I wanted to get into the Yu-Gi-Oh games, is Duel Links a good starting point?

I wanted to get into the Yu-Gi-Oh games, is Duel Links a good starting point?


Go devpro or go home.

No, it's a game solely made for nostalgia babies who liked the anime and never really cared about actually playing the card game. If you're looking for a good game with a pretty large story mode that will gradually teach you all of the mechanics the game has to offer, Legacy of the Duelist is probably your best bet. Not sure how active the online is anymore, though.

>YGO games
>Unofficial dueling simulator

Just grab one of the ones on GBA OP

Go with Duelists of the Roses. Also why is Sup Forums so autistic about not allowing Yugioh threads on there, it's an anime is it not?

/tg/ crossboarders are not Sup Forums.

Blame the mods for that.

I think they let Yugioh on Sup Forums but nobody watches Vrains

Fucking this
Play Tag Force Special or Legacy of the Duelist

Not really, it doesn't follow the normal rules (only have 4 monster spell zones, start with less cards) and its really grindy from what I hear.
Legacy of the Duelist or tag force is your best bet.

Since it's free-ish, try it see if you like Yu-gi-oh, then play Legacy of the Duelist instead.

I am downloading Tag Force Special,what am I in for?, it has been more than 10 years since I last played any form of Yu-Gi-Oh.

I swear i see this thread every day

Maybe read up on the new summoning methods first so you don't feel completely retarded

Get the translation patch
Lots of mechanics you won't understand
Play the tutorials and shit, and don't play the later arcs until you get comfortable with the earlier ones first. Definitely start with season 1 or GX.

>what am I in for
Confusion. Play an older game.

What other game would you recommend, I have enough memory on my psp for another one.

Any of the previous Tag Force games will do. 3-6, if you want something somewhat recent.

>it's another "I REMEMBER THE OLD DAYS" thread
>it's another "unga bunga me summon summoned skull unga bunga me equip axe of despair" thread
>it's another "well when /I/ play I [long list of backwards house rules that ruin the game]" thread
>it's another "I Solemn Exodia!" thread
>it's another "my 60 card deck of one-ofs beat peep!" thread
>it's another "why do I need a magnifying glass for a card, and I'm not talking about Reinquished, TER, or Last Turn!" thread
>it's another "archetypes (anything non-generic) killed the game but Pot of Greed, Graceful Charity, HFD, Heavy Storm, and the rest of Chaos/Goat staples are totally ok" thread
>it's another "is mirror force banned????" thread
>it's another "monster reborn needs to stay banned" thread
>it's another "Synchros/Xyzs/Pendulums killed the game (forgets Airblade Turbo and DAD Return)" thread
>it's another "*holds up summoned skull* let me have fun the wrong way" thread
>it's another "pls mak dark majishiun gud" thread
>it's another "unga bunga me hate speed and combos" thread
>it's another "unga bunga we need no white" thread
>it's another "I hate kozmo" thread
>it's another "I hate settingu scales" thread
>it's another "solemn is negated by jinzo" thread
>it's another "lol remember when he attacked le mooooon" thread
>it's another thread full of anime-only secondaries who miss le "golden" days
>it's another "why do you keep slaugheting my gate guardian deck with these 'ritual beasts', they arent even blue!" thread
>it's another "muh kozaky lock" thread
>unga bunga another beatdown only unga thread
>it's another "g-guys why can't I use my Stardust Dragon from Starlight Road again???" thread
>it's another "Ring of Destruction on Peten!" w-what do you mean it missed timing???" thread
>it's another "*flips Despell* you activated my trap card!" thread

5 is the most recent one with an official translation. Special is still the best.



Noto this posto again

Legacy of the Duelist is your best option if you liked YGO as a kid and want to get back into it again.
Really sad that Konami doesn't continue to support that game since it hits every nostalgic beat for older players while allowing them to play around with the game's newer mechanics if they want.


