pearl is shit

>mfw was away this weekend and couldn't participate
Well I'm still glad Marina finally won an official Splatfest

>that solo wins

user you know the Switch is portable, right?

>solo losers with no friends voted for their precious escapist fantasy
>alpha males with friends voted for patrician sci-fi

>Expecting the Nintendo fanbase to pick Sci-fi

There's a reason why Legend of Zelda is more popular than Metroid will ever be.

finally the right team wins.

Because Zelda stars A FUCKING WHITE MALE and gamers are too intimidated by a womyn protagonist?

it's because most metroid games suck except a few

Just like Zelda


>tfw no qt to make me cakes when a new game I like comes out
I never knew this was a feel I could have.

>tfw I secretly like Marina more but always pick Pearl for the memes

I wasn't really expecting to win. Sorry sci-fi fags.

If I played this game I'd always vote for the black chick because the other one is uggo as fuck. Fantasy is better than scifi but both are solid.

How is that poll even fair in the slightest?

No shit fantasy won because it's a super fucking broad genre. Sci fi is also fantasy.

This shit doesn't make sense.

Is the Splatoon game itself fantasy or sci-fi?

It's fair because you can win even without popularity.

In the era of meme of thrones, Sci-Fi doesn't have something comparable


Good for her, I'm not even mad. Pearl beat her down for so long.

Is someone gonna post Marina's victory dialog for the event?

>Sup Forums constantly shits on gay people
>constantly steals their culture and language

really makes me think

>no qt gf to make you a birthday cake and then sit and fart on it in front of you...

Switch is coming in tomorrow, is Splatoon 2 worth picking up? Still fairly active?

fantasy sci-fi

Nah, it's simply overrated by the masses, making the Metroid franchise a far less explored genre.

>>Sup Forums constantly shits on gay people

dude, what?

I got a switch recently and its one of the best games for the console.

Who /4-for-4/ here?

But Diablo is a fantasy series?

I dont get it

The Mouse won't be happy about this..

shut up faggot

I thought it was happening during Saturday-Sunday, planning on mostly playing on Sunday. Oh well.

>Heaven and Hell
>God and the Devil

kek enjoy purgatory

Gay people invented that shit? What faggots.

Everyone on this site is into traps lmao

>he doesn't know that the boyfriend was cucked by her GF and his best friend and posted it on reddit

the patrician choice is to fuck whores, having a girlfriend is paying extra for doing things not related with sex

and if you say emotional affection etc, you can get the same by hanging out with your bros

Who's your favourite queen Sup Forums?