Bowser Amiibo: See purple coins through walls

>Bowser Amiibo: See purple coins through walls

>Mario Amiibo: Become invincible

>Peach Amiibo: Get a 6 heart. Can be used infinitely, even during bosses

Can you say "pay to win"?

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Say what?

I feel like anyone who actually needs that shit should just play on assist mode. I was dicking around on that mode and found out that life regens even.

No cuz it's singleplayer.

I like how you photo shoped in the logo

uhhhhhhhh DAT DON'T COUNT!
Fucking based nintendo! I loved the E-Reader, thank you for having shitty physical cart-locked DLC again! GOTY! This game is just pure fun! It's like I'm a kid again!

It's singelplayer so no

muh mcdonalds toys

>you will never be this autistic
Feels good

time for reddit to harass the devs at nintendo for their shady business practices

No, none of these are shit compared to assist mode, where you literally cannot die although you throw yourself off cliffs

Amiibos are just as bad as microtransactions


The rest of us mortals will just have to use a guide, and waste a week, but if you ask mommy to buy you a 15 dollar McDonalds toy for Christmas, you won't have to!

You can beat the game easily without them. Nothing in this game is THAT hard to find youd need an amiibo. Also all costumes are unlockable via normal gameplay.

>one time purchase
>infinite use
Nah, but they are as bad as DLC

You can play on assist mode you know, it's even easier there

>waste a week
>in a game you can 100% in 2-3 days

my question is does the invincibility give you a speed boost like the stars used to? and if so, can the invincibility be used in the koopa races to get a better time and cheat the leaderboards?
if no, then the amiibos don't matter at all.

>complaining about those
>when assist mode exists

Nah, more like DLC. Luckily Nintendo sticks with pure cosmetics or items for single player games.

amiibo is DLC though, it's a one time purchase

Considering the Wolf Link and Epona being locked behind Amiibo in BotW, I'm gonna say no to that

Honestly, Amiibos are even worse than DLC, because there's a straight up limited quantity of them. With DLC, at least you're guaranteed to get the product, and at the standard MSRP. Some Amiibos you simply can't find, and when you do, they're price gouged up the wazoo.

It's optional

*blocks your path*

*blocks your path*
It's cheap as fuck and infinite use, it's great


haha based nintendo giving us loyal fans some neat lil' bonuses ;) I gotta get that peach amiibo, the bosses are really hard :o

This shit was fucking bullshit.
>show epona in old demo
>hurrr amiibo only
Not to mention the only non-shit versions of the green tunic are amiibo exclusive.

This is shit a

>because there's a straight up limited quantity of them

SOW has multiplayer you know? Ti

Micro transactions allow me to get a character to 100% instantly, with all max abilities. You could argue a person with money has an advantage to someone without because money fag instantly starts strong.

Epona and wolf link don't give one player an advantage over the other. A kid with both just as easily beats botw as the kid without. And if both were to "fight", both would be on equal playing fields.

I mean, at that point, aren't you just pirating?

You can get around most of the problems with DLC that way. If we're talking legit shit, I think Amiibos are worse.

Not really, everything that can be achieved with amiibos can be achieved with relative ease with either a free guide online, or just knowing how to play the game properly

>he gets mad about how other people play a singleplayer game

technically? So does Mario Odyssey

>single player game

Explain how to get this working to someone who's bad at programming

SoW has multiplayer which is tied to singleplayer where you siege other player's forts.

Play the games you are talking about

>You can get around most of the problems with DLC that way
You can, but you have to wait until it is cracked. This shit you can get instantly. Amiibos are quicker, and cheaper to pirate too if you include stuff like bandwidth


What am I seeing??

It's not player vs player though, it's co-op

It's not p2w, it's p2c

i never knew the bowser amiibo did that
that's cool af

Weird how people only mention SoW's multiplayer in relation to Nintendo

>Nintendo did thing, quick, change the definition, so it doesn't apply to Nintendo anymore!

I 100%ed without any help.

I made a mistake on who I was linking to.

