass 7th grade history?

Are you seriously trying to say Infinite and DA2 were good games.
I mean come on. One was RPG rushed and made in under a year and the other was completely scrapped and built out of cobbled together garbage 6 months prior to release.
Only held out hope for them because I liked DA1 and system shock/bioshock1 & 2.

>did you have to kill some jews to pass 7th grade history?
you're going full retard

It's a simple stealth game.
Get from point A to point B without getting spotted.
If I recall correctly a lot of the complaints came from you not being able to gun down vampires when they spotted you, which isn't the purpose of the game. Although it's somewhat understandable since for whatever reason it takes them 2 hits to kill you when really it might as well be instant. (since you're stunned by the first hit)

UV Knifes have an ammo amount since you're only supposed to use them on the vampires relevant to path that clears the level fastest, sort of like a puzzle. It also has bosses but thankfully they tweak damage around so they aren't broken, the game just doesn't have the best shooting mechanics around but they are serviceable. Personally I thought the story was also interesting, although it has a "lost in translation" feel to it since some details are confusing.

Anyways my playthrough was on the PS3 re-release of it, so I don't know if the Xbox version was much worse.

Stop telling people what to do, retard.

No, you clearly are.
You have a money and time saving method in experiencing a game that is universally panned for a reason but you choose to be actively contrarian to not only reviewers but literally everyone in this thread telling you it is by far not worth your fucking time or money.

I implore you to actually spend like 10-20 mins watching a youtube video on this game. Muted if you have to before being a colossal retard are actually putting money down on something because you were slightly Completely curious Contrarian about.

Stop feeding the contrarians. you are giving Jim Sterling power.


>thread where op is curious about a game that got bad reviews
>start making tl;dr rants and then make a holocaust analogy
Take your meds dude.

>Difficult as fuck, though.


and i went for all the achievements too

>I'm obsessed.
>The guy telling him logical solutions to his curiosity.
>Not the guy who actively ignores 14 user's telling him it's not worth his time and countless other people who have played it and their videos telling him it's not worth anyone's time. all because he has I quote a "Burning Curiosity" to play games that people have panned.

Sure buddy, Enjoy being contrarian. Wait. No. You simply can't do that can you.

>hardcore stealth games
Dark wasn't very good either. The main character was voiced by the guy who does Geralt in the Witcher games; since he has no range as an actor, all you hear is Geralt all game.

It's really fucking bad speaking as someone who rented it when it came out, probably one of the few games I would call incompetent on every level.

I actually finished this. The final boss is a complete joke.

The guy is right though, literally 5 minutes of youtube will tell you "oh, it got panned because it's actually a chore to control the game, let alone play it"

I rented it, it looked cool, but it was a pain to even fucking move.

Tell me about this game please.

Tell me how broken it was, I'm curious now

>game gets decent to good reviews in Japan
>gets absolutely shit on by western critics
>isn't even that horrible

Wow, sounds like how Devil's Third was treated. TOO FUCKING BAD THE ONLINE IS FUCKING GONE.

>All these words on a post with only one
Truely triggered, sorry pal

>Hard game
>gets shitted on by critics and jurnos

Gee, Where have I heard that one before?