Is it just me or is the combat in BotW basically anti-fun? For some reason I get no enjoyment out of engaging enemies...

Is it just me or is the combat in BotW basically anti-fun? For some reason I get no enjoyment out of engaging enemies. I just run past them whenever I can.

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same as in any other zelda game

its mostly because every hit hurts your weapon, so there's little reason to fight


He's not entirely wrong. I only hold my best gear for the game's tougher fights such as Lynels and bosses such as Hinox and Stone Talus.

Bombs for everything else.

Did you even play the game? The combat feels like an afterthought. You're better off stealing from hinox's, fighting the stone monsters and guardians, and avoiding everything else. At most you shock enemies so they drop a weapon you want.

I really, really wanted to see Dark Souls combat. But nope.

because there's no incentive to fight enemies

>the combat is dull so there's no incentive of fun
>every enemy you hit just means your equipment comes closer to breaking
>at a certain point you will only have good gear in your inventory and the enemies will mostly be equipped with garbage, so its essentially a net loss to engage the average bokoblin because you have everything to lose but nothing to gain

That's enough reasons right there without even mentioning the extremely lenient and gamebreaking bullet time dodge murdering whatever semblance of difficulty fights had

The combat in BOTW is awful.
The fact that there's only 3 weapon move sets just makes all the dozens of weapons meaningless.

Healing is also broken as you effectively can have 500 hearts if you grind enough ingredients and cook shit.
No limitation on the amount of cooked foods you can carry (like they did with weapons), no animation for eating and not even a fullness bar is baffling and breaks the combat even more.

so glad that BoTW is finally getting some real criticism after months of collective jizzing

I had fun with it

Hey OP, have you ever considered that maybe you simply don't like a certain genre of games?

I mean, me personally, absolutely detest Metal Gear Solid 2, but plenty of people rant and rave about how much that game was ahead of its time.

Maybe instead of complaining about a video game to anonymous people online, maybe--just maybe, you should put the game down and actually play something you have genuine fun playing?

Just a thought

Because getting into combat only means you stand to lose equipment and food. It's the same problem that Paper Mario Sticker Star had where you lose your attacks by getting into battles, so you just do your best to avoid getting into any fights at all.

Without an exp system where you gain something from fighting enemies it's going to feel pointless. Or at least if they made the enemy drops useful in some way, other than just brewing potions.

I agree it has issues, but thank fucking god they didn't go for DS combat. I like DS, but that shit doesn't belong here.

I liked it quite a bit. All the different interactions and physics make it fun, and dodging and parrying is satisfying on a basic level. Also the game's stealth is weirdly good.

You get drops and you get enemies out of the way. Conserving weapons is never concern outside of the start of master mode.

Well see, you just have bad taste re: MGS2. The OP has a serious complaint about a game he might find good otherwise.

>flurry rush
>weapon breaks

BotW combat in a nutshell

The fact that BotW has very few enemies in the dungeons, is basically Nintendo admitting that the combat kind of sucks; at least, that's how I saw it. The combat in this game is both annoying and boring; it even felt more fluid and fun in Wind Waker. In this game it just feels too finicky and too much inventory bullshit.

>endless supply of weapons around every corner
>hurrrrr betta conserv muh weppins

>No limitation on the amount of cooked foods you can carry
This is actually false, there is a limited number of food slots in your inventory.

I liked the combat in BOTW but it suffers from a lot of bad design choices
1) Engaging in combat means you will only ever lose resources for a chance of earning back something
2) The game’s difficulty curve means that combat starts out engaging and tense but quickly becomes less involved when you can two shot everything bar silvers
3) Combat is rarely directly engaged and as a result you can just walk away

There’s a lot of fun to be had with it but aside from being forced into it there’s no reason for anyone to ever do it

You know, this would actually be a valid argument if weapons didn't break so easily to enemies that have too much health in the late-game.

Are you talking about Hard Mode?

Outside of MAYBE the first few hours of the game when replacing a good weapon or a weapon with a specific utility purpose is hard, there is no reason to not just use your best weapon at all times. Even if you do save your very best gear for a rainy day, there is still great gear that you basically trade out at the end of every fight.
Even if you are that fucking autistic, use bombs. Bombs are free.

My autism won't allow fun with this system.

I actually think the combat would be bad even if weapons didn't break. The actual design of the combat itself is pretty poor in my opinion. There's just nothing all that fun about it, it always feels like work. I wish I knew how to explain why, better. I always see praise for the myriad of options at your disposal, but simple close range sword combat feels very sloppy. It's almost like they prioritized striking from range or using different options.