Basically, I think, just from a legitimate business perspective, Amiibos are worse for consumers than DLC, because at least with DLC, it'll never run out, and prices won't go up. There are certain Amiibos that are just gonna cost you an arm and a leg, and very few people will be able to legally access their content.

Play to Conquer?

>Weird how people only mention SoW's multiplayer in relation to Nintendo
??? It has been mentioned multiple times, that is where the lootbox complaints came from. If it's singleplayer no one would give a shit

Plus lootboxes aren't a one time purchase and you can only do it once, and it's a crapshoot what you get

Pay to cheat

that was my second guess

>Amiibos are worse for consumers than DLC, because at least with DLC, it'll never run out
It will when servers shut down, and then you can't even activate it, on the other hand NFC tags will never run out as copies of the data exists everywhere

But dlc disappears as soon as a service does. Not only that but it is pitifully easy to create nfc cards.

Is this pay 2 win?

>Can you say "pay to win"?
"Pay to win" for single players isn't an issue. it's basically a Paywall for casuals and I am okay with it.

The issue with PAy to win is with muli when casuals can easily beat good player by cashing in.

In single players, they only ruin the experience for themselves.

Nfc cards cost money and effort

You can just pirate DLC

pirating takes money and effort too

it's pay 2 cheat
so essentially yes

It's pretty fucking stupid yeah. I dislike Amiibo.
The figurines look pretty nice though

Do you pay for your bills? I'm guessing not

Again, anons, lots of things can be fixed through piracy and illegal measures. That's not the point. I would argue it's more readily a problem right now to get what you want from an Amiibo, over some potential issue down the line with Steam, or Xbox Live.

I, as a consumer, could decide I want to legally purchase a piece of content from Nintendo, but I am unable to, because the stock of it has ran out, and the only people offering it are those on the secondary market who charge two, three, or whatever times the intended rate of the Amiibo originally was. That's not good.

Download a phone app
Download files to your phone
Load files through app
Then press the chips on your phone

why would anyone want to legally purchase DLC? Are you a fucking cuck?

And it's not a potential issue, old games do get their servers fucked, it will happen.

amiibos are a non-issue given how easily you can pirate them, and you don't even need to buy nfc tags. Just find a friend with it and borrow it for a second. My friend is a huge figurine collector (not just amiibo) so I get everything for free, it's fucking great

Why would anyone want to buy anything? Yet people do. That's not the point. We're talking about services that effect the gaming industry, and DLC is a major one, whether or not people like it.

The thing is, unless a game is always online, DLC can easily be put up on other services.

>why would anyone want to legally purchase DLC?
To pay for the work people put into making a DLC? What are you smoking?
Or are you one of those people who think every piece of DLC is a scam?

>lootboxes are bad
>but amiibos are okay even though it's a crapshoot what they do in any given game

>pure cosmetics

>To pay for the work people put into making a DLC?
I reward proportionate to effort. Amiibo content takes 0.1 effort. I don't reward

>>but amiibos are okay even though it's a crapshoot what they do in any given game
What did user mean by this?

No what DID user mean by this? You don't have to purchase the amiibo again to see what it does, unlike lootboxes

>To pay for the work people put into making a DLC?
Holy shit, what a cuck

>I reward proportionate to effort. Amiibo content takes 0.1 effort. I don't reward

Did you cut off your sentence?

If Amiibo content has less content (something that I didn't bring up, but mostly agree with), I'd argue that's even worse, because people can ending paying exorbitant for the figure, and their reward is miniscule.

Take a look at Witcher 3 DLC, especially blood and wine
That shit is more like an expansion pack. It's like a whole other game for the price of your basic DLC.
You can't just brush off all DLC as though there is never work put into them

How can someone miss the fundamental issue of lootboxes so badly. No, it's not just the randomness part. It's the randomness part AND the one time use part. No one gives a shit about random loot drops in MMOs, because you don't have to pay to respawn the mobs

Honestly wish they locked easy mode to amiibo so I could watch the babbies on Sup Forums complain about locked content

>gamemodes locked behind amiibo
holy shit

>because people can ending paying exorbitant for the figure, and their reward is miniscule.
If they buy the figure they want the figure, not the content. Because if you really want the """reward""" inside the figure you would buy nfc tags or borrow from your local fag instead

Your argument doesn't make any sense


Uhh, you do pay for that. It's called the monthly subscription.

