Well I 100% Super Mario Odyssey

Well I 100% Super Mario Odyssey.

Now what do I do?

either replay what you find fun or pick out another game to play, rocket league/L.A Noire/ skyrim/doom/ ect have since come out in the last few weeks if you don't have an older game to finish.

you know that one thing you have been avoiding all this year to do? you better start now.

Trade it in the games shit

now beat it in as few a/b presses as possible

then in as few captures as possible

then do dark side breakdown road blindfolded

Why is there a hat on the castle?
Why can't Nintendo make a theme without going retarded and overboard? Last Mario games was about fucking cats, everything thus have to be fucking cats.

kill yourself I guess

kill you're self


Why do faggots always feel the need to post endgame pictures like OP did? You are ruining the surprise (even though it is really stupid) for when others reach 100%.

Play BOTW again

I still haven't fucking beat it. Sort of got bored after death mountain and haven't bothered to start the second half of the map yet

Shitpost on Sup Forums, obviously.


head down south, it's pretty refreshing when you find the jungle/beach

>implying cat bowser wasn't kino.
There really wasn't that much cat stuff.

That said it was by far the most common powerup.

I don't think it's worth trying to squeeze more enjoyment out if botw but if you are gonna do it this is indeed the best way.


Those games are all old

portability, muh niggah

Enjoy your $300+ doorstop.



Play another game?

why are the three fruits still there instead of being outlines then

Which is the best outfit in Odyssey and why is it Super Mario 64?

Go to walmart dot com and order Sine Mora EX for $17.

speedrun it

Metal Mario 64 is better tho

So this is the power of the switch

this is the best outfit

Wait for Xenoblade 2.

kill yourself before life gets worse

Just 100% it as well. Honestly, I don't understand where all the 10/10 reviews came from. The reviews over hype this game so much. Sure, it's a fun game. Probably an 8/10. It's not even as good as 3D World, and sure as hell isn't as good as Galaxy 2.

Where the hell is the "perfect run" moon like Galaxy had? Or the Champion Road from 3D World? I really hope the poor ass excuse for a level darker side of the moon wasn't supposed to be that. That shit had extra hearts everywhere and only took me 2 tries.

I thought for sure you'd unlock one extra moon challenge at the end, like possessing the entire castle and moving it to reveal the final level underneath it. But, no... it was just some fucking fireworks.

The King Homer outfit is the best, with the follow up being the kyary pamy pamyu outfit.

>Now what do I do?
Jack off to gay porn.