I've been thinking about getting this edition of BF1 because it doesn't jew me out of the DLC (fuck everyone who bought it when it came out though, I guess)
Question, though: can I buy it used? Don't want to support EA, but I don't know if the DLC included is a one use code with the game. Anyone know?
I've been thinking about getting this edition of BF1 because it doesn't jew me out of the DLC (fuck everyone who bought...
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Console or PC OP?
Console You can buy a used copy. It will force You to have the media inside all the time. Not sure the pc version.
Pc is dead as fuck. Can't fill any games that are not conquest. Better off with bf4
Don't bother for PC. Not enough people play to pay for the more expensive version. I hear consoles are more populated.
Well...has a good population. Playing atm.
PC isn't that dead. I play it regularly. I'm even finding some full Operation and Front-line games. Rush is the only one I struggle at times, but you can still find some games on it.
I would say get it from a Key site if you want to get it cheaper and screw over EA. I wish this version was out when I bought Battlefield 1. I might even buy it again when it's on sale.
cant buy it used on console, the dlc is printed on a code you have to redeem.
This is bullshit. PC has plenty of players. I play almost every day and i never have issues finding populated servers.
DLC is a code so if you bought it used you'd have to buy the season pass to get it
Stop worrying about what developer Sup Forums tells you to support and what not, just buy the game if you wanna play it or don't. Stop trying so damn hard to fit in, reddit.
Just buy it retail on Black Friday. EA already got their money from the store and there’s a reason it’ll be dirt cheap
>buying bf1 in late 2017
Don't do it. The game will die in a couple of months till the next Battlefield game gets revealed.
Don't listen to this clown. Games don't just die off cause a new one comes out.
If you live EU you can find servers. Some user
I'm so sick of this hivemind
>continuing to give EA money
this is why there is no hope for the video game industry. you retards bitch and moan when they do something bad and then you turn around and continue to give them your money.
Not voting with your wallet makes you scum who doesn't belong here.
>shitty generic redditor "doubling-down" opinion
>also posts a Reddit Letter Media pic.
You faggot cunts need to fuck off. No one gives a shit about your -60k down votes faggot. People are still going to enjoy fun good games.
sure thing mate
>having principles is now "gay" and reddit-tier
this is the new generation, ladies and gentlemen
The only reason you redditor faggots are dissuading other people from buying a decent game is so that your retarded down votes feel validated. Fuck off
>still 61,000 players on a 4 year old game
Thanks for proving my point
Nobody gives a shit what you think you reddit obsessed sperg
what in the fuck does that even mean?
and what does reddit have to do with hating EA? Sup Forums has hated EA longer than reddit was even a thing
sounds like you're either an EA shill or such a hardcore star wars nerd you need to justify giving EA your sheckles to yourself and others
>stop giving [developer] money!
great argument dipshit
>counting 7th & 8th gen consoles on a PC-based FPS shooter
>moving the goalposts
I just can't get over a bald black woman in that outfit being on the front of ww1 fighting for germany
OP here
I buy most of my games used because it's cheaper. Not being a corporate whore on this one is just an added bonus
>can i play game used to not give EA money
can you read?
Idk man I haven't been able to find a single full operations game for quite some time now. Unless everyone only plays a specific one and I'm not queueing for it
Since it's an MP game with a season pass, you're gunna have to buy it new or get a key from a website.
then I guess I'll pass. Someone further up said the console version doesn't have a code, though?
Sorry user but the console versions come with a code for the dlc as well
Out of Battlefield 1 and Battlefront II, which game do you think is more demanding on the PC?
25,240 PC
44,661 Xbox One
59,098 PS4
plenty of players on all platforms
Hard to say. They're about equal but both are really well optimized.
Hmm alright. I had ~60fps in Bfront II on all medium or so on my shitty PC with 770gtx
>still considers consoles as a prime resource of the franchise and playerbase
>chatting shit when he lost the argument 20 minutes ago
I only have Battlefront 1 and Battlefield 1. My gtx 950 can handle Battlefront 1 on high easily, while on Battlefield 1 I can play on Medium/High with less than 60fps. So if BF2 is anything like those games, it should give you some indication.
>"wins" the argument by being this denial