battlestation thread
please no bully
Battlestation thread
Seek help
Mommy issues/10
Can you imagine showing a girl that room? Holy shit the reaction would be hilarious.
Please be nice
normal humans
>that mouse
>that mug
>those keychains
Either the gayest user on Sup Forums or please be in LONDON
What makes these weebs seem normal?
what are you hiding user
Did you black out the game you're playing? I need to know more now.
>PS4 is off
>Wii U is off
>Switch not in dock
I need to know more too
having a taste for weeb shit is stupid but not freakish. being obsessed with it is freakish.
the cute puppy makes me think he/she has a normal life with that puppy
No just regular gay
I just like my anime shit, better inside than outside right?
Her name is Maja, she turned 5 last week
That looks cosy as fuck. it makes me wish I had floorboards and not carpet.
Hey man, post that one photo on a street, with fallen leaves
it smells like BOTW
Everyone keeps asking if she is a Husky cross or a wolf.
>please no bully
Literally just a /soc/ lite thread. Why not keep it there?
Yeah, that's the one. She's a cutie
What kind of plant is that?
where do I get that wallpaper background
Nice PSG poster.
More of this dog please.
left or right?
Right, but both would be nice now that I look at it
This has such potential and you're ruining it with horrible furniture and a tiny old ass tv
Is it true that shibas have lots of neck fat?
I always see them not wanting to walk and their collar creating an epic muffin top around their neck
here you go
>all those headsets
Not even basing this on normalfaggotry or whatever but how do people live in a room so fucking gaudy? It's not better than Monster Razer merch all over your walls but atleast that demographic is usually dumb kids.
Not particularly, they don't have much but their natural neck skin folds look like fat with their thick fur coat. It creates the illusion of neck fat when it's really just excess skin.
It's fun to bully her by poking it.
hey user, here's a secret
people enjoy to look at stuff they like, whether or not they have a sense of style or not
They belong to my older brother.
Each one has difference specs, for different kinds of sound and music.
There's looking at stuff and there's surrounding yourself in it. I like fighting games. I wouldn't wanna setup a bed in the arcade. A person might like literature, motherfucker ain't living in the library.
furniture is on the list to be replaced, as for the PVM you clearly have no idea.
here is the rest of the room setup.
What kind of lights are being used here? They look reeeaaal nice,
are you some kind of gamer princess or what
>media player
holy shit user, what the fuck is wrong with you
i am a boy
please rate
Not quite my taste, but I still have to admit that the ensemble is perfect.
Okay ill bite what in the name of fuck is that shit you're shooting. I've been doing drugs for years and been to terrible places and I still have no idea what's going on here.
weird seeing an old house that still has the antique furniture still in it.
my house is from 1905 or so and the oldest fixture is a 1930s toilet. everything else has been replaced, not even the floor is exposed anymore outside of the kitchen laminate that i don't have an exact date on.
>nice blue shirt
cute skirt faggit
>fire near the pc
Fuck user, that's not a wise decision.
PC setup, it's hard to get a good shot because I have a wall behind me.
Do you live with people?
And game setup, not pictured is the switch behind the PC and a couple more retro consoles.
Just the GF, alot of the games and consoles are hers.
Not BR, I swear
What consoles you play the most user?
i'm not even sure if i took those pictures or not. these are from 2 years ago
Would ya play with me veah
>i am a boy
best boy confirmed.
/soyboy/ general?
>Female Taure
Really, user?
Lately it's primarily switch, followed by a lot of GameCube and I hoping to get more games for the Dreamcast. I still haven't gotten a cable for the master system to test it with yet.
During renovations.
Not my character, it's the GFs. One of her many, many max level characters.
Carpet with a dog cant be fun
Asparagus setaceus.
2bulbs, 3sets of led strips.
Love them.
clean as fuck my dude
would play with you/10
He has a Akarin body pillow,so he is not a fag
Are you using monitors as TVs or do you just have HDMI in? Wouldn't it be annoying having the console on one screen only? And why not a full keyboard if you have all that room?
I like minimalism, but this is just barebones.
Too weeb for me but nice enough. 6/10
Boring but I have the exact same speakers so a 3/10
Still pretty boring but I love lights behind monitors 4/10
would say kill yourself but you're already doing it/10
0/10 completely lame so you tried to gain interest from an edited screen
pretends to be comfy but no pads connected to most consoles. Poser/10
Has money/10 but trying too hard. Nice lights.
All the headphones come off as a bit creepy/10
Old person/10
Surprisingly comfy. 5/10
Was about to compliment it but most of it belongs to the gf so it's null and void.
Do something with the walls and it would be alright dude.
Clinical 2/10 and that's only because of the wallpaper
y-you too
Just using the left monitor as my gaming monitor (PC, PS4, PS3 and now Switch) and right monitor for browsing
Honestly I use a numberpad constantly at work, so it was a point for me to get a keyboard without one
Need to buy a new keyboard though, had to temporarily move back home before moving into this new house and my mum tripped over the keyboard cable and the USB socket disconnects quite a lot
I guess I hadn't thought about gaming and browsing, that sounds comfy.
Awesome, these bulbs look rad. Thanks
That keyboard can't be mechanical, looks squishy as fuck. Also paint your walls.
>streaming anime
You are killing the industry user.
you do know those dressers open up right? they are full of games and i have one dedicated to controllers to cut down on mess since it's hard to open drawers with a shit ton of cables all over the front.
iphone X
Got it for free but gets the job done
I buy anime and manga so I am still supporting it, but just buying it isnt helping the creators, we should donate via Patreon or something directly to them like those anime dorms or the animators who have opened Patreons.
Also they are painted
Please rate, don't be too harsh.
kind of cool, although that filter is cancer
Fair enough but the best set ups in my opinion are one's similar to that look like they're ready to go at a moments notice and look like they're played frequently. Yours is close but it's just too similar to the poser shit you see posted sometimes. Sorry dude it's just how I feel.
Consoles are mine, TV and pictured PC are mine, we have alot of overlapping games from before we met and now most of the purchases are just 'ours'. Still nice to have a significant other that wants to collect retro games with me.
You're female.
Where's your fuckin chair?
Simplistic but has enough going on, looks like it's lived in but not a mess, might actually be the best set-up posted so far. 7.5/10
If that's the case then consider it rated 6.5/10 it would be higher but old consoles on a modern TV? just no dude.