It is lonnng past the point where it's ok to get into yugioh.

I liked Worldwide Edition on GBA. What other Yugioh games actually mimic the rules of the TCG like that instead of making up their own stuff? Preferably on GBA or DS.

>Boot it up for the first time
>Takes a while to load a bunch of shit
>Complete the tutorial
>"Okay that wasn't so bad"
>Suddenly bombarded with a gorillion messages telling me about rewards, gems, vouchers, keys and other shit
>So baffled that I just uninstall the game

Honestly right now I play all three

Legacy of the Duelist for story mode (All 5 stories bar Arc V)

Duel links when I want something simple and fast to play

YGO pro if when I want to play ABC, odd eyes and trains

isnt yugioh for kids or something?

fuck you mom

Forbidden Memories is where it's at.

Post the best protagonist since Yusei

About as much as any other trading card game, I would say even the Pokemon one isn't kid friendly.


you know a protagonist is fucking garbage when you're the equivalent of like three cours in and they've had literally only one screencap-worthy moment

the anime is but the manga sure isn't. people die in the manga and get sent to hell

I played Tag Force 1 a while back to finally romance my wife Alexis but I thought the tournament and the shadow riders was extremely underwhelming and felt like my choice of partner had no meaning, hell the final matches weren't even tag duels.
Is this better in 2/3?

>tfw no july 2015 format

the manga literally ran in shonen jump, a magazine with "young boy" right in the title. it is literally for kids even if some edgy shit people like to pretend is inherently mature happened in the stories. that's like saying dragon ball is for respectable adults because one time goku killed a guy and visited hell

No it's a fucking mobile game kill, yourself.

nice comma

Sup Forums only gets into it every other series, and then when the series ends up shit they go on hiatus for the next one.

Thanks, it's very nice. I bought it, myself.

Its would be the perfect ygo game if they didnt force you to do "3 card field, 4000LP" matches.
Okay for quick mobile fiddles, awful to sit down and put time in proper

Playing duel links all weekend

Is it possible to beat this fucker.

Can you trade cards with other players or do you have to keep buying boosters. Seems pretty fair with all the gold and gems they throw at you.

I beat him like 7 times, git gud

I beat him 50/50 the longer you play the more you'll consistently beat him, there's no way to trade on the phone version not sure about steam

can't trade cards with players, konami said they will never allow it.

as for beating the vagabond, it's mostly luck. sometimes he bricks his hand and then you can stomp him, other times he gets a perfect hand and OTK's you.

Good to know retards think epic meme potential= good protagonist

best boy

Just beginning Tag Force 1.

How does the story work?

Do I just keep going to class and then story events will just happen?

Yeah, play 3 instead

>One of his possible setups is that Ritual Dakini whatever the fuck shit
>Have to play against it with my cobbled together deck of 4 star normals

Well ok then.

I'm really disappointed that the PC verison of duel links isn't any better than the mobile version. The PC version is capped at 1080p meanwhile my phone is 2560x1440. Also the 3D summon animations on PC are still phone texture quality.

On top of that he cheats with his rules like you only start with 1 card in your hand or you start with 1000LP.

Doesn't matter whether you win or lose anyways, you still get a ton of character EXP for fighting him.

>tfw you pull Convulsion of Nature and Archfiend's Oath from packs and then quit Tag Force 1 without saving
This is like the third time I've forgotten to save

This seems like the best time to post this, so here are my ideas for Legacy of the Duelist

>Update with link summoning
>Add Arc-V campaign, duelist challenges, and booster packs
>Continually update with new cards (but not all) and current banlist
>Make Switch port (and possibly Vita port)
>Have cross-platform play
>Make some of the better cards and archtypes DLC only (just thinking from a business perspective)
>Update the game every month or few months, adding new in-game booster packs and DLC packs
>The game is always updated with the latest banlist
>You can add your own physical cards to the game if you have them
>The game doesn't have all the cards or archtypes from the TCG and OCG, so the game will have its own meta but keeps the current banlist

Thoughts? This might be way to much for Konami financially, but they have a perfectly good yugioh game just sitting around. It's not exactly pay to win since the base game gives you access to really good archtypes (Mermail, Burning Abyss, Lightsworn as a few examples) and grinding is really fast. I imagine people can bring their laptops or switches to card shops and there can be Legend of the Duelist tournaments.

