>want to be an alpha leader in raids
>want to have role that forces you to think, but actually rewards you for it instead of just being a byproduct of shitty design
>want to inspire others when I get involved with new guilds
What class/race combo is best for this in WoW?
Want to be an alpha leader in raids
Other urls found in this thread:
female dwarf tank
undead rogue is the combo of choice for the greatest and most skilled players since vanilla.
How would UD pussy feel?
Female Tauren Warrior
undead warlock actually, but close
wrong! i remember raping undead rogues with a human combat rogue rogue killer
Gnome warrior
cold cuts and mayonaise. basically like fucking a sandwich, i would imagine.
wrong, they let you win in order to keep up the appearance of being regular players to keep the blues from nerfing them to give lesser classes an unfair advantage.
>not Gnome Warrior
That should be the most inspiring thing of all.
It's not really a good position to have in WoW due to the raiding system being so straightforward. People in WoW either get it or they don't and teaching anyone how to do something is out of the question, all you end up doing as a raid leader is reading strats off the internet and watching people fail at them.
FFXI was a great game to be a leader in, man i miss it.
Male tauren warrior or male undead priest
Female human warrior or female draenei paladin
>want to have role that forces you to think, but actually rewards you for it instead of just being a byproduct of shitty design
yeah you will be an alpha male raid leader saying 'p-pls move out of the fire you're taking damage'
this isnt mc, ulduar, naxx, AQ40 or any other raid considered even slightly hard at its prime, its nu-blizzard walk from room to room killing one mob in some sort of half assed boss rush raid minigame
raid leaders are barely even required anymore, outside of picking drops for their buddies and fucking everyone else over
Not nice
room temperature
is WoW even worth playing anymore?
Female Troll *Insert Any Class*
former raid leader and guild master
goblin male is only option
holy shit somebody who has never done mythic progression is trying to shitpost
Good taste.
Any tanking class being Gnome or Goblin (female).
I mean, how can you not be inspired by this?!
I'm only interested in the second thing on your little list. I decided to go for dwarf shadow priest. I have to play a gnome or a dwarf because the other races movement seems painfully slow to me.
WoW fights are dance choreography, you have one way to do them and everyone needs to follow the moves. Raid leaders in WoW are at best moral support and are in no way master tactician puppetmasters.
>pretending mythic is anything other than item level stacking with your 4 other buddies
top lmao
give me an example then where fights are strictly a dance choreography and don't need on the fly thinking
that doesn't validate your argument that raid leaders arent needed either
What's the best Warlock race apart from Orc?
And what game fullfills this legendary role of being a "quick on your toes"-thinking game filled with 2intelligent4you encounters?
wheres your cutting edge, friend?
raid leaders are not needed
anybody can mark mobs
anybody can distribute loot
anybody can say 'get out of the telegraphed circular fire effect'
raid leaders are useless and have been since cata
except fights often require on the fly thinking and decision making that needs to be followed through with, thus needing a designated caller
>all the jobs of a raid leader could be done by somebody else, therefore raid leaders arent needed
the same thing applies to cata then you retard
True, they're good for morale.
>raid leader
>must shepard the retards
>everyone else makes fun of what they say in that effort
I still remember the things my raid leader said and guild mercilessly repeated from back in TBC.
Hang on, is that fucking Dick?
Yep yep.
I'm surprised anyone remembers that comic at all.
Made for cleaning smelly, musky orc dicks and balls.
I haven't read it in forever but I used to religiously like 3-4 years ago. Sohmer is a fucking taint now.
When exactly did the goblin females being nymphos meme arise?
What happened?
Shorties are not racist, they are good for cleaning everyone's musky dick n' balls.
human/night elf/dwarf warrior for alliance or tauren warrior for horde.
There was the early encounter in Corruption of Champions. It probably predates that, even.
tauren tanks are always alpha bros
I don't know, but Blizzard hasn't exactly been denying it.
Pretty sure stuff like goblin brothels are canon.
Their own /flirt and /silly, their swimsuit calendars, plus NPC text.
They're tiny green sexpots and I love all of them.
>race of demi humans that always show up in great numbers in classical RPGs like D&D
The level 1 encounter have to come from somewhere. Not that WoW gnomes are less of a nympho though.
I like playing female Gnomes and Goblins the most
Gnome Warrior.