Maybe, but this also comes to mind in normal mode.

For example, assuming you have no attack increases (equipment,food) you will burn through at least three royal broadswords to a Silver Lynel in exchange for a weapon with less durability than those broadswords, a bow, and misc items.


Stiff controls, no depth to the swordplay, low enemy variety, mostly bland enemy placement, and lackluster rewards.

The game as a whole or specifically the combat? I enjoyed the game too but the combat was just beyond underwhelming

You missed the point though. If I have an inventory full of weapons that have a 30 attack rating or higher, what reason do I have to go then and waste ammo/weapons on a group of bokoblin with 16 attack sticks?

>get drops
yes worse than what you have
>get enemies out of the way
there isn't a single enemy placement in the whole game that you can't just walk around other than bosses and mini-bosses

Combat gets worse as power creep kicks in.

In early game you can use your environment much more to kill shit in amusing ways. By late game, the enemy health pools stop such shit from being effective.

I honestly have more fun figuring out how to avoid actual combat. Sneak striking an entire camp is nice or shenanigans with sheika abilities/environments/physics is much more satisfying.

>mfw trial of the sword
I'm good with the default Master Sword thanks.

>some of the most creative methods of combat in the genre and series
>Sup Forums decides to ignore this and instead use each weapon as a spamfest
>cries upset when weapons break

the controls in this game are definitely way way too stiff. i agree with that. everything in this game needs to be loosened up a few times.

>>some of the most creative methods of combat in the genre and series

Give me some examples and then tell me why these methods are better than attacking enemies vanilla-style.

Because you're constantly looking for a replacement weapon for when the one you're using breaks in a couple minutes.

>that terrain

Jesus Christ is it 1999? Why is Nintendo always so far behind the curve?

Well you only set yourself up for disappointment with such a high bar user. Not all games can have combat as flawless as Dark Souls

I honestly can't STAND how much you need to switch items in this game. And I'm not talking about your weapon breaking. I'm talking about simply having to switch physic abilities, switching to arrows, putting on a new shield, equipping an appropriate weapon. Sure the situations may require unique solutions, but it's so annoying how you constantly have to dig into your inventory. It drives me crazy because I feel like I'm the only one who is really bothered by this. I feel like in battles I spend more time changing items/abilities/weapons than actually engaging with the enemy.

I'd enjoy combat a lot more if it weren't for the FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFUCKING LIZALFOS. Fighting them is nothing but a chore 100% of the time, and they're fucking everywhere. And then of course you have the elemental varieties that stun you constantly while jumping away every time you try to close the distance.

Another thing that really annoys me is how fucking scarce arrows are. Maybe I'm just unlucky, but it seems like every archer I kill always just happened to fire their very last arrow right before I killed them, because they almost never drop any of the shit. On top of that, vendors run out of stock for the day after only selling 15, so I never seem to have more than 20 regular arrows at any given moment. I've gone into every Divine Beast pretty much empty and having to rely on Bomb Arrows just to kill the Malice Eyes. It's ridiculous.

its literally never just you.

I agree with your second point about arrows. Wayyyy too many shrines in this game, and the dungeons, require arrows to progress. Why not give infinite arrows like they gave infinite bombs? May sound casual, but seriously, if they're willing to give infinite bombs, why not just take the extra step? Instead you just have to farm rupees and buy arrows at stores when they're available, just creates more busywork. This game honestly has way too many "oh wait, stop" moments during exploration, another one is the constant rain.

What really gets me is that A Link Between Worlds just had arrows drain your energy meter. In combat, there's almost nothing that uses stamina in this game, so I don't see why we couldn't just have basic arrows that do no extra damage that only consume stamina, with only the more powerful arrows being limited. Maybe make the bows more fragile to compensate, because unlike melee weapons, those things almost never break on me.

Its just better to sneak past all of them. Also if you need bananas that bad you can just get them in Faron.

But this is wrong. You can take down a couple of lynels and hinoxes with one late game weapon while getting a half dozen thrown at you as loot. The reason you autists are complsining about durability is you keep trying to hoard the good weapons, so youre constantly taking on strong enemies with low-damage and low-durability weapons. Use the good weapons the game gives you (e.g. elemental weapons which have extremely high durability), a good sword may do twice the damage of that crappy one and have twice or more the durability, so it'l last 4 times as long.

>you will burn through at least three royal broadswords to a Silver Lynel
How the fuck are you managing to burn through that many weapons for a stupid lynel? You know you can kill them with a stick right? A single stick mind you not an inventory full of them?

This is why I like durability. It's an effective casual filter in many ways.

