Is Axiom Verge good?
Is Axiom Verge good?
Doesn't reinvent the wheel, only refines it. Love the weapon system.
But as someone who is tired of some old, I gave up halfway.
its almost as good as the communist manifesto
It's alright. Could use a bit more non-linearity, though.
Pretty great Metroid-like. I'd consider it a hidden gem.
It's subpar. If you can get it for free then go for it but it's a pretty monotonous game. It's gets abit better as you gain more weapons but otherwise it's pretty stale. You'd probably have more fun doing another playthrough of Metroid or SoTN then this.
It is good.
But it's getting worse towards the end.
Totally linear. Grappling hook is pretty much lacking usage. Enemies are too dumb and too tough. Most weapons are shit.
loved the atmosphere and the ost's
it's a solid bootleg metroid for me
most of the weapons are complete crap tho
also i recommend you playing mummy demastered
Is great
The speedruns are entertaining.
I finished it, so that's worth something. The Giger inspired artstyle is cool and the glitch gun mechanic was really creative.
Not bad.but $20 was a little bit costly.
Final boss was pretty boring.
It's pretty solid, I like the atmosphere and setting and would play a sequel.
It's better than any game in the Metroid series.
It's a solid 7-8, depending on how much experience you have with the genre.
Fucking awful final boss though, what the fuck were they thinking.
Awful in what way? Too easy and boring?
All the bosses pretty much suck. THey only one that was remotely challenging was the bee. It's still worth playing if you're thirsty for some metroidvanias. I'd say pirate it.
It alright. A lot of the mechanics are underdeveloped, though. You'll find that with a lot of the weapons.
There is a possibility that I just sucked, but I thought that there was no other reliable strategy to the fight other than outdamaging him. All the other bosses felt fair but this one was just obnoxious to fight against.
It’s okay and the money ends up in a good place.
It was developed by 1 dude with a severely handicapped child.
not even close
Pretty fun Metroidvania. Story gets a bit 2DEEEP4U at times, but still a solid game. I got it on sale for under $20 so I'd look for that kind of price.
It's not very good, but it's definitely better than Ori which people like to overrate.