What went wrong?

What went wrong?

truly a beast

i can't tell which one looks better?

the one that isnt a blurry mess?

i wish there was a way to filter youtube screen caps

which one is that?

The PS4 has better colouring, but the Xbox has better everything else.

neither of them then? both look fine to me

it looks like the ps4 one was taken at a darker time of day after rain so theres some water on the ground making it more picturesque, not a fair comparision really

>what is time of day
No shit the right is brighter. I hate you fucking retards I swear to God.

the xbone version? I can't tell either just guessing based on the perspective of it. And the fact that the lighting is different in the xbone version making it feel a bit too bright.

Welcome to the native 4k meme.


Windows Edition should fix all the graphical issues but probably introduced a ton of other shit.

The image is angled at a building so you can't fully see the PS4 Pro's horrible fog.

>Nintendo Switch owner detected

i dont remember any fog on the pro version, what are you talking about?

Just look at the skyline you fucking autist.
>Blues same shade
>PS4 version has way less detail in the distance
>Entire hillside visible in Xbox version that isn't there at all in PS4

I'm actually impressed with how good the Xbox One X shot looks.

huh? what do you mean?

Power to the players my friend.

Mate look closer it’s not just the lighting look at the textures and geometry

What are you even trying to say?


A nip company making it look like shit because they're either too lazy to fix it or it's intentional and they want the nip company to win the console wars.

>inb4 ps4 already won

that's a gamestop meme you fucking idiot

Did I ever say it wasn't?

>t-they look the same guise!

>the amount of sonyeuros on this board

Holy shit

Why aren't the trees attached to themselves in the PC version? I'd much rather have ugly ass trees than floating leaves cluttering up the entire screen.

No you fucking retard the Xbox version is much sharper, look at the hair or the ground you blind faggot and get some glasses.

>i-i-it looks more p-polished up g-g-guys! l-less is m-m-m-more!

one has HDR on the other doesn't

The girl became a guy and they removed one faggot. XboneX is certainly better.

Square Enix, Luminous
Even 8k 120fps won't make this game any better, this game has far bigger problems than visuals


I almost feel like the LOD trees on the PS4 side look better for the distance they're at but everything else is blatantly worse and it's so easily noticeable that I don't understand how all those people couldn't find the details.

>Xbox patches out Prompto

this will be promptly ignored because it doesn't fit the narrative.

But we both know that this shit doesn't really mean anything.
3rd party games always look worse than 1st party games regardless.
It is like showing what shit looks like on both platforms.
Who cares if one shit looks slightly better than the other shit.
It would be better to compare the best of both.

XboneX looks leagues better but unfortunatey that isn't saying much. Luminous Engine is still shit.

Honest question, are there people that can't tell the difference? Is everyone baiting and im not in on the joke? Whats happening here

All console open world games have fog with varying intensity, it's how they make the games playable and not embarrassing since they can hide the lack of loaded objects from a distance

a couple of those could be excused due to the lighting difference
but also, its pretty obvious the PS4 image is upscaled

The fact that your father didn't use a condom.

final fantasy XV is probably one of the worst optimized engines ever made, screencap this when the windows version comes out there will be A LOOOOOOOT of bitching from 1080 fags and square will blame theri "poor rigs".


holy crap

WTF 30fps? how do fucking do you play on 30fps , holy shit fucking consolefags

The PS4 version seems more realistic desu.

post your pc specs faggot

Best posts in this shit thread.

See and

FPS is just a buzzword concept made by PC-friends to provide an excuse for buying that useless expensive gaymen card.

this game has MGSV-tier graphics and MGSV runs perfect in all systems

>my peasant station runs 30fps unlike yours at 26
Do you think console retards would suffer from brain haemorrhage if they saw 144fps ?
Why do consolets love their peasant boxes?

can't wait for the PC ultra setting screenshot

Did MS actually make a piece of decent hardware for once?

but it has no persona 5, no nier automata, no bloodborne, no yakuza, no Nioh.


>being a graphics whore
>playing on console
What a miserable existence you must lead.

X side isn't a blurry mess at least

Nioh is okay at best, please stop including it in these lists.

Better gameplay than nier and BB and that's what I play games for.

okay is more than microsoft has

I have a 1070 i'm pretty sure i'll be running this game at sub 40.


Which game is this?

>muh bloodborne

So xbone got the better of this?

I never played a final fantasy game, I'd like to start with VI.
Is this a good idea or should I go for VII that normalfags love?

no, nier has best gameplay.

Um, no.

I play this game at the bar sometimes

Nier has fucking awful gameplay

start with X

This is way more than a resolution bump

Elaborate. I get the feeling most people are just comparing it to what they consider to be the best and were disappointed when it wasn't exactly like that.

>no weeb trash
Your point?

>Mfw I have a Fury and I'll be running this shit at a silky 60
Feels good.

Nope. FFXV has the best gameplay in the Action RPG genre.

Yeah, except the traditionally weakest nintenbros make 60 fps everything a point of pride as well.

Having a bad piece of hardware with good games is infinitely better than a good hardware with no games. Just get a PC if you want to wank over graphics.
If you dont want jap games just get a PC.


Doesnt matter which one you start with. If you are fine with sprites starts with anything from 1-6 nes version of 2 is considered avoidable, its a fucking mess

If you are ok with shitty polygons, start with 7
If you are ok with arguably worst story and incredible ass pulls, start with 8
If you are ok with anthros, furries and overall comicbook looking game start with 9
If you are ok with DUDE, DREAMS LMAO start with 10
If you are ok with bratty kids, sky pirates, cheap as fuck leveling system start with 12
If you are ok with smash x to win start with 13

That should cover it up pretty good. Dont get me wrong, i like almost all of the games but thats just being brutally honest

>no response

yeah, that's what I thought. keep your pathetic opinions to yourself next time, kid.

false. besides, publishers will no doubt flock to the superior hardware in time, and it'll wind up getting all the exclusives, and the best versions of all the multiplats.

ya know there is no difference between 30 and 60

pc probably has the most now.

at 1440p Ultra? I don't think so.

what games do you play, buddy?

>For the players
Sony is the undisputed king of shitty hardware

Hasn't stopped me in any other game.

>PC: 144

>I’m having trouble telling the two apart

Explain how having a PC better than a console or a console with a bigger library are not superior choices to an okay console with no exclusives.
Xbox has no exclusives, if you want to play western ones get a PS4.


FFXV is 1800p/1440p on Xbox X

When you play with a mouse and keyboard 30fps is basically unplayable. 30 fps is only tolerable on PC when you use a console controller instead of a mouse and keyboard.

This is coming from a guy who until very recently had been a console gamer all my life.

They failed to make a good game and thought mid gen console refreshes that do nothing but increase the resolution could save it