>I'd enjoy combat a lot more if it weren't for the FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFUCKING LIZALFOS.
Blizzard wand. Or upgraded stasis. Easy peasy enemy, right down there with octoroks.

Prove it.

Did the Ballad of the Champions ever get released?

Late 2017, no date specified (yet)

Anyone have that webm of Link using magnesis on a metal boomerang he threw and then using it to cut down an enemy as it still spins.

You didn't read the rest did you? The assumption covers not using any attack buffs, I know you only need one sword on full durability if you go full Barbarian + 3+ Attack food. But what are your odds of having this much prep in the early game.

>he doesnt know about mounting lynels

They Sticker Star'd it.

But it is late 2017...

Mastered sneakstrike AI abuse, game is boring when using it, tedious when not

Headshot, mount and attack
Mounted attacks consume zero durability, the real issue is having enough bows and arrows on hand

Don't forget that all elements give weapons a hidden bonus to damage.

Wait, do food and armor bonuses stack? I always figured that three stacks was three stacks, regardless of where it came from, and you can't go higher than that.

How stupid are you that you dont know about lynels? You dont need attack buffs to kill them without destroying your weapon. You dont even need a good weapon. A rusty sword or even a stick is sudficient.
Btw barbarian and attack food is a terribad combo. Really really bad. Waste of armor or food. Fuck you faggots are pitiful, no wonder you keep whinging about durability you cant play the game or cant read the hints on the loading screens.

There are way more approaches to it now, I also enjoyed how there are more layers to it, ie the enemies in watch towers that can alert the others, that you have to take them down first.

The combat is a bit disappointing but there's a lot that can be done.

For a myriad of reasons all compounded on top of one another.

Really though the simplest reason is that combat in the game is basically nearly pointless. Most enemy encounters literally get you fucking nothing worthwhile and in fact are to your detriment because your weapons degrade so much.
In other Zeldas, enemies were a valuable way to restore your ammo, restore your health, gain rupees, etc. But in BotW the only thing they really do for you is drop arrows if they have a bow.

Enemy encounters are far more disparate in this game too due to the sheer size of the overworld. With the wealth of the new movement mechanics as well as shit like infinite bombs it's incredibly easy to just run past them.

Another failing of the game's combat is the actual handling. The new exploration mechanics like jumping and climbing rule, but in combat Link's movement is incredibly floaty and slow, way too much so, a far cry away from the handling in Ocarina and WW.

This one's a bit of an oddball choice but honestly I think the music has a lot to do with it. In all the other 3D Zeldas but WW, when enemies were nearby the combat music was a horrible repetitive atonal mess, but the exploration music was incredible and fun. So I think it actually feels a little rewarding to clear out enemies and restore the background music. But in BotW, killing enemies turns off what little actual music the game has and brings back near silence with random intermittent piano notes.

And finally: Only one enemy type in the game matters to kill. Guardians. The only real reward from combat is crafting materials for armors, and the best armor is the ancient set which only uses Guardian parts. Guardians require no weapons to kill, just shields. Just parry their lasers back at them and they die extra quick. Even worse is that parrying like this eats no durability on the shields so you can do this forever with no drawbacks. Why fight monsters who eat weapon durability but upgrade inferior armor?

No, except for ancient armor and damage meals. Barbarian armor doesnt stack with buffs. Ancient armor and a 5 banana meal will take out a lynel in like 8 hits late game.

i know people will think i'm baiting with this but i expected BOTW combat to be TP level or better
i mean yeah you have the weapon variety which is great but it is still press Y to win, yeah you can charge it too but that's about it, you can also do all kind of crazy shit with the weather and runes but that doesn't count as combat
and yeah, i know the combat was dumbed down to give the player less power to make the world more menacing and survival like
pic related was one of my favorite movements from TP and you have no idea how much i miss it, you cant really do much with an enemy once is on the floor in BOTW, you just wait for it to raise and Press Y again, i also miss the attack where you jump above the enemy while striking it and the sideway roll + back stab attack
there's also no difference between attacking with Z target and not, in TP and even OOT you could change the way the sword attack is dealt by using Z target, moving forward, moving sideways or staying put there was basically 4 variations

but hey at least i can still do the spin attack with a joystick circle + Y and the parrying attacks feels very nice

>Wind Waker combat
please nostalgiababby, WW's combat is wait for the parry and press A to win

The arguments used to defend the game ITT makes me want to play it less than ever. Such a pointless boring game.

What is with Link pausing to swing his sword?
Every other 3d Zelda, Link can lunge, and that moves him a tiny bit forward. It's a small but critical detail to what made the swordplay feel good.