Nothing says utter humiliation to your enemies more than getting the shit kicked out of you by a turbomanlet.
Either that or Gnome mage, since they're literally the weakest people in the game
You can make a new account and get it for 10 bucks and get a month free. That will give you a hint of if you will like it or not.
Female goblins are fucking disgusting. Literally a midget green wicked witch of the east.
stop posting garbage art
>Literally a midget green wicked witch of the east
But that's what makes them hot.
>caring about anything but WoW Classic
faggots, the lot of you
Stop making stealth porn threads.
He became or perhaps always was a preachy douche like Dobson, but with a touch of hypocrisy considering the history of LICD.
This is actually the perfect answer
the second degenerates starting hyping monster girls in general so whenever succubus being pretty became a popular trend.
>draenei female
Just like Nelfs, those are too much of a cumbucket race to be taken serious.
Even better.
Reminder that all fantasy race females are nymphos, and always for human penis.
Makes me miss old /tg/.
There's only one canon nympho race in Warcraft.
Too bad trolls are ugly as fuck
By now I'm pretty sure every Horde race is begging for some human penis. I wonder why...
Cold, dry, and occupied by maggots.
Thankyou for your contribution of: generic anime girl painted green bereft of any style
Too bad he's only after Space Goats.
top lad
That's faggot talk.
>he doesn't like his women dumpy and droopy with severe halitosis
Wrong, lorelet
Femdwarfs were his first love
>go to porn website
>type in gnome
>type in warcraft
>never have to ask for source again
I feel so bad for you people. All the porn you must not be aware of.
Fem goblins have always had a kind of nympho vibe in most settings. Like the other user said it goes further back then CoC, as for WoW goblins? They've always been trashy, from inception, their whole theme is new jersey jewish con artists wiith a hyper capitalistic 'anything for profit' attitude. As far back as Vanilla the Steamwheedle is mentioned to be dealing in slave trade.
>rule 34 xxx
>Type in gnome
There you go, my feisty friend.
That's what I ended up doing, but its quicker and easier to ask than to spend several minutes scanning through images for a mere chance of stumbling on a particular image.
The modern cropped porn meme began after image search was commonplace and effective. Anyone who complains about people asking for source given the conscious subversion of the ability to find it oneself is pure dick.
your image speaks for itself.
>Male tauren warrior
Unironically this. It comes with being the most phsyically imposing member of the group and spearheading the force.
Look at this guy. You telling me you wouldn't count on this guy to hold off the tide of enemies?
I really hoped Anduin and guard-chan would hook up, or at least not have her die so it remained a possibility.
>the one troll face that isn't used by any of the NPCs
Ye, sure faggot.
>playing alliance with friends
>all I miss is tauren
I don't even like playing the big race in MMOs usually, but tauren are fucking great
For WoW at least, goblins are a race of greedy self indulgent jews who are constantly blowing themselves up with their technology due to safety measures taking up too much budget, so they breed like rabbits to keep their numbers up
Did they actually make the one cute troll face ugly?
>implying the others are radically different
That's just the one with the smoothest features, really.
The faces for female trolls are all very similar.
>is a dick
Learning how to find pictures your self is more beneficial to your interests than being directed to only one picture relevant to your interests. Think about all the untapped porn you could find if you weren't such a fucking idiot.
>Tank Raid Leader
Nah, Tanks have too much to focus on to properly raid lead. Healers or DPS are better.
>The many faces of anger
That's a corpse getting fucked.
>trolls have the racial 'Berserking'
By another corpse?
>this isnt mc, ulduar, naxx, AQ40 or any other raid considered even slightly hard at its prime, its nu-blizzard walk from room to room killing one mob in some sort of half assed boss rush raid minigame
WoW has become more casual, but the raids (at top level) are FAR more challenging. The difference is that the challenge is in the raid, not in farming for resistance gear or consumables like it used to be. Being able to beat LFR doesn't mean anything, the difficulty is Mythic.
And, btw, even in Vanilla we didn't consider MC hard, not once you were out of greens. It's LONG, not hard. You should have at least said BWL, Sunwell or TK.
white male protestant
I can post the gif here, seeing as there is already porn here that hasn't been deleted it should be fine but the thread might get nuked
but you wont be able to shitpost for a few days user
That's what you think! ;)
Get it quick