Is it just me or is the combat in BotW basically anti-fun? For some reason I get no enjoyment out of engaging enemies...

Is it just me or is the combat in BotW basically anti-fun? For some reason I get no enjoyment out of engaging enemies. I just run past them whenever I can.

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same as in any other zelda game

its mostly because every hit hurts your weapon, so there's little reason to fight


He's not entirely wrong. I only hold my best gear for the game's tougher fights such as Lynels and bosses such as Hinox and Stone Talus.

Bombs for everything else.

Did you even play the game? The combat feels like an afterthought. You're better off stealing from hinox's, fighting the stone monsters and guardians, and avoiding everything else. At most you shock enemies so they drop a weapon you want.

I really, really wanted to see Dark Souls combat. But nope.

because there's no incentive to fight enemies

>the combat is dull so there's no incentive of fun
>every enemy you hit just means your equipment comes closer to breaking
>at a certain point you will only have good gear in your inventory and the enemies will mostly be equipped with garbage, so its essentially a net loss to engage the average bokoblin because you have everything to lose but nothing to gain

That's enough reasons right there without even mentioning the extremely lenient and gamebreaking bullet time dodge murdering whatever semblance of difficulty fights had

The combat in BOTW is awful.
The fact that there's only 3 weapon move sets just makes all the dozens of weapons meaningless.

Healing is also broken as you effectively can have 500 hearts if you grind enough ingredients and cook shit.
No limitation on the amount of cooked foods you can carry (like they did with weapons), no animation for eating and not even a fullness bar is baffling and breaks the combat even more.

so glad that BoTW is finally getting some real criticism after months of collective jizzing