It's fun!
It's fun!
It's not fun!
>It's good!
It's a game!
>buttblasted that others still can have fun
OP is a faggot.
>it's comfy!
>It's a movie
whats wrong with fun?
>japenese games suck
>it's compfy xDDDD
>mods delete my post
Thanks for making Sup Forums the wonderful place it is mods.
Hehehehe beebee boo boo
>mmmgmoddsss demveltedm en bpost
Nothing wrong with this.
Everything wrong with this.
>Japanese games are good cause they people i can jerk it to
quit it with your fucking buzzwords
Look guy i love the brainlet wojak meme but it's starting to outnumber the "to intelligent" wojak meme, can we go back to this meme please?
>ugly women are realistic
>critical analysis of videogames is an objective way to review games objectively
>it's fun with friends
instant sage and report
>fun is a buzzword
>I announce reports
>it's Lovecraftian!
>dddobnetwe downbnttott
>it's souls like
>it's comfy
I love those meme where X platforms suck another throught his ass