But there's literally no reason to fight

>u can totally do this guiz
>but i wont say how just believe me its possible :)

>Such a pointless boring game

But, user. That's every game.

Even though the game gives you endless weapons, having a durability system still makes (some people) think that they are wasting weapons. It basically triggers people who focus on efficiency or collecting every weapon, like I do. I'd avoid using any of the guardian weapons just because I worried I wouldn't get more of them. By the end of the game, I had so many I only had guardian weapons in my inventory. Then I felt like it was a waste to kill Moblins with guardian weapons, but its all I had...

Another problem is, you never really know until after you've played the game the first time the rate at which you'll find new weapons. When I replay the game, I'm definitely going to just ignore saving weapons and just use them as I get them.

>still fucking waiting for all the DLC to come out so I can replay the game
Please don't do this for the next Zelda game Nintendo.

just means the combat is so shallow that weapon durability is required to spice it up. SAD

After you play for a while, you understand hynox give really good weapons, which enemies give good weapons, ways to ease the loss of durabilty by using alternate ways of damaging enemies, like shooting the lamps so they fall on top of explosive barrels and so on.

I don't remember ever running out of weapons in the game. But at first the initial amount of melee weapon slots was annoying, but that's it.

>still fucking waiting for all the DLC to come out so I can replay the game

Okay, all discussion aside, so much this.

this, also as you proceed in the game you get weapons with higher durabilty, i've had some of them for quite a while actively using them, almost forgot they break for a moment

>is it me or does the combat in the game that punishes you for fighting seem anti-fun?
I don't fucking know, you tell me.

there's literally no reason to play videogames, except to have fun

I still haven't decided if I want to try to 100% my original save or if I want to start over and 100% Master Mode when the DLC comes out

>uses a lot more than just the stick
>exploits jank AI, takes over an hour of doing the exact same thing over and over
>same as 2nd

You're only proving the point that it's much less tedious to either just use up weapons or ignore enemies entirely. None of these methods are actually worth wasting time on (unless you're making YouTube videos).

You've been to one enemy camp and you've been to them all. Rewards are almost never worth it. I skip them all the time except on rare occasions.

>I'd avoid using any of the guardian weapons just because I worried I wouldn't get more of them
Why? You can just go into the shrines and redo them

The combat is extremely basic "mash button to attack", there's variety with the weapons but no variety in how you can attack with them.

The game is pretty much a sandbox for your abilities anyway.

>except to have fun
Which involves not playing BOTW 9 out of 10 times.

that's subjective, I think BOTW is fun

>i-it doesn't count

Other then on projectiles was there ever a reason to parry?

Every time i see a screenshot of this newest zelda game, its always washed out and low contrast. Why?

Believe it or not, the actual act of playing the video game is what matters, so yeah wasting an hour on tedious shit is not a good example.

The weapons you have on you do more damage than anything most common enemies would drop. Most of your weapons usually come from combat guardians, lynels, or the occasional elite moblin/treasure chest.
Durability was bad because why waste a 40 damage weapon to kill enemies which drop 20 damage weapons. If there was an option to repair weapons with other similar weapons, there wouldn't be a problem.

>implying Switchfags even know what fun is

Actually don't the enemies in shrines reset with every Blood Moon?

I don't remember well, like I'm just waiting for the DLC, I only came back to BoTW to re-learn the controls after playing TP.

Having Heart Pieces be shrines only really hurt the game.

No fucking encouragement to go exploring.

This is not unusual for Zelda.

but the game is also on Wii U????

is it Bloodbourne and movies?

cinematic experiences are fun user, they are reserved for the most enlightened and intellectual individuals, i can't really sit down to play anything without a rich storytelling.

Then you didnt understand what you saw. You can kill a lynel with any weapon without damaging it. Even a lowly stick. Though yes doing this with a stick is a very slow very tedious affair, doing this with a royal sword is not. And at the end you still have your royal sword - with no loss in durability -plus the lynel drops.
I still cant believe you have played the game at all and not know this about lynels. Or maybe you're just being obtuse for the sake of an argument.

It sucks nuts.
Shit movesets, shit weapon variety, shit enemy variety, etc. It's barebones as fuck, 3/10 at best.

Honestly, while mounting Lynels is kinda cool and doesn't reduce weapon durability, I've always found it to be the less efficient method of fighting them. They move around so much that the only time were you should be trying to shoot them in the face is when they're charging a fireball or explosion. And as I've said earlier, I had way more trouble keeping my arrows stocked than keeping ten spare weapons on hand in case one broke.