Just because a game is successful, doesn't mean it's good!

>Just because a game is successful, doesn't mean it's good!

Other urls found in this thread:


buy my game then

Just because you post a wojak edit, doesnt mean you have an argument

le brainless wojak faec

That's completely correct. Your point?

So that makes Call of Duty good because it sells millions of copies every year?


>tfw can enjoy popular things
>tfw not a jaded hipster

>game has good marketing
>gets lots of people to buy it
>that must mean it's good
nice self portrait btw


Yes call of duty is good

>nice self portrait btw

Life is Strange was successful enough to get another game and it was utter garbage

Correct. So many people can't be wrong, only numale hipsters will deny this.

I mean, look at overwatch

slow down there, Tod...

Yes, a game is good because it sells millions of copies per year. Not a hard concept.

this and Something can be shit and people can still like it, and if it has good enough marketing the quality of the game won't matter as much
Obviously it still matters, but good marketing is a big part in making shit things popular
Same thing with polished turds

How popular is a McDonalds burger? How popular is a high-quality burger at a place with 3 locations in your state?

porn is popular but it isnt good

False equivalence.

Something being good and something being successful are completely separate topics.

mcdonalds is actually delicious, and the high quality place is overrated, friend :^)

The Emoji Movie got drowned in money must be good.

But the opposite of that is the brainlet, unless you think that Clash of Clans is the best strategy title of all time.

It was ok

Big Macs are unironically good. I only eat them once in a while because I don't want a heart attack, but every time I do they're incredible.

Slow the fuck down, autismo.

Ever since Marie McCrary dyed her hair porn has been worse. At least Lexi got fat.

McDonalds is orgasmic but it’s also poison


>all those people that spent $10-15 to ironically see it

makes me mad

Todd I swear to god...

>Goat simulator is good

I know you're just baiting but goddamn it mcdonalds burgers aren't even made with real meat. Just some weird meat paste that takes multiple days for your stomach to break down.

>If I think a successful game is bad, it's EVERYONE ELSE who has bad taste!

it's successful therefore good

so sauce it up fags

Thats wrong though

>porn isn't good
>posts an egregious example
>the AVNs are hosted yearly

who is your favorite pornstar? asking everybody btw

Depends what you are classifying as good. Is it a good product? Sure. But that doesn't necessarily mean it has good gameplay. Facebook games are very popular and financially successful but I doubt anyone other than brainlets would play them over even a mediocre Indy game.

Lots of people kill themselves too, guess that means you should join them, eh?

Not him but Kendall Woods is going up my ranks

All good games are successful, but not all successful games are good.

The Bubonic Plague was pretty successful but hardly anyone calls it good

>All good games are successful
Sadly mistaken.

Name 10 legitimately good games (i.e. 8/10+) that sold like shit.

this dee ee ess yue

the entire gcn library

>Just because a game is [subjective term] doesn't mean it's [subjective term].
Really gets the noggin going.

successful is an objective quality

subjectivity is defined by objectivity

Most cult classics.

>phone posters think they have an argument

>successful is an arbitrary quality.
Sucess for an indie would mean ruin for a AAA

Yes, OP. We know that's what you look like. No need to rub it in.

arbitrary does not mean objective

The Wonderful 101
Donkey Kong Country Tropical Freeze
God Hand
Vampire the Masquerade Bloodlines
Arx Fatlus
Little King Story
Mad World
Ghost Trick
Alpha Protocol
Beyond Good and Evil
Shin Megami Tensi 2

I can go all day soyboy.

Megaman Legends


Rocket: Robot on Wheels



>Character action isn't a genre that exists. They're all just action games.




But more people don't kill themselves, dumbass.


More people than what? The fuck are you even on about?

>Success is subjective
This is your brain on contrarianism

Sucess is subjective because its arbitrary.

>Game is successfull if it gains twice it budget
>Game is successful if it reaches X players
>Game is successful if it gains Z award.

cute doggo

write a definition for both genres go