Just beat him lol.

>he doesn't sacrifice god to summon his ace

Konami doesn't want to keep updating a game like this because they'd rather just rerelease a new version for $20 where you have to buy all the DLC decks again to get the same cards. Your post is in an ideal world where they actually care about the people who enjoy the game rather than what is in their wallets.

Excellent Dueling, fag

I still don't get the logic behind the god cards. How do PRINTED CARDS MADE BY A GAMING COMPANY have any real world god effects

Ancient Egyptian Magic

that still doesn't make sense because the printed cards were made long after the egyptians died.

Who here the door of darkness has opened.

Because even gods gets pissed when you pirate their stuff

so if a kindergartner drew a poorly made version of obelisk, that kid can summon the power of a god?


It's a Chinese cartoon stop questioning logic you autistic fag


redpill me on a dark paladin deck Sup Forums

They'd smite his ass for their crude depiction. Remember only Pegasus was able to paint them without any major backlash due to his Millennium Eye.

Pegasus went to egypt ,he had his magical eye thing so he used it to paint the magical creatures on the magical stone tabled so the magical creatures spirits entered the cards and turned them magical


I want to commit a crime

yea and you realize the anime, people die all the time, it just get censored to hell and back in the dubs

>unironically buying that structure deck

I play the game and I like it, it's friendly to start and understand the game, the only problem are the limited card zones, still you can have fun

Ancient Egyptian Magic

watch the fucking anime

i played it for a few weeks but it got boring
but its free so give it a try


fucking Chazz doesnt get any LV support skills, all of his skills support fucking ojamas I'm still gonna build ojama turbo along with my LV monsters Chazz it up

What’s your deck look like user?

I only started on the steam release, so I still have a good amount of chazz grinding to go, but my current deck I've been using it pic related. but my ultimate goal is to make ojama turbo

Not him, but I bought Jaden's structure deck. It's a waste of money I could have spent on another shot at getting a silent magician.

I wouldn't use riryoku in pvp since everyone's running econs and SRH. How's silent magician? I was thinking about digging in that deck.
I did the same and agree. A hero emerges, blazeman, and fusion recovery are nice though

Why did they even put blazeman in the deck with nothing to use his effect with? At least I did need those polymerizations for other decks.

I first turn silent lv 8 2/3 duels. She gets past enemy controllers, and other annoying shit.

and yea I was thinking of replacing Riryoku with that stormwinds trap card you get for getting Mai to level 25

Yeah pretty stupid but he's good for a Neos, Necroshade, O-Oversoul deck
Cool I think I'll go after it after I get floodgate

Cool, just make sure you throw in another target for Level Up, I used Ultimate Insect for awhile until I got enough Horus stuff.

I'm actually trying to get a Swamp King for my future ojama deck

I have horus Lv8 and 2 Lv6 already so something similar to yours, maybe armed dragon as well

I really want to make a Dragon Lv deck, but Chazz won't drop a Lv5 armed dragon. He's managed to drop 3 Ojama kings, though

I got 5 ojama kings and no Ojama blues I think they made his rate higher for some reason

Just as you two guys posted that, I pulled a Blue from chazz

Nice gonna farm him now

>"unga bunga me summon summoned skull unga bunga me equip axe of despair"

Is it possible to make a good Destiny Hero deck that isn't just plasma turbo?

>start playing
>spend 4500+ gems
>get jack shit

What do you do with the tickets in Dool links


Exchange for cards.

I foolishly spent mine on copies of A Legendary Ocean that I could've got from the card trader