I'm the worst Persona girl!

I'm the worst Persona girl!

That's not Yukari.

Of course it isn't.

How can she be the worst girl when she's the best girl?

Seriously, how pathetic do you have to be make this thread day in and day out? ERPing as anime girls from some fucking video game? What do your parents think? How do you guys even function?

Do I need to playthrough Arenas story to understand Ultimax's? Does it really matter at all?

bruh look at this dude

Shinjiro Aragaki
Ken Amada
Makoto Niijima
Yukari Takeba

the most shit characters in the series objectively. Is there ANYTHING likeable about these characters?

Yukari is good.

The best

Teddie's trap form is hot.

I'm sure your parents are very proud of you for shitposting on Sup Forums user


she's one of the best though

>Ended up with worst boy

well no shit

God I want to breed Marie.

Shinjiro and Makoto are not as bad as everything else on that list
Marie is only bad in the anime, her s.link in the game is fine

Shinjiro is fine, not sure what your issue is.

You can buy Arena's story for $10

>just started playing again on xb1

Man im rusty

my dick disagrees