If they actually pay the full $16 for the figurines they just want the figurines. If you want the extra shit you would choose the much cheaper option of cards or tags

>he plays mmos with subscription
lmaoing@your life

>gets btfo
>moves the goalpost
>goes ad hominem

You can borrow your friend's console or PC, and play the game too. You can borrow a lot of things. While I'll agree borrowing Amiibos is more practical, that's generally not what Nintendo would want you to do, seeing as they like money.

Okay, please stop talking about the cards. The NFC cards are not legal. I'm not saying that's bad, but so much of this discussion simply is moot if we take piracy into account. We're going over the means to gain access to this digital content as intended by its creator, and it just so happens with Amiibos, due to their limited quantity, make the price of that digital content vary.

>Amiibos don't do anything
>Sup Forums complains
>Amiibos do something
>Sup Forums complains

Anyway I'm not sure the concept of pay to win can be really applied on single player games.

it can't, but they lock whole difficulties and game modes behind amiibos.

What about all the ones that do nothing?

then you just bought an overpriced plastic figurine

fusion mode is literally just hard mode with the fusion suit

yeah? That's why I said they lock difficulties behind amiibo
you stupid or something?

It's optional

No shit, dumbass. Playing videogames is optional.
It still doesn't change the fact that they made a gamemode/difficulty and made it inaccessible in-game until you pay for a figurine

Dude, calm down

It's optional

>Sup Forums has hard time with this moon and whines
>IGN staff members do it in a few minutes

Hahahaha, so much for game journalist mode. Should we call assist mode "Sup Forums user mode" instead?

What how? You gotta be very god awful at vidya to think its nearly impossible to get all moons without the game holding your hand.

>user literally whining that he has to pay to play in easy mode

Holy fuck what a loser.

SoW is artificially dragged out to encourage you to buy the bullshit chests, for a chance at something new.

Are you actually going to try argue that Odyssey is artificially made extra hard to encourage amiibo purchases?

>but they


The Fusion suit makes you weaker making hard mode, thats already in game, harder

And this is the only amiibo that does it

t. who owns and tried it out

Wait... This has gotta be bait... I mean you don't actually baleave this right...? the game literally gives you plenty of hints for every moon... imagine being so bad at games that you think for a collectathon type game to be beatable it has to show you every location of everything very clearly. Even in games meant for all ages...

Please see, you uninformed,
lie spreading piece of shit

so what you're telling me that the amiibo makes the hardest setting even harder, therefore not making it a more or less difficult gamemode that you have to pay for to access?
it makes the game harder, retard

Who gives a shit.

I've been playing games long enough to remember paying for a Magazine to get content people had made for free for a game that just came out, that I enjoyed by myself. I never felt "cheated" that I had to pay for a magazine to "have more content in my game!"
Now, with Amiibos, if I want that extra content in my game, I get the advantage of a cool collectable to go with it, instead of a shitty magazine that's trying to get me to buy more games by lying to me with bullshit scores. I get something I can display, instead of a fucking email with a receipt for some digital purchase I just made.

And key of all, I -REALLY- don't care about Microtransactions in single-player games. Whether they add additional content or not. Like, yeah, if they stick half the game behind shit I got to pay for, I'll be mad. But to unlock other costumes, a sound-test mode I avoid on other games, or a mode where shit just has 25% more life and damage to make things "more difficult"? I couldn't care less, as long as the core game is what I want.

Microtransactions in multiplayer games is a fucking sin. Multiplayers games are competitive. To tell me that my skills, talents, and tactics can be invalidated just because someone has a deeper wallet, while true to life, is unfair, not-fun, and definitely breaks any concept of escapism or suspension of disbelief I had when